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Alcoholic Cheer

If ever I think I need some cheer, What I wouldn't give for an ice cold beer,   If i ever think I need to feel fine, It's alright I'll have a few glasses of wine,   But if I ever think that won't make me thin, it's okay I'll just drink a bottle of gin.   I'm not an alcoholic I promise, okay? But I need something stronger than coffee to start the day.



A Little Poem :)

Dear family and friends, if over I come, For a holiday visit, at your welcome, And we're seated 'round your lovely table, Please understand why I'm not able, To eat your many beautiful dishes, Despite your insistent, most earnest wishes. These dishes show your work and cheer, Some only made once a year, You must surely slave, hard and long, Over the oven, whistling your song, No doubt your recipes take many an hour, The finest ingredients, the best of flour. I really don't want, to p



I Just Came To Say Hello

So very recently I found out I have a gluten allergy and I'm already being mocked for it.   I'm being mocked for something my body has done of which I have no control over. In what world should that be right?   Anyway I don't feel like I should start venting yet but finding people on here a similar age to me (I'm 18) who can help me as a newcomer to the goodbyegluten club would be brilliant.   Do you want to know about me? If you don't I'd stop reading now.   So my name is Jordan I'm 18



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