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Trials, Tribulations, and Revelations from a new celiac

Entries in this blog

List: What And Where Have I Been Eating Lately?

I blog regularly, but not on this site much anymore. I liked this site because it is mostly celiacs, so I will occasionally post here, but no pics for this site. I've been diagnosed since 2005, so here is WHAT I've been eating lately:     Trader Joe's gluten free boxed mac n cheese (the ONLY one I'll eat) Gluten Freeda's gluten free ice cream sandwiches (new flavor: Cherry Cheesecake) (Whole Foods) Amy's frozen Gluten Free Burritos (I heat these on my own plate, covered in the work micro



I Want Candy!- Gluten Free Valentine Kinds

Don't be a downer. St. Valentine's Day is not a Hallmark Holiday. This holiday has a sociological value and psycho-emotional value of lifting the winter doldrums and inspiring people to be romantic, thoughtful, and profess their love. Plus, there's the candy! Open Original Shared Link candy is almost all gluten free. I'd observe and ask about cross-contamination, but I'm planning on getting some! My faves are trinidads, turtles, and carmallows. Open Original Shared Link is Celiac Family's



Halloween Party & Thanksgiving Planning

To see what I'm planning to cook for Thanksgiving this year, with links to recipes, click Open Original Shared Link. I got ideas from magazines as well as from the Gluten Free Expo in Norcross, GA, last weekend.     I'm throwing my first Halloween Party, and these are the gluten free Halloween snacks I'm serving: Chocolate tombstones and witches fingers I'm making from molds where you melt and put food coloring in the chocolate to paint different parts of the design various colors. Gumm



Get Over Yourself, Rachael Ray!

All I can say about the Rachael Ray Cookbook, 365 and No Repeats! (written in a slang-laden, simplicity-encouraging, style that caters (pardon the pun) to User-Friendliness), is that RR has forgotten a few things now that she's ubiquitously uber famous: We don't have sous chefs to chop, dice, and julienne everything, so it doesn't take only 35 minutes prep for us- that timing planner box is WAY off! We don't have people to handwash 3 pots, a pan, and a Baking Dish for one meal After we just



Gluten Free Rice Krispies Treats, Camping, And Other Tidbits

I made the gluten free Rice Krispies Treats and my friend and fellow blogger, Katja, made her own souped up version. Read more about what we made and view pictures Open Original Shared Link. I also wrote what happened when I brought them to the potluck. Since Marines don't always get to use their leave (vacation days), instead of taking a vacation this year, I visited family on three separate weekends in June, July, and August: FAMILY REUNION: Met my friend and former teaching colleague f



Gluten Free Living, Southern Style!

New Digs! Southern hospitality is alive and well in Atlanta: neighborhood barbeques, strangers who chat and wave, and amazing food everywhere! We've been officially "peached". The peach jam, peach salsa, and peaches are all fabulous, but here's what else I've been dining on (while maintaining the ten pound weight loss I just achieved): <b>Gluten Free Shopping List: The Super Target</b> here has several gluten free products like my favorite Glutino chocolate peanut granola bars



Free Sampler Box Of Gluten Free Baked Goods

Katz Gluten Free has a promotion where if you pay for the shipping ($8 for me), they'll send you afree sampler box of gluten free baked goods.   All of their stuff is dairy and nut free, for those who need that. For me, I like nuts- the people and the food- because they add flavor and texture to life! So, I sweetly asked my Marine to get out his credit card and voila! I received the package in a few days. Since I'm watching my weight, each day I try one small item.   (For pictu



Reply To A Nebulous Newbie

Dear Newly Diagnosed Celiac, Gluten Free Living is a Journey...   Try to remember-it's the rainy days that help us appreciate the sunny ones. Maybe reading gluten free books, blogs, or message boards could help validate your feelings and give you eating ideas. Sometimes, your mind will jump to plenty of excuses of why you can't or why the ideas seem unrealistic, but try to focus on the "can" and the "I'll try" attitude.     Yes, I had a hard time eating the gluten free baked goods and stuf



