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My Day to Day Journey with Celiac Disease

Entries in this blog

Another Another Day

This morning I dont feel as good. O well. Last night was a yucky night. I had the worst worst acid/indigestion i have had in a loooooong time before bed. I also got more significant sores on the roof of my mouth and this morning i have small white bumps on my tongue. I had tea last night "yogi tea", they cant guarntee the whole gluten thing, tho they siad that they are gluten-free. They mention cross contamination or something. Had an really urgent BM this morning, feeling gassy right now, kinda



Another Day

Today I woke up and felt kinda tired, but not too bad. I was tired cause i couldnt fall asleep, i was restless. Considering that i only got 6 hrs mabey and my overactive bladder kept me up once agian, i wasnt as exhausted as i would have thought. I even hiked through the snow storm this morning to work and didnt feel too tired when i got there. My stomach was bad this morning. Really constipated this morning, it was brutally painfully. Stomach bloated and gassy and sore. Not a pleasant BM, hard



A Turning Point

Today is day 18 gluten-free. An d today i feel is the turning point day. Despite the fact that i didnt sleep well due to my f^cking over active bladder, i had more energy than yesterday. My stomach symptoms were as followed: not as much indigestion/acid, gut twisting aches after eating (pretty intense), gas, pain in lower stomach and lower chest area, quesy feeling. However over all my symptoms were marginally less. I had some pressure headaches today, not as bad tho. Right now my stomach is so



A New Day

Today I had an edoscopy for celiac. I am waiting for the results which should be in by tuesday. Yesterday night I had some chicken soup that my mom accidentally added instant powder broth to that contained a small portion of wheat products. About 1 hr after i ate i was really bloated and had gassy pains and discomfort. This morning I had a semi-diarrhea poop and followed by and uncomfortabl wormlike pencil thin poop. Usually i dont poo two days in a row but i did and they were both uncomfortable



Another Day, Gastro. Dr. Visit, Yesterday/today

Yesterday I had an app with the Gastro. Dr. He review all my blood work and other test and said they were normal, accept for a reflux present in the upper GI test. He told me I didnt look "sick" which made me feel confused and frusterated because i am "sick". I was weigthed again yesterday and weighed 94.5 lbs. I has some more energy in the morning,m although as the day preceded, i felt sicker and my enrgy ebcame less and less. I have a schedualed Upper GI biopsy tommorow to test for celiac and



Day Continued

Didnt go back to bed until 5:30, woke up at 11:00, i feel tired now becasue i didnt get enough sleep. No sense re writing how i feel emotionally. I have bad constipation this morning. Feels liek rocks in stomach...doesnt seem to be moving. I had a BM before I ate Breakfast ( homemade, gluten-free toast with almond butter and strawberries) Felt alittle sore in stomach after iate, but the symptoms subsided within 1/2 hr. My energy level today is kind of low, because i didnt sleep well. I have be



I Am Hating My Life Right Now

Its 2:15 am, i am feeling reaslly restless. My body is crying out for some activity. I feel what i call SKinny fat. I feel like I am skinny but fat at the same time. I feel soft and i wanna workout and move this doggone ( this word may have been changed by editors*) body. I cannot concentrate on my school work partially to whats going on inside me but also because the blood isnt circulating as it did when i was exercising.I feel it is somewhat crucial to move and not be a bum all day long. If on



Another (beep) Morning

This morning I didnt get out of bed until 10:30, i went to bed at 11:30, SO THERES 11 hrs of sleep. I feel like ive slept 1 hr. Before bed last night I had some banana muffin thing and peanut butter. It went down fine. My eyes feel so dry right now, like they do every morning. I havent had a BM as of yet this morning. My body felt achey this morning, but i stretched and it seemed to take the aches away. Last night after the chicken i had terrible bloating and gas. I took a Gas-X and it seemed to



