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just me trying to figure out celiac disease, ra and hypo and still maintain my sanity :)

Entries in this blog

December 2008

What a busy summer! I've done very well at staying wheat free. I haven't lost much weight, which is disappointing, but I do feel pretty good. I now carry an epi-pen in case I get into any wheat. I'm looking for some good pumpkin pie recipes, pumpkin cheesecake, blueberry pie, etc. I have found some but they aren't all that good. I'd also like a good gluten-free pasta but so far I don't like any of them, same with bread...it feels like you have a brick in your stomach after eating those!



Feeling Better This Morning

after Sunday's contamination, I'm feeling better this morning. My stomach doesn't feel nearly as bloated. I do still have some back pain from swelling and all but it's not as bad as yesterday. I had a protein shake this morning and put a pork roast in the crock pot for dinner tonight. I'm in a starchy mood so I know I have to be extremely careful today. I'm going to the store soon, I will look for lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to help feel me up for the day. I get into trouble even i



May 25, 2008 Simple Insights

I posted this on another forum but felt I needed it here to always remind me of how simple my diet can and should be and how much better I feel if I will follow this:   here's where I'm at at this point:   1. grains of all kinds cause inflammation and pain FOR ME   2. red meat, pork, too much chicken (more than once or twice a week) cause inflammation and pain FOR ME   3. all dairy, ESPECIALLY CHEESE (which I love too..) cause pain and inflammation for me   4. chocolate..same as above



Start Feeling Great, Then I Get Stupid

I had a not so nice little scare tonight. I was really hungry so I grabbed a couple of crackers. WHOA! I started getting a knot in between my nose and throat, my right ear felt like it was going to explode from pressure, I had immediate flood of sinus drainage and rapid heart rate. Most the symptoms are lessening except the drainage and I still have a bit of a knot in between the nose and throat area.   Ok, do I really have to go thru this again to realize wheat is as serious as peanuts to my



Carrot Cake Muffins!

Bread of Life Gluten Free Carrot Cake Muffins are delicious! I cut it in half, warmed 1/2 for 30 seconds and put butter on it and served with hot spiced tea. Oh my gosh it was so good I wanted to eat the other 1/2! I'm glad I didn't cuz now I can have it for breakfast tomorrow. I had some gluten on Christmas and the day after   Yesterday was very good 100% no gluten and so was today. I just about grabbed something yesterday and husband actually caught that it had gluten (yeah!) I m



Bad Food This Evening?

ugh, feel awful this evening. I've been fighting a sore throat for two or three days and have a bit of a cough. We went out to a movie this afternoon (Enchanted, cute) and I ate a little popcorn, then we went to a new Hong Kong Buffet. OMG, my stomach is so upset and I can clear a room with no effort   I don't know if it was only the carbs or if there was wheat in the food. I tried to eat things without the sauces and stick to vegetables and unbreaded meats but there HAD to be something there



Foods I Can Not Handle

this is to update my "discoveries" this last month or so. I definitely can not handle milk or cheese. Cottage cheese doesn't seem to bother me though. I can NOT handle potatoes at all. The pain in my back and the bloating in my upper left rib and back area is horrible. I, of course, can not handle wheat at all. And carbonated beverages are out.   So, the bad food list is this:   gluten milk cheese potatoes carbonated beverages   I'm not sure about corn....still testing that on



October 9, 2007 Hubby Goes In For Testing

hubby is getting a colonoscopy and endoscopy? so they can check for everything. He's been having trouble still and didn't heed their wheat-free advice a few years ago so he gets to go thru the process all over again.   I'm doing really well now. Got glutened on Sunday and went thru digestive hell all day but it's much better today. Yesterday I ate straight protein and vegetables and that is so much easier on my body. I even feel like I lost a little weight! I did have a protein shake th



October 05, 2007

well, I'm back after a very long summer and fall. Ok, it's technically still fall but it feels like it should be way past at this point. I was able to go on vacation for a couple of weeks. Went camping so it was easy to control diet. My problem came when we got home and son got an acting job 70 miles away. We traveled every day for two months and did a lot of eating out. Needless to say I've put on a little weight (although I had lost 20 this spring and summer and only gained 3 back) and



July 01, 2007

wow, I'm losing weight finally! I'm down to 166 from a prednisone high of 186. I want 40 more at least.   We bought a camper The day after we bought it we took it out for a test run. Very successful. It's so nice because we can vacation and I can cook and control the food now. DH still goes out and gets his bread and claims a little won't hurt him. I can't get him to understand that he needs to not eat ANY of it.   Next week we leave for a long Colorado vacation. I'm not taking an



June 05, 2007 Feeling Good!

Schedule has been SO full! Son performed in Much Ado about Nothing, Guys and Dolls, and The Great Plains Theatre Conference. He's now in rehearsals for Love's Labour's Lost. Lots of eating out and no exercise. I have lost 15 pounds now since March 23! I'm no longer on prednisone which certainly helps. I am doing really well with eating fruits and vegetables with a little almond butter and as of today, flaxseed.   I start vocal lessons next week and can't wait! I miss singing so much



April 19, 2007. March 23 Was Critical And Pivotal For Me

The week containing March 23rd will be a week I'm eternally grateful for. All week we were running back and forth for Full Monty performances and Much Ado rehearsals. I did not stay on my gluten free diet. I also noticed I was having breathing problems, similar but not as severe as, my peanut allergy reaction. By cast party Friday night, I was so tired I really didn't care what was served. I tried to be careful though, picking out dips and corn chips, fruits, meats and things without brea



March 27, 2007 Feeling Good!

