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    Destiny Stone
    Destiny Stone

    Home-style Drop Biscuits (Gluten-Free)

    Reviewed and edited by a celiac disease expert.
    Home-style Drop Biscuits (Gluten-Free) - Photo: CC/biskuit
    Caption: Photo: CC/biskuit

    I miss biscuits more thananything. Before going gluten-free, I loved to eat biscuits andgravy, strawberry shortcake (on homemade biscuits) and warm biscuitswith honey! There is nothing that compares with the satisfaction ofeating a warm homemade biscuit. Which is why the following recipe isso exciting. This is a recipe that can be manipulated to cater tospecific dietary restrictions-even mine! There are dairy-free,soy-free and egg-free options included. It might take a couple triesfinding the right combination for you, so spend a day making somedelicious gluten-free home-style biscuits.

    Home-style Drop Biscuits(Gluten-Free)

    Servings: 16 largebiscuits


    • 1 ½ cup brown rice flour
    • 2 cup corn starch orpotato starch or tapioca starch
    • ½ cup soy flour orsorghum flour
    • 2 teaspoons baking powder
    • 1 ¾ teaspoons salt
    • 1½ teaspoons teaspoons baking soda
    • 2 teaspoons xanthan gum
    • 1 stick of butter or gluten-free butter substitute(chilled in the freezer)
    • 1 ¼ cup soy milk 
    • 1 ¼ cup water
    • 1 tablespoon cider vinegar
    • 1 egg, beaten (or the equivalent amount ofyour favorite egg replacement)

    To Make:

    *Note: 1. If you’re not vegan or dairy free, feelfree to use 1 c. buttermilk in place of the soy milk and vinegar. Ifyou’re allergic to soy, try using your usual milk substitute andkeep the vinegar in the recipe.
    Also reduce the liquid if necessary, you don't want the batter to be too runny.

    1. Preheat your oven to 350F degrees.
    2. In a large mixing bowl thoroughly combine the flour (a fork works well for this), bakingpowder, salt, baking soda, and xanthan gum.
    3. For an easiertime working with the butter, grate the butter into the flour usingthe small holed side of a box grater. Mix the butter into the flourso that there are no large balls of grated butter.
    4. Add the soy milk, water, vinegar and beaten egg to the flourand stir until the dry and liquid ingredients are combined.
    5. Using a large spoon, drop the dough onto agreased pan to make 16 biscuits.
    6. Cook at 350F degrees for 15 minutesor until golden brown.

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    Guest Krista

    This was my first attempt at gluten free biscuits and they were excellent. I do not follow a gluten free diet but I eat a lot of whole grains and I like to experiment in the kitchen.


    I made a half-batch of these, substituting home-ground quinoa flour for the soy and used half corn starch, half tapioca flour. For the egg I used 1 Tbsp ground flax + 3 Tbsp water. I also only used 3/4 cup of soy milk for the liquid instead of 1 1/2 cup total liquid (remember, half batch).


    They were very tasty, and this is coming from a person who still eats gluten-containing biscuits. Certainly perfect for my biscuits and gravy for breakfast, using a sunflower seed gravy (try it, it's yummy).

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    Guest gayle

    Thank you for the recipe and most importantly thank you for educating your doctors. You go girl!

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    Guest Beth

    My biscuits turned out very rubbery. Don't quite know what I did wrong. I think the recipe needed about twice the butter.

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    Guest hope


    Please do not encourage people to use buttermilk or eggs as it is bad for people. This cows milk is temporarily for her beloved calf. It is not normal to expect and animal to loose her baby then suckle you her whole life. All milk has puss in it from this. In the egg factory hundreds of male baby chicks are ground up alive because the egg industry does not want them. The eggs clog the heart arteries and valves and are not good for the pancreas. Go vegan.

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    Guest Melissa

    I believe adding the chilled butter was key to making these biscuits. They were great!! I didn't change a thing. Only basted them with salted butter. Delicious!!

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    Guest gluten-free gluten-free


    Will these biscuits work without the xanthan gum? That and guar gum can upset the guts of some sensitive people.  Thanks. 

    And re: the vegan trolling above, it's kind of ungrateful to post that on someone's nice recipe.. and please don't spread falsehoods about nutrition. We can support the humane, small farms that give their chickens space to run, and we can avoid commercial operations, and protest cruelty, without giving up food our ancestors thrived on. Good eggs do not "clog your heart"--they are a perfect nutrient dense food. Dairy products are tolerated better by some than others but (raw or cultured) have been eaten to great benefit by entire peoples for thousands of years. ("Land of milk and honey" did not mean soy milk.) Veganism is a modern experiment with lovely intentions but no longitudinal data. We do know from WAPF that unfermented soy is associated with de-mineralization and thyroid problems, so please take good care with substitute foods!

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    thanks so much will try I miss my Southern Biscuits, too Can I substitute almond milk? 

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    9 hours ago, LJean said:

    thanks so much will try I miss my Southern Biscuits, too Can I substitute almond milk? 

    Just follow your family biscuit recipe and use a gluten-free blend like Pamela’s or King Arthur (there are plenty of gluten-free flours to choose from).  Use a bit less flour when measuring and you can always add more in later if the dough is too sticky.  Use milk/buttermilk if does not bother you.  I prefer butter or lard over shortening.  Roll and cut or do drop biscuits.  

    The recipes above kind of date back before gluten-free flour blends were available.  Thankfully those days are over!  

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    Destiny Stone

    I diagnosed myself for gluten intolerance after a lifetime of bizarre, seemingly unrelated afflictions. If my doctors had their way, I would have already undergone neck surgery, still be on 3 different inhalers for asthma, be vomiting daily and having chronic panic attacks. However, since eliminating gluten from my diet in May 2009, I no longer suffer from any of those things. Even with the proof in the pudding (or gluten) my doctors now want me to ingest gluten to test for celiac-no can do.

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