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just me trying to figure out celiac disease, ra and hypo and still maintain my sanity :)

Entries in this blog

January 1, 2007

Today was nice and laid back. Last nights soy sauce left no ill will on the day and today's eating has been great. I started my low carb diet again today, I've been eating too many fruits lately, and I feel good tonight.   I've had cheese, cucumbers, red peppers, roasted chicken, some gluten-free sausage, lots of tea, green beans with bacon and onion. Other than being dizzy from the mtx, I feel very good tonight. I'd love to exercise but should probably wait until I'm not so dizzy.   I



New Year's Eve

Well, today I am 44. It's been a quiet birthday. We've had maybe 3 inches of snow and it's really cold. Dh and Ds got me 1/2 season of Center Ice which will kick in January 8. I'm looking forward to that. I also got a Loreena McKennett celiac disease and a nintendo ds game, tombraider. Brother #1 called to wish me a happy birthday but then we got to discussing brother #2. Seems b2 is still mad about something that happened when Dad died but still isn't telling me about it, he's just whini



December 28, 2006

I am feeling good today! I started the day with a fruit smoothie, lunch was some leftover shrimp (no seasonings ) that I had made into a stir-fry last night. Snack was almond butter and dinner is going to be baked potato and not sure what protein. I have no stomach pains today, no depression or anxiety. I threw away the shrimp seasoning. That's the only thing I can figure that was getting me.   I've had a very productive day. I vacuumed, then steam-cleaned my carpet. I've done 7 lo



December 27, 2006

Another very bad night. I'm going to check the shrimp seasoning I use, I thought it was gluten-free but I'm questioning that. I had shrimp and a baked potato last night and was miserable. Hubby was in the room and heard the gurgling and all and I think finally understands what it does to me. I'm going to double check the seasonings and write to the company. I can't handle these events much more.   On a good note, I found some great sales yesterday. I don't normally shop on the 26th bu



Merry Christmas!

What a great Christmas! My Mother in law was so sweet and bought some really great Christmas gadgets. She got us a black and decker jar lid opener. What a help! There are days when I can't even open a bottle of water to drink so this is a real treasure. She also got us a hot water heater that heats two or three cups of water at a time. I think she saw me struggling to lift my tea kettle and took mercy on me. She also got us a bacon barn. It's a great little setup to microwave bacon with



December 24, 2006

SO glad to be back home! Visiting family is nice but it's nothing like being home. Everyone was really great about my diet. I didn't have to cook separately or anything! We stopped along the way and got fresh vegetables and fruits for Christmas. We plan on juicing quite a bit tomorrow and just take it easy. My stomach is doing well (yea!). I'm so tired though so this entry will be short. One note though; my mom saw a news special on celiac and how serious it is. That changed her whole



Leaving For Christmas: December 18, 2006

I've been having some anxiety today, don't know if it's due to the gluten or what. A friend of mine was killed Sunday night on the way back from her family Christmas. A woman in another car crossed the center line and hit them head on. Deb was killed instantly and the woman and her husband in the other car were killed. Deb's husband is in very critical condition. Why do all the good ones die? A couple months ago another friend died suddenly. It's so unreal. My heart breaks for Deb's chil



December 15, 2006

I'm not feeling so good today. Stomach is very gurgly, churning, I'm bloated, my jeans are sooooo tight today! I"m foggy brained, sinus crud, fatigued and did I mention bloated? Hmmm, sounds like I got glutened! I have been so careful too. I can't seem to get ahead for falling behind lately.   well, today so far I've had an apple, almond butter and raisins.   I made some guacomole for lunch   I'm making shrimp for dinner.   My stomach is a little hungry right now but my abdo



December 09, 2006

ahhhh, temperatures in the 50's today! It was great! Son had to work theater so we spent the day in the 'big city'. I walked sooo much, I'm pretty tired tonight. I'm trying to find a stand for my tv in the bedroom. It's not a big tv but it's big enough to need something solid under it. I found some antique stores, which were great, but didn't have quite what I wanted. There was a wardrobe that would work but for some reason I just couldn't bring myself to get it. Something about it both



December 06, 2006

Feelin' good today! I had a small bout of gurgling on the right side earlier in the day and wondered for a while if I was going to have some latent problem from Saturday's binge but it settled down and it's been a good day. I had shrimp and corn for lunch and then two juice smoothies later today. Tonight I"m feeling very good. My joints are feeling great! yahoo! I've slept very well the last two nights, tummy is feeling settled and all is right with the world (ok, my small little world but



December 05, 2006

I am feeling worlds better today. I slept very hard last night with no tummy troubles at all. I am very stiff today which I'm getting real tired of, but as far as stomach, mental, etc., I'm doing very well.   I need to do some Christmas shopping for hubby today, who btw still is nagging me that "a little wheat isn't going to hurt you". I can not get him to understand that, yes, it does hurt me. He thinks if I eat 1/2 a tortilla as opposed to the whole thing that it's ok, or if I eat br




today is going better. I still have occasional pain in the right side but it's not too bad. Stools are much softer and easier to pass. Very slight blood today. I finally feel like the severe constipation is leaving. So much so that I almost feel empty and light headed. I hadn't realized how constipated and bloated I'd been feeling until now that it's getting better. I don't have anxiety this afternoon but do have stiff joints and my back muscles are still very painful. I had some egg, sa



December 04, 2006

ahhhh, I think the worst has passed. It was not a very pleasant night but I finally got some good hard sleep. My stomach is a little tender this morning but not bad. I don't have all the anxiety and depression either this morning. I drank a low carb slimfast so I could take my medicines but I dont' want to push it too much with food. I'm making ham and beans for dinner tonight, don't know what lunch will be but I know I will be careful! I'm going to drink a lot of fluids to help, dont'



Ann: Read This If You Are Ever Tempted!