Even though the weather is changing with a rain storm coming in, I'm feeling really good! My joints don't hurt at all and I feel energetic, and this is a day after my mtx!! I would like to get all the pasta out of the house but hubby likes it. It's not really fair to deny him just because I can't have it. I feel like I'm losing a little weight but my scale is unavailable at the moment. The one thing i hate though is i have prednisone waist. I always had a smaller waist but it's really u



March 25, 2007 The Full Monty Is Over :(

I am soooo tired. It's been 2 solid months of driving 160 miles every day. The play was great but everyone involved is exhausted. Now we have to get thru Much Ado About Nothing and THEN we rest!   Tomorrow I don't have to go anywhere!!!   The last few days I've had some problems with breathing. I felt like I do when I am around peanut dust or other peanut products. I then realized my wheat problem is the cause. I'd had two bites of pizza at a cast part Friday night and I could have swo



February 18, 2007

What a month! Son is now in two major theater productions and rehearsals nearly every night. We got stranded for several days out of town because of snow and ice. I had a terrible time staying gluten free and one day said to heck with it. Of course now I've been constipated since Wednesday, feel bloated and stuffy, moody too.   The family got into a conversation last night about expressing emotions. Hubby said none of the guys he ran around with growing up expressed emotions. Son and



February 01,2007

Another month gone by so quickly! I can hardly keep up. Traveling with food is going ok. I've been making some hot dishes since it's so cold. I made chili tonight and for some reason it was really flat tasting. I made it like I always do but it needed more umph tonight. I'm a little tired (already ) of coming home at 11:30 or midnight and having to clean the thermos and ice chest out. It makes the day seem extra long to have to do chores that late. I think Sunday or Monday, whenever



January 29, 2007

What a busy weekend! I feel like resting today but it's another travel day. I need to get some traveling dinner ideas so I can pack a meal that ds will eat before rehearsals. He is not cooperating with a gluten-free diet so husband and I decided we need to totally clean out the house and all of us will be gluten-free. I was shocked by that! I don't know how long that will last to be honest.   I suggested to ds that he get some lunch meats and cheeses, along with raw vegetables and pack



January 28,2007 Rant Warning

I'm on a couple of boards now that has bickering going on because of "celebrity spokepersons". I don't get it. Why do we need a celebrity to validate what we have? Does it make the disease any more real? No. Does it make it "ok" to have? no. It might make it the flavor of the month disease which we don't need. I truly don't get why people think it's such a grand thing to have a celebrity vocalize their disease. It doesn't change my life or my disease if celebrity 'X' has it. It doesn't m



January 27, 2007

Today is a big day. Son has Shakespeare auditions and a talent contest tonight. I would be so nervous and he's goofing around like it's another average day....I guess for him it is. He's really into this entertainment field.   I had a horrendous night Thursday night. I had the most massive RA pain that I've ever had in my two years of this disease. I'm not sure what triggered it but I'm suspecting a hamburger and diet Dr. Pepper. I haven't had red meat or carbonated beverages in a long t



January 23,2007

I found out the dizziness wasn't from being glutened. I KNEW I'd been extremely careful! It's from my RA medicine. That's one of the top side effects, that and diarrhea   I'm feeling very good this morning, husband said I'm "buzzing". I feel that way when I'm completely gluten free. I have so much energy it's annoying! It's pretty sad when I start laundry at 7 in the morning. I hate doing laundry. I had to have something to do though. I'm sure it will hit me around 10 am and I'll n



January 21, 2007

son got his call today, not only did he get a part in the play, he got 3 parts! Tomorrow we start "the drive".   We got around 7 inches of snow today. It's one of the prettier snows we've had in years. It's not dreadfully cold either, it's one of those snows that you want to go out and walk in it.   I must have been glutened cuz I've been having those weird dizzy spells in the top of my head today. I used to get those quite a bit before gluten-free. I don't know where on earth I wou



January 17, 2007

Well, we're gearing up for a busy spring. Son just got a call-back from the theater. He'll be in at least two if not three big productions this spring. This means about 150-160 miles driven every single day from now until late April.   I'm doing well with my diet but I'm a little under the weather. I don't have the stuff everyone else is fighting but I do have a sinus infection. It's mostly bothersome because it's settled in my ears and my hearing is off a bit. I'm taking z-pack for a



January 10, 2007, Calm Before The Storm

Today the temperatures in the 50's. The forecast is for ice Friday and snow Saturday. That wouldn't be bad except I have to drive 160 miles + on Saturday. The wind is very strong today and that is making Abby (long-haired miniature dachshund) very nervous. She paces and growls and then crawls on our laps and shivers from nerves, then paces and growls some more.   I still haven't gotten sick (yea!) Everyone around me has been sick or is sick. I'm doing all I can to stay healthy, washing



January 07, 2007

Everyone is sick here but me! Hubby has tummy troubles and headcold, son has the headcold. I'm stuffed-up but no big deal. I think I'm avoiding this so far because my system is so much stronger, even with the dmards. My diet has been really good, my energy is better, my mood is definitely better. I sleep more soundly and wake rested. Everything seems to be processing thru my system better too. I know this is odd but I've noticed my hair color is brighter and shinier. I haven't changed s



January 3, 2007

I'm feeling very good. DH has been so wonderful about my diet now that he understands some of the consequences. That makes it much easier to cook and have him suggest meals. I have been cooking two meals the last couple of nights because h and s wanted things that had wheat in them. They haven't hassled me about eating "their" meal at all. H went to the store the other night and bought some deli fried chicken and bought me my own roasted chicken that he thoroughly checked the ingredients.



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