I Hate This

I feel like crap more so emotionally than physically. I wish I could just stay under my covers. I hate my life, this is unfair and I feel like crying every second of the day. my energy isnt as terrible right now, but iam not expecting it to stay this way because of past experiences. try hard to stay positive is most difficult when you can really beleiev that your life is going to eventually go back to normal and that you will feel better. How the hell do you tell yourself that everything will wo



I Hate This

I feel crap ( this is not the word i wanted to use) more so emotionally than physically. I wish I could just stay under my covers. I hat my life, this is unfair and I feel like crying every second of the day. my energy is as terrible right now. I tried to make crepes but failed miserably, i had some and was disgusted with every bite, i only like the peanutbutter on them. Last night I had some banana bread and pb, didnt sit well, felt sick, went to bed though so itwasnt so bad. I dont want to go



Feeeling Worse Sooo Much Worse

I woke up this morning and literally couldnt move out of bed from exhaustion. I am sooo tired, my eyes keep closing. I got 11 hours of sleep and I feel I havent slept for weeks. I didint have a BM this morning so my stomach is sore. I had bad gas pains last night, but the have subsided somewhat. Just had a BM, tiny, absouloutly tiny.     All day my eyes have been really dry, and i had dry itchy skin too. I went to Lob.'s today and came home exhausted. I was soo tired i needed to lay down in




This morning I woke up feeling soooooo bad.....My body ached and I couldnt manage to pull myself out of bed until 10:00. I feel lathargic and depressed right now. I had an uncomfortable bowel movement this mornign that left me feeling drained. Yesterday was brutal too. The fatigue is becomingunbearbale, I almost fell asleep in the grocery store. Dinner sucked too last night, had some fish and veggies, felt like I was gonna vomit. I am doggone ( this is not my word, but the stupid editors on this



I Hate My Life, I Want To Move On And Feel Better.

This morning I woke up feeling slightly tired but not too bad. I did a few stretches to help wake my body up. I had an ok bowel movement after waking, which was a suprise because i havent done that in a while. I was actual "hungry" this morning, so i take that as a good sign. I had rice toast with eggwhite, becel and strawberries. I feel bad right now. After I eat I get horrible head aches, liek someone is squeezing my head together. My eyes hurt too. I am very exhausted right now, which happen



Its Been 1 Week On gluten-free Diet

I have been on the gluten free diet for 1 week now. Overall my symptoms are slightly less severe, but still hard to deal with. My appetite for food has become almost not existant. Nothing is appetizing. I feel ill after eating still, yet definatly not as horrible as 1 week ago, while still eating Gluten foods. My most horrible symptom right now is horrible pressure headaches after eating, expecially in the evenings. My energy really dips after eating. If my energy is low before eating, I feel e



Short Entry

Yesterday wasnt such a horrible day after all! I think iam starting to feel better day by day on the gluten-free diet! I hope i feel alittle better today and each day. knock on wood. (knock, knock). I dont feel as bad as yesterday, all symptoms less severe. I will report back as the day goes on.   Lemonade



Another Entry

Yesterday was a bad day. I had horrible digesting problems. Indigestion and pain in my stomach. I always feel awful after eating but yesterday i felt worse after I ate. I ate soem chicken and salad and about 1/2 hour later I almost doubled over in pain. The pain was like someone was pulling my intestines and pour hot vinegar on open wounds. The pain was sharp achey and "raw". It was really bad. However, I do not think I was glutened. I think it was just my body trying to digest the food. I d



First Entry, Symptoms, Feelings, Frusterations,etc

Hi,   This is my first entry.   I planned that yesterday was gonna be my first entry but, I felt so bad that i could barely type. I was sooo exhausted and I ached in every bone and muslce on my body. It was kinda scary not being able to get out of bed due to sheer exhaustion. I believe I was GLUTENED!!!!!   The day before yesterday, i felt alittle different, not better just different. It was my first day on a gluten free diet. My energy was and still is low but it seemed different two



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