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Daily little things that happen, and how I deal with life in general as a super sensitive celiac with a broken body and a limited diet. Along with my daily blunt and broken thought processes.

Entries in this blog

Latest Labs

And my last copy of lab results from 7/31/17 .....ugg numbers make so little sense to me. THEY just got them to me and my medicaid is out...so the doctor will not explain them to me. SEDIMENTATION RATE-WESTERGREN     5     0-15     MM/HR         Final     01 FERRITIN, SERUM     6     30-400     NG/ML     Below Low Normal     Final     01 FOLATE (FOLIC ACID), SERUM     >20.0     >3.0     NG/ML         Final     01 Iron and TIBC IRON BIND.CAP.(TIBC)     436     250-450     UG



August Updates and thoughts

Well the icecream machine for the business broke and is leaking Freon, company will not honor the warranty and I am screwed again by life trying to make money My infection in above my tooth started responding to upped dosage of antibiotics and was brought back under control, but then after 7 months of antibiotic use....I got a candida outbreak in my large intestine it seems, started about mid July noticing new food intolerance issues like lettuce, asparagus, Brussels, even xylitol started c



July Thoughts and Updates

Well I got a type of icecream machine, it is a rolled ice maker. I am looking at marketing it at the local farmers market starting next week. My base is dairy free, blend of almond milk, coconut full fat canned milk, maple syrup, and LorAnn Icecream flavors. Toppings and filling to chop into it include Enjoy Life Cookies, My own baked goods, Lets go Gluten Free Sugar Cones for stuff to put in it crushed almonds, nuts, and I found this whipped topping Open Original Shared Link In focus group



Thoughts for june

So considering a icecream machine for setting up at the market for awhile and doing catering, I tried a softserve machine and fell in love with the idea. But now after failing to raise the money for it and considering more issues with pros and cons I am opting to something a tad different. Biggest issues with the soft serve machine, the freezing cylinder has to have mix it to run properly, which leads to waste. And second it it limited to 1 flavor at a time in large batches at that. The benefits



Life is great and NEW business venture

Since my new diet change due to the UC and complete keto I feel great so much energy and a clear mind. I started working on a new business idea, I have always dreamed of the culinary arts and doing a full on kitchen or restaurant. But made due to the cottage home bakery and selling Artisan Almond butters and baked goods at the farmers markets.  I wish to expand to full on kitchen, I have a bunch of savory breads and dishes down now, and have a full on menu list with rotating cuisines for a food



Paleo/Ketogenic diet

Since my updated diagnosis, I have pretty much stopped all fruit, lowered my starchy veggie intake, and moved to a ketogenic diet. I am going in and out of it, finding getting a glucose monitor and checking my sugars helps a bit with understanding my moods a bit more and what to eat for snacks.   The ketosis thing is causing some odd issues, constipation, lower magnesium and calcium levels, needing to drink more liquid, Leg cramps in the mornings. Up side I can not sit still I feel like I got to



Been awhile few things

Been updated on my bleeding and bloody stools as ulcerative colitis and IBS, So I started looking at eating a anti inflammatory diet to realize....I already am (link provided at bottom). This disease is treated the mostly with diet, looks like already on it also with my gluten free, and diary free issues. But it does have a new one, no fructose. Well I have always have a problem with fruits, sugar, starches, and carbs. They always caused bloating, distention, and either D or C depending, so now



Finally Expanding gluten-free Bakery with a mobile kitchen/trailer

I have for a long time considered expanding my gluten-free bakery from a cottage home bakery to one where I can sell my snacks, baked goods, and almond butter at other venues and start shipping orders. Pretty much everything is in place aside from having a separate cooking area from my huge home kitchen to make the stuff in. And Finally I worked it out, comes out much cheaper and I found a brand new trailer with a full kitchen set up and concession selling window for under $15k locally. I just n



My Recipes Got Featured in GERBS News letter

I had two of my most recent recipes featured in the newest GERBs Allergen Friendly Foods News Letter my Parmesan Substitute and my Sweet Hemp Pesto    



Thoughts on a Star Trek Episode

As a adult I have started re watching all the Star Trek Episodes, Most from the Original, TNG, DS9 episodes all cover interesting issues and different takes on issues with humanity from a different point of view and perspective. I have found this to be very intriguing to say the least. Anyway I finally got around to re watching the original and am on the second season. I found something interesting with the tribbles episode. The way the new wheat/rye hybrid grain was infected with a virus that b



Tried Carbs Again

So I tried to eat some carbs again and started with a half cup of black beans. Well seems after eating just fats, protein and very small amounts of carbs from vegetables my body does not know what to do with carbs. I lost 3lbs of weight from waking up on a empty stomach and eating them with my 8 egg omelette, then eating a chopped salad with eggs, hemp seeds, almonds in it for lunch then weighed in at my afternoon snack time weighing 4lbs less then I would normally at that time and 3 lbs less th



Why did She have sorghum flour?

I recall back when I was in denial of having celiacs years ago. I was at my grandmas and she had a old container of flour. I tried a bit of it on a whim, had a earthly flavor tad deep and off and I assumed it was old flour from god knows when. But I did not have a reaction to it, this made me think perhaps it was not gluten but the other crap they put in flours now day. But I kept having gluten reactions and eventually gave up and took about a year before I learned what that stuff was. I was lat



Treating myself

I have broken down and gotten a ice cream machine in the past 4 months and a bunch of lor ann oils ice cream flavorings. I found making a protein pudding mix flavoring it and loading it in for a after dinner bowl to make me pure pleasure and not care about breads/carbs.     I normally start with a almond milk base, add a fat like almond butter, coconut flour, a sweetener like swerve or xylitol, and a heating it up and mixing in a thickening agent like fruit pectin, knoxx gelatin, chia seeds, or



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