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Back from Nowhere

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From Spoil-Sport to Super Woman! Tale of a Mother's Reversal!

In the beginning of my celiac journey; I expected that my biological children may also have celiac disease.  I urged for the whole family to use caution and do a trial gluten free. Because of my super-sensitivity to gluten, we created two kitchens. Now, a decade has gone by.  My 5 children grew up and flew the coop.  Not one of them has opted to be tested or go gluten free, so far as I know, although each is gluten aware more so than I would have been.  I have one child still at home.  This


1desperateladysaved in 2022

When all Else Fails: These Solved My Health Problems!

Sometimes the celiac diagnosis isn't the whole answer.  I don't want to confuse new people; it does take some months to recover, but if recovery takes more than a year, although you sense movement; I would most certainly start looking for other possible problems contributing to your symptoms. I have been there and believe I have conquered.  Here is my list of great helps: IGG/IgA sensitivity test:  This essentially helped me to be on the diet I use now as I stopped eating everything that I



Tears In The Grocery Store Again.

At the grocery store the other day, I checked out the meats. I noticed a package of turkey breast, which I use to frequently buy before I found out I had allergies to it. I absently passed on by.. I got a few feet away and stopped dead. "Wait" I told myself; I can have turkey! I turned and took a couple of steps back. Oh, right, I thought as I turned away again, but what fun are turkey nuggets without breading? I haven't had breading for months. I walked away. "But wait!" I got almonds back and



Weight Loss Mystery/don't Live By A Grain Silo!

I am going down weight loss mountain the past few months. Things are (as usual) too complicated for me to really know why. My own guess ( just now) is that I finally got the last big allergen out of my diet. . I had previously avoided all sweets except for tiny amounts of honey. Honey was something I had not considered for possible allergies, and finally realized it was the only thing left that I had had often when sick. When I pulled honey out, my weight started dropping. My other theories of t



Don't Forget The Enzymes: Because

I guess many know, but I better be up front to say that I am having allergies most likely from long-term celiac symptoms not diagnosed. At any rate I have healed my villi and had figured that I could stop taking my enzymes. I noticed the following symptoms:   More easily irritated. Overwhelmed Increasing Fatigue , Weight loss 10 lbs in a few months. (This certainly could be something else) Stool containing food fragments and capsule pieces. (At least the capsules were empty) Increased



Clash With The Doctors On My Colonoscopy Prep

I am normally a very shy person just wanting to blend in and willingly do what I am asked. However, when doctors told me that I needed to drink high fructose corn syrup, corn in my medications, and plastic (Mira lax) they had overstepped their power and I felt threatened. I swell up if I smell corn, so I knew I couldn't eat it. They dismissed my concern about this saying, "You can do it for the test." I set out to figure out a safe alternative for me to prep for my colonoscopy. This process took



Damage Assesments At 2 Years Gluten Free: Colonoscopy/endoscopy Prep

Quite possibly I suffered from celiac all of my life. I say 30+ years since I am older than that and can recall bloating and fatigue beginning undeniably at age 19 after a bout with mono-nucleosis. I have been working with my physicians to relieve my symptoms naturally and attempting to get to the roots of problems and solve them since realizing I had a gluten problem about 2 years back.   I haven't been too interested in Medical doctors for years since they could make my eczema go away, but i



Bumps In The Road: Food Intolerances

About 1 1/2 years ago I did a food antibody test to see if I could find some safe foods for me to use and any I should not use. The tests searched for Igg and IgA antibodies made by the body to combat foods that it evidently thinks are invading it. The tests showed me several surprises:   Buckwheat threatened my body the hardest! (I was already off gluten.) 49/60 foods my body interpreted as problems. Surprisingly, this left a few of my favorites which I could eat.   Since, I had so many i



The Beginning Of The End Of Celiac Reigning In My Life. Two Years Of Progress.

When I was 19 I fell ill with mononucleosis. From than on I carried what seemed like 100 lbs of fatigue on my back. I tried many natural ways to relieve and energize me. You see that I tried to take care of a large family. Yet, sometimes it seemed that it took more energy to make a meal than I got out of the meal. I felt tired, but the doctor said, "Of coarse you are, you have a big family to care for." I often taught home school, in my living room, lying on the couch. While sitting up, I fell a



Where Oh Where, Is My Tummy?

I recently started on glutamine to help to heal my leaky gut. I had been experiencing general inflammation and that is what the doctor said to do. Love it when my body gets dramatic. But, my tummy is now shrinking so fast that I don't know how to stand right. I stick out my tummy in order so that it will look "normal" to me, but I give myself a back ache pushing it out way too far. I never noticed before that I judge my posture by how my tummy looks! It looks like this is one lady that wil



Memories Of Nowhere

I say that I am back from Nowhere. Actually I existed right here. I stayed mostly in a house. Everyday I woke up in the morning and felt as exhausted as when I lay down the night before. Throughout the day I dragged my feet and used my cloudy mind to think of ways to make life seem easy again. I placed my refrigerator on cement blocks. I could reach the lower shelves that way. I couldn't squat down like my friends did, because I needed to breath!   Nowhere overtook me during a bout with mono w



Springing Into Exercise

For decades I kept improving my diet in the hope that the energy and alertness I craved would come and stay. In my desperate way I cut junk food, baked my own 100% whole grain natural bread, and even moved to a farm. Lately, I have been thinking about the desperate way I controlled my diet, while I left exercise to chance.   By chance I got quite a lot of exercise. I am a mother of 7. I help to take care of the house and get people out to their events. I believe I run the staircase about 20 ti