House-Hunting Expedition: Gluten Free On The Go

My Marine was committed to a time-consuming motorcycle safety course all weekend (he has had a retro bike for a year that he isn't licensed to ride yet), so I packed up some <b>Glutino pretzel sticks and crackers</b>, <b>Lara Bars</b> (pb&j, peanut butter cookie), apples, <b>Bunny Organic fruit snacks</b>, and leftover Starburst <b>jelly beans</b> and jetted off to Atlanta. Once here, this perfect little inn Seth booked for me has a mini fridg



Grasshoppers, Mussels, & Cow Tongue- Oyamel Restaurant

Since moving to the DC/Virginia area, Oyamel is a chow champion of mine, since it's near the museums (I left my car in California-no snowy driving 4 me). Not only do I volunteer at one of the Smithsonian Museums, but I set a goal to see as many of the museums/sights in this area as possible during our year here. Let's tangent to a museum/tourist list: So far, I've toured : Pentagon, Gettysburg, Newseum, Library of Congress, Spy Museum, G.Washington Masonic Memorial, Freer Gallery, Sackler G



Simply Organic Cocoa Brownies (Gluten-Free)

I tweeted this product review-Twitter at Gluten Free Bree-My bf's mom gave me a box of Simply Organic gluten-free cocoa brownie mix as part of a gluten free goodie package she mailed me for taking care of her son after his shoulder surgery. It was very easy to mix up, just stir in melted butter and eggs! It's certified organic, meaning the production of the sugar, cocoa, etc. is done without chemicals, hormones, pesticides, etc. Find more of my reviews at my new blog on glutenfreebreeze at



Bisquick Pancakes And The Celiac Conference May 15

In the elevator to our hotel room (the cdf conference in L.A.), a woman commented on the Udi bread she spied sticking out from my bag on the bellman's luggage cart. This was my marine's first clue that "people like ME" were swarming the hotel. My beau learned SO much from the speakers (Dr. Peter Green, Dr. Sheila Crowe, Dietician, Shelley Case, and Cook Extraordinaire Frank Baldassare! My Marine needs to step up his know-how pertaining to Gluten Freedom since.. *drumroll*: The Marine Cor



My 2Cents On More Glutenfree Food And Dining

My new favorites: Glutino Gluten Free Organic Bars (chocolate & peanut)-smaller than a "traditional" granola bar, but taste fabulous and travel well. Progresso Canned soup (low sodium chicken and wild rice)- $1.25 a can at Target with pop-off lid I don't really like creamy soups, but they have many gluten free soups, and many are LABELED gluten free! Glutino breakfast bar (reformulated) CRANBERRY. Really good. New formula is less chalky. Good to keep in car or to travel with. Good Ea



1St Entry Of 2010- Valentine Don'Ts

Thanks so much for over 20,000 blog hits! I'm so humbled that you love my musings...or love to laugh at them...or laugh AT ME...or love to HATE me, lol. As you know, I enjoy singlehood more than the average person, so here are some of the romantic DON'Ts I've had to endure over the years from well-intentioned men (I'm recognizing their effort,really) attempting to hone their inner Don Juans: (the intention here is to amuse, but also to prevent further embarrassment and awkward moments)   Sap



Dysfunctional Thanksgiving: Quick Hit Rehash

Totally Gluten-Free turkey day again, but this time at my newly purchased house with my Major's mother and my mom&stepdad all in from Florida We did lots of fix-it stuff on my new house (bank repo) Parents woke at 4am (FL time 7am) and went to 24 hr Wal-Mart to buy me "appropriate" dishes and silverware (they said mine isn't heavy enough) for my belated birthday and early xmas gifts.   My stepdad forgot to take his blood pressure meds on Tuesday (day 3)and blew his top and went MIA in t



Bday Cake, Girls Weekend, And Holiday Parties

I had coconut cake, cupcakes, and brownies for my birthday. My best friend was going to be in Vegas for my bday, and so she invited me and I invited my other friend from New Orleans. It was so fun. My Major was still away, so it was perfect for just girls. My bff carried 2 bakery boxes on the plane from Texas! (From Lil' Aussie Bakery in San Antonio-2die4.) I am so lucky! She eats gluten free stuff with me, and she also orders it when she's out, just to try it for me and to keep up the de



Turkey Week-i Could Make A Movie From This.

