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The Bread That Keeps On Giving- Amish Friendship Bread


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janelyb Enthusiast

So several friends I know are doing the amish friendship bread but there was no way of knowing if it was gluten/dairy free so I searched the web and started my own. Now everyone I have shared it with just loves it (whether they keep it Gluten-free Casein-free or not it turns out great). I've tested several variations too with different flours and not using pudding mix or using apple-sauce instead of all oil and it is awesome. The wait for the starter to ferment is the hardest part but the pay off is worth it.

I also found a recipe to make your own pudding mix out of Dari-free powder which works well....I'll start a new thread for that.

We like it best with the Enjoy Life chocolate chips!



1 tablespoon Active Dry Yeast

2 cups Warm Water -- (110 degrees)

1 cup Flour (gluten-free flour)

1 cup Sugar

1 cup Milk (or milk sub)

***To Make Bread***

1 cup Vegetable Oil or 1/2 c oil + 1/2 c applesauce

1 cup Sugar

2 cups Flour(gluten-free flour)

3 Eggs

1 small Vanilla Pudding Mix -- Instant (use as much or little as you want or none at all)

1 teaspoon Cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon Salt

1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda

1/4 teaspoon Baking Powder

1/2 cup Milk (or milk sub)

***Cinnamon Sugar***

1 cup Sugar

2 tablespoons Cinnamon


For Starter: Dissolve yeast in 1/2 cup of the warm water in a deep glass or plastic container. Stir in remaining warm water, flour and sugar.

Beat until smooth. Cover. (A large glass jar or bowl with a tight fitting lid works best for this, but a 1/2 gallon zip baggie can also be used).

Because your first batch of starter contains fresh yeast, you can skip the next set of directions and go directly to the instructions for splitting your start.

Do not refrigerate! Do not stir with a metal spoon! The starter requires 10 days for fermentation.

Day 1- Begin or receive starter Day 2- Stir with wooden spoon (or squish baggie) Day 3- Stir with wooden spoon (or squish baggie) Day 4- Stir with wooden spoon (or squish baggie) Day 5- Add 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, 1 cup milk Day 6- Stir with wooden spoon (or squish baggie) Day 7- Stir with wooden spoon (or squish baggie) Day 8- Do Nothing Day 9- Do Nothing Day 10- Add 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, 1 cup milk

Put 1 cup of starter in each of three containers. Give 2 away to friends and keep one. This will begin their Day 1.

For Bread: You will have about 1 cup of batter left (besides the 1 cup you have saved for yourself). To the remaining batter add vegetable oil, sugar, flour, baking powder, baking soda, eggs, milk, vanilla pudding mix, cinnamon, and salt. Beat until well blended. Add one cup raisins, chocolate chips or nuts, if desired.

Grease 2 loaf pans well, and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar, coating bottom well. Turn batter into pans, and sprinkle remaining cinnamon sugar onto tops of loaves. Bake at 325F degrees for one hour.

This recipe for Amish Friendship Bread Starter and Bread serves/makes 5 cups

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blueeyedmanda Community Regular

That's neat, one of my coworkers just made the real version (non gluten free) just a few months ago, the bag was laid out on a filing cabinet here.

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kbabe1968 Enthusiast

Nevermind....reread your post....my comment didn't make sense! Wow...a gluten-free Amish Bread...I'm going to have to try that! :D

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  • 1 year later...
mommacritter Newbie

this looks good! What kind of gluten free flour did you use? Would Kamut work?

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elonwy Enthusiast

Kamut isn't gluten free. :(

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Sweetfudge Community Regular

this looks great! thanks for figuring out how to make it gluten-free :)

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    • Wheatwacked
      I felt betrayed by the food I was eating,  I was angry at Agrobusiness.  Angry at myself because I blew off my son's doctor's recommendation in 1976 to go gluten free.  I was angry at the nutritional misinformation.  I actually became quite evangelistic about GFD.  My family banned me from mentioning wheat in their presence. High dose 10,000 IU Vitamin D and low dose 5 mg Lithium Orotate kept me grounded. It is not just a gluten free diet.  You also have to correct vitamin and mineral deficiencies.  Pretend like you moved to another country so you have to find new favorite foods.  There are built in deficiencies in the western diet that at times seems intentional.  Vitamin D, Choline, Iodine is deficient in the general diet.  Add in the deficiencies caused by the Celiac Disease malabsorption you suffered with unknowingly and the difficiency caused by avoiding foods.  Don;t forget the deficiencies caused by no longer eating processed gluten foods with their fortifiction.  Gluten free foods on not fortified.  You get what you eat. Oh, anger at the people and doctors who said there was nothing wrong, when I knew there was. From as early as ten years old.  Guess I showed them.  They are getting sicker and I am not.  I invite them to my 130 birthday party. Give yourself a break, you were told lies.  But let the anger turn into productivity. To quote the Grateful Dead: "What a long strange trip it's been" Your weight will stabilize at it's natural level.  I was kick sand in the face skinny as a kid.  150  pounds average through my 20's Then blew up to 185 from my 50's until I started GFD at 63. You have the oppurtunity to avoid what I suffered.  Check out old TV shows like "Ozzy and Harriet", "Leave it to Beaver", "Donna Reed Show".
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @sadiec123! A couple of questions. First, what is the biggest driver behind your food anger? Is it having to deny yourself foods that you used to enjoy or is it the social cost of needing to eat gluten free? By social cost, I mean do you feel left out or even resented by family/friends at social events or do you avoid social events because of the need to eat gluten free? Second, is the weight loss welcome or has it put you in an unhealthy physical state?
    • Wheatwacked
      Even if Gliadin G is excluded from your diagnostic standards, you still have symptoms caused by eating gluten.  Perhaps you have Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS).     NCGS is diagnosed by first eliminating Celiac Disease as the cause of your symptoms.  A Negative diagnosis for Celiac Disease.  Then showing symptom improvement while on a trial gluten free diet.  Next show the return of symptoms with return of glutin to your diet.  
    • sadiec123
      I am 22 and was diagnosed with celiac back in May 2024. It was discovered after a year worth of excruciating pain and I was in the ER 3 times within a two week span from abdominal pain that presented as appendicitis or pancreatic issues. The physical pain and discomfort took months to heal after going gluten-free ( still going) however I feel so mentally & emotionally out of touch with everything. I know having other stressors in my life can add to that of course but I lost a lot of weight because I just don't want to eat anymore. I am angry all the time with food and feel physically awful with my diet. Did/does anyone else have this experience? I am really unsure of what to do or how to go about anything even though it's just a gluten-free diet that's supposed to fix it.
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @LinneaW! Yes, we do need more information. We would need the name of the antibody test performed and we would need the range used to establish positive vs. negative. These test ranges aren't standardized yet so each lab uses it's own range. 
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