Here I Am, Send The Other Guy

I am not a volunteer to my current position of transitioning from a life of relishing gluten to lady that shrinks back when gluten is near. When the teacher mentioned "health" or an internal organ in elementary school, I felt weak! Sometimes, I would get dizzy and the field of vision turned black! Once a nurse came to school to take our pulses. The teacher helped some, and she tried to take mine. She couldn't find it, so she called the nurse over. The nurse found the pulse for a brief instant, b



My Family Is Recovering From My Celiac

Disclaimer: My reactions are unique and may be more than celiac, therefore not many people would need to panic they will get like reactions. The reactions aren't labeled, so I really don't know why I am having them this way. Please don't panic .   Now, My Family Believes Me!     In my illness, I would say daily. I am tired. I didn't mean that I over did it a little, but overwhelmingly tired. My family decided that nobody could say and mean that every day. One simply couldn't say they were



Thanksgiving Went Well

This year a doctor told me not to eat anywhere but home. My body is acting super-sensitive and I didn't want to rock the boat. I alerted my sister, the hostess, and my brother that I would be unable to eat at the gathering, but would eat on the way there. On the way there I enjoyed my very filling rice and beef casserole. I had planned to do a regular turkey dinner, but when I remembered I couldn't have mashed potatoes and gravy, I skipped it.   After arriving, I walked into the kitchen, s



Good News/ Bad News

I have just passed through several days of cramping, swelling, and gassiness. All of this as a result of nothing specific that I know of. Perhaps after 19 months gluten free it is just further recovery. Happily, I woke up today without the cramping and felt excellent since.   . Previous blood counts, over the passed 5 years, showed immature blood cells which tended to break easily. These have difficulty carrying oxygen. Late morning I received the happy news. Word came my blood count was nor



My Friend: Pain!

Before I diagnosis, I did not feel celiac pain. I would notice my tummy bloating, my legs swelling, and have a pregnant looking belly. I had extreme fatigue and foggy mind, but didn't realize those until it went away one day. I trudged on with these mysterious symptoms that were "All in my head." Wondering in my dreamy state if something possibly was wrong.   Now, I am 18 months (well there about) into a gluten free diet. Some mysterious way, I got some gluten. Right away I felt sharp pings in



The Advantages Of Having Celiac: For Me And For My Family

I owe a lot to celiac,   If it weren't for celiac I would eat like an American: chips, soda pop, and candy until gone, but undiagnosed celiac motivated me to cut out sweets. I learned to eat vegetables, I grew more and more motivated to learn about and use foods to nourish.   When I got married I knew how to cook hotdogs, chocolate cake, chocolate chip cookies, and scrambled eggs. Oh, I had fried chicken once and browned beef. My family would have learned careless eating habits from me



Up The Mountain, And Out Of The Fog

I began my gluten free trek in about May of 2012. I did classic gluten free for a few months and then went grain free. Last November at about 6 months gluten free I had my first nutrient absorption test. In spite of my natural, whole food, organic diet, and many supplements my nutrient levels were low. Especially the Vitamin B levels were unacceptable. I felt rundown and foggy. I dragged myself through my days, Sometimes I felt better and sometimes really bad.   I knew I had to do something mo



My Last Dentist Trip, Until The Next One.

I shouldn't be too surprised. This week (May 12) got off to an awful start. I should have maybe cancelled the dentist for this week. Still, I went off a little optimistic that I would not get lectures this time. I have been gluten free for over a year and hadn't had any cavities for several years.   The hygentist listened half sympathetically as I mentioned that I had mal-absorption (now diagnosed). Another hygentist had told me that mal-absorption could cause deposits everywhere the saliva p



From: My Thoughts On Supplements

Source: A Thought On Supplements



The Fireworks Are Flying

Onedesperatelady may need a new name! Getting giddy usually happens to me before the next dive comes. Dive after dive has come to me since I have been really battling celiac disease (mostly Undiagnosed) for 6 years! By battling, I mean spending much efforts to help my body work right, my actual plight with celiac. disease has been at least 30 years.   This time I have cause to rejoice. I feel better. I jumped out of bed this morning at 6 am, because I felt like getting up. Some nigh



The Grief Of Getting Better?!

For this post, a "smiley" with tears gushing out both sides of the face is what I needed. One would think that getting better would be nothing but happy, but I found that grief engulfed me.   For years I had lived in the fog and I knew nothing else. Then one glorious day, the fog cleared. Then the realization struck. I had lived in the fog for 25 years! Another fantastic day, I had more energy then I knew what to do with. I learned that I had lived with extreme fatigue for 25 years. During t



Backing Off. I Am To Have No More Foods That I Have Antibodies For!

Here I go again into territory I have not yet conquered. The challenge: to eat only foods, I had no measured intolerances to, for 6 weeks. These 10 good foods included 5 protein foods, 2 vegetables, and 3 fruits. The test had been for about 85 foods and of them, I had 10 left. I also may eat any food not tested.   I heard the average American only eats 12 foods over and over. For the test, I strived to take in most of the 85 items. Some I already knew I have a problem with, so I avoided them.



The Good, The Bad And The Ugly. Nutrient Test Interpretation

I learned a few things from a Functional Medicine nurse I visited with the other day.   The adrenal glands manufacture a substance called cortisol which helps the body deal with stress. On the day of my nutrient absorption test, I tested as not having the nutrients to build cortisol. My system was depressed having had to fight celiac disease for 30 years. This depressed was a physical thing. It didn't even consider any emotional trauma I was suffering. If you have celiac and are depressed, you



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