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Very Mild Dermatitis Herpetiformis Or Unrelated Rash?


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sosickofbeingsick Newbie

I have looked at pictures and it seems like dh usually has blisters... I have had this rash on my abdomen for 1 yr +, and I'm now wondering if it's related. It kind of looks like it could be a very very mild form but I dunno if it can happen without blisters... What do you guys think?


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squirmingitch Veteran

It's really hard to say. I went back & read your posts so I would have a better idea of what else is going on with you. I'm going to say that this rash could be a dh predecessor or it could be just some kind of gluten related rash. But --- from what you have described on other threads It's likely that it's dh "in the making" so to speak. And to answer your question as to dh ALWAYS having to have blisters? NO. No, dh does not always have blisters. DH has many presentations -- not just blisters. I know you're going to get tested --- if you turn up positive then it would be a sure bet this rash is just waiting to turn into something else BAD.

It certainly doesn't look like dh now. And dh is insanely itchy --- insanely!

You mentioned that you are going gluten free after the testing no matter what the tests say. Then you won't have to worry if you go gluten-free.

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sosickofbeingsick Newbie

squirmingitch, thank you very much for your response. This rash can be very itchy at times, but not always. It will be interesting to see if it goes away when I go gluten free. When I see my gi I will show him the rash and see what he thinks. Thanks :)

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    • RMJ
      I gave a caution but was hoping the research had found the range used by that lab.
    • trents
      Good catch, RMJ. I didn't read his post carefully enough to realize the said "I did some research and found". So his ranges did not come from the lab that did the testing . . . and I explained the importance of that to him in an earlier post.
    • RMJ
      Please be careful with interpretation if there wasn’t a reference range included.  The units are not absolute, so each manufacturer makes their own range.  Sometimes negative is 0-3, sometimes 0-19, from what you’ve seen sometimes 0.0 to 0.4 . . .
    • GardeningForHealth
      I thought that TgAB was actually the one linked with cancer. "Thyroglobulin antibodies are also measured regularly in the follow-up of thyroid cancer." https://www.btf-thyroid.org/thyroid-antibodies-explained Also, my sister had thyroid cancer and had to have her thyroid removed. Then what is an objective way to determine low iodine status? Is this a good, objective test? I eat sushi nori wraps weekly in my diet, as well as canned sardines or other fish or shellfish at least once weekly. The salt I eat is non-iodized pink salt.  But it looks like, according to your NIH link, I may not be getting enough iodine on a daily basis. I may need to use more iodized salt.
    • mannybilly
      from what i understood there was more that havent come in yet   
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