As I have been struggling with health issues for nearly 6 years, I have lost and gained hope so many different times. My chronic states of malnutrition and starvation have taken quite a toll on my body. I suffer from chronic pancreatitis, a heart condition that leaves me with dangerously LOW blood pressure and a likeliness of fainting, my adrenal glands are insufficient, my liver damaged and my thyroid underactive. Through it all I have had several extended hospitalizations, depression and hope.
For me, it's not just gluten! I have adverse digestive responses to yeast, vinegar and dairy as well. For 5 years I have been living a life free of these "toxins" to my body. It is quite challenging to avoid both the gluten & yeast (they so often come hand in hand). Most gluten free breads, pretzels and crackers have yeast! In honesty, they feeding tube has made "eating" much easier. However, my wish is to begin to eat, again, and get off this tube (currently I am identified as a "lifetime"