Ok, BIG note to myself:   DO NOT EAT GLUTEN EVER AGAIN!   geez, I'm so uncomfortable tonight. My stomach is so trembly, crampy, tender feeling. I had a softer stool, which was nice, but was accompanied by more blood than usual. Typical from my wheat eating days. It feels like I have an anal fissure again because of this. My muscles in my back are killing me to the point of feeling sick. My sinus' have let loose and are draining like crazy, my eyes burn, my lips feel like they're on fi



December 3, 2006

Much better day today. I have had the anxieties associated with gluten exposure but my tummy is feeling a little better. I have inward tremblings and definite muscle clenching. I also feel a little bloated and constipated but I'm eating very well today so that should disappear soon. I had fish, shrimp and a huge salad for lunch and dinner tonight is shrimp fajitas minus the tortillas. I'm also drinking a lot of fluids to help flush the system. Today I cut my prednisone in half and wil



December 02, 2006

I've been so busy the last few months. Son has been busy acting and that means a lot of road travel to and from rehearsals and performances. I was doing good on diet but today ate very stupidly. It was so cold, we went to Star City Parade and FROZE! Afterwards we just wanted something warm so we went to Buzzard Billy's and I got shrimp fettucine alfredo, with bread and butter. Delicious. It was so good. However, (you had to see it coming!), I've been sick all afternoon with sharp pains, i



June 21, 2006

I'm doing well lately. I've been on the road so much and it is hard to eat well when eating out. I am finding that if I stick to the same restaurants, the waiters and waitresses are all getting to know me and know I don't eat gluten. I eat a lot of seafood and salads. I got a cortisone shot in my knee in April and that helps to be able to exercise. I find that the more I exercise strenuously, the better I feel. I eat better then as well. It's been hard with ds' birthday and the upcoming a



April 10, 2006

Wow, time has gone fast. I had no idea it had been so long since my last entry. Diet has not gone well this month. I've had some side effects of prednisone and I felt terrible and didn't really care what I ate. I'm paying for it now.   I'm off prednisone now and my appetite has all but vanished. It's all I can do to eat one meal a day. Yesterday that's all I did. Because of eating gluten, my joints are horribly stiff, sore and swollen. I just keep going in a circle, I do well, get t



March 03, 2006

uncle had massive heart attack today..his daughter is one of the cousins who found the celiac in the family. wonder if his heart attack was from years of damage to his system. he's not that old.   my rheumy appt. went much better yesterday. he still refuses to believe that diet has anything to do with it but I know better lots of vegetables and fruits lately have been good for me.



February 12, 2006

Feeling really good lately. I've stayed away from wheat and all its derivatives and it's making a huge difference. I'm able to exercise more and sleep better. Everything is going well. yea!



January 16, 2006. Day One Again.

dang. I had gluten last night. That really aggravates me not only for my intestines but for my RA. Now I have to start all over with today as Day One.   Today is a strict vegan, gluten-free day!



January 15, 2006

constipation is getting a little better, no bleeding today! I'm still eating vegetarian. It helps with both gluten and RA. I've been eating a lot of raw foods lately, fruits, including figs, dates, raisins, bananas, and lots of carrots, cucumbers, celery. I'm still very fatigued this week. I got the ok to lower my MTX to 6 a week instead of 7. PA said I was having a bad reaction to that high of a dose. She also thinks I'm anemic so I'm going in the first week of February for a blood tes



January 11, 2006

yesterday turned out well. I had rice, carrots and cucumbers for dinner last night. Today I have a really bad headache, probably gluten withdrawal. I did a full qigong workout last night, felt wonderful. Today son starts his drama class for the semester so we'll be traveling and eating out. I'm going to take him to Hu Hot, they have an allergy sheet you can get that tells what has wheat, peanuts and other allergens in their foods and sauces. I'm also going grocery shopping tonight for



January 10, 2006

full day 2 without gluten. Feeling better on that front, I've been eating a lot of fresh vegetables and lean meats, pecans, raisins and prunes. My increase in mtx. is awful, I feel drugged again this week and can hardly stay awake and when I sleep, I have a terrible time waking up.   I thought about ordering a pizza for an easy dinner...duh. It's so easy to have gluten and not even think about it. I have to be much more diligent.



January 09, 2006

I'm feeling better this morning. I still had some pain in the right side area last night but I slept very well and don't feel as fuzzy minded this morning. Today is my MTX day so that will change   I don't have a clue what I want to eat for breakfast. I'm not even hungry but I have to eat to take my meds. If I can still function after that I think son and I will go to the zoo. It's cold so there shouldn't be too many people there; we can take our time at the exhibits and do some school



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