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    Jefferson Adams
    Jefferson Adams

    Low Bone Mineral Density in Adult Celiac Disease

    Reviewed and edited by a celiac disease expert.
    Low Bone Mineral Density in Adult Celiac Disease - Photo: CC--zeeweez
    Caption: Photo: CC--zeeweez

    Celiac.com 09/02/2013 - Most people with celiac disease are now diagnosed as adults, and many suffer from impaired bone mineralization.

    Photo: CC--zeeweezResearchers A.J Lucendo and A. García-Manzanares recently conducted a review of bone mineral density in patients with adult celiac disease.

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    Their goal was to provide an updated discussion on the relationship between low bone mineral density (BMD), osteopenia and osteoporosis, and celiac disease.

    They conducted a search of relevant articles published in PubMed over the last 15 years. They also reviewed all sources cited in the article results to identify potential sources of information.

    They found that up to 75% of celiac patients can suffer from low BMD, which can occur at any age, independently of positive serological markers and presence of digestive symptoms.

    Patients with osteoporotic issues have significantly higher rates of celiac disease.

    The team proffers two theories which may explain the origins of low BMD in celiac patients. The first says that low BMD may result from malabsorption of micronutrients (including calcium and vitamin D) determined by villous atrophy, which has has been related to secondary hyperparathyroidism and incapacity to achieve the potential bone mass peak;

    The second theory says that low BMD may result from chronic inflammation, which was also related with RANKL secretion, osteoclasts activation and increased bone resorption.

    Whatever the cause of the low BMD, people with celiac disease have more than 40% higher rates of bone fractures compared to matched non-celiac individuals.

    Treatment of low BMD in celiac disease includes gluten-free diet, supplementation of calcium and vitamin D, and the use of biphosphonates, the effects of which on celiac disease have not been specifically studied.

    Up to 75% of people with celiac disease, and 40% of those diagnosed in adulthood show low BMD, along with increased risk of bone fractures.

    This information shows the potential importance of bone density scans for adults with celiac disease.


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    Guest W.  Jackson


    Good information to know.

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    Guest Jean Mascarenhas


    Glad to know this. Used to put it down to lack of estrogen due to relatively early total hysterectomy. However Evista did not help and oral Fosamax caused havoc with my digestive system. Lost faith in all such meds. BMD deteriorated and caused lumbar stenosis. Now on Prolia and can only hope for some improvement. Dread a fracture!

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    Guest Jammy

    Depressing to know...what's the remedy? The article doesn't say.

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    Jefferson Adams

    Jefferson Adams is Celiac.com's senior writer and Digital Content Director. He earned his B.A. and M.F.A. at Arizona State University. His articles, essays, poems, stories and book reviews have appeared in numerous magazines, journals, and websites, including North American Project, Antioch Review, Caliban, Mississippi Review, Slate, and more. He is the author of more than 2,500 articles on celiac disease. His university coursework includes studies in science, scientific methodology, biology, anatomy, physiology, medicine, logic, and advanced research. He previously devised health and medical content for Colgate, Dove, Pfizer, Sharecare, Walgreens, and more. Jefferson has spoken about celiac disease to the media, including an appearance on the KQED radio show Forum, and is the editor of numerous books, including "Cereal Killers" by Scott Adams and Ron Hoggan, Ed.D.



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