Totally Gluten-Free turkey day again, but this time at my house with my Major's mother and my mom&stepdad all in from FL We did lots of fix-it stuff on my new house (bank repo) Parents woke at 4am (FL time 7am) and went to 24 hr Wal-Mart to buy me "appropriate" dishes and silverware (mine isn't heavy enough) for my belated birthday gifts.   My stepdad forgot to take his blood pressure meds on Tuesday (day 3)and blew his top and went MIA in the rental car. Didn't hear from him till Wed.



S'mores! And More

Kinnickinnick gluten-free Graham Crackers + chocolate + marshmallows = Yum to the Oh Yeah! I never thought my trigger would be tripped by a plain ol' graham cracker! I have yet to master the way I got it once to be soft and warm in the microwave. They are no where near chalky. So nice. Unfortunately, I also laid my hands on some Andean Dream Quinoa Cookies-yuck...aside from $ down the drain, they're a waste of calories in the sweets allowance, so I spit it out. Also sampled St. Amour Bro



Ice Cream Cones. Serious Summer Goodness!

Dating Island Boy encouraged a couple trips to L.A., so I multi-tasked...got to taste goodies from The Sensitive Baker (everything was frozen, which was disappointing), but I tried several things, and the only things I'd repeat are the cupcakes and the cookies. I also tried Mani's Bakery and Cafe, which is supposed to carry gluten-free selections in the bakery, but all they had were peanut butter cookies, which were fair. Crumbly as all get-out. So, I walked down the road, chatting on my cell



Onion Rings, Pizza, Betty Crocker, And Cuban

I found a house to buy, so since I'm moving out, might as well mess up the kitchen here....So I tried the beer batter onion ring recipe on this site, but the first "test" rings came out without the batter on very well, so I had a brainstorm and after dipping the raw rings in batter, I coated them in gluten-free Orgran bread crumbs. They turned out crunchy, greasy, and sweet. So savory! They looked and tasted so good, I think non-gfreople would eat them! Traveldude was feeling under the



Bgf, Creep Shield, And Bone Edges

Funny to realize that going "against the grain" for years has opened my palate to foods I never would've enjoyed BGF (before gluten free). Baked goods with nuts. I liked some nuts BGF, but never baked into stuff. Now, I love Pamela's ch.chip cookies with walnuts and Trader Joe's Flourless Chocolate Walnut cookies, which taste more like brownies to me. Even when I bake my Namaste or The Craving's Place brownies, I put walnuts on top! I even made green beans with sliced almonds. I like Almond



G1, Guys, And Glutenfreelosity

Bigg Papi is what the charm on his thick, gold chain necklace reads. Take away one g and you have his license plates. What can I say? He makes me laugh. So, I took him to my friend's house to a barbeque and it was funny. I begged him to tell everyone about how, being raised as a foster kid in NY, his siblings think he has big $ out here and call him Hollywood, they always call him when there are funeral expenses in the family. He says, "I'm tired of paying for caskets. Next time we're ju



Planet Celiac: Pasadena Celiac Convention May 2nd

My lofty expectations for the Celiac Conference were met! It was AWESOME! People just like ME! Vendors cooking and catering to ME, and chucking copious samples my way. (I did have to spit some in the trash, but there were some very tasty morsels as well.) Doctors delivering diatribes about dx and diarrhea and DQ8 and disease and deflated villi and developments in process for protection against gluten. I enjoyed the clarification and question-and-answer sessions with those docs. A formal,



Celiac Wake-up Call...and Recent Gluten-free Foods From My Brave Boca

My celiac group leader's brother died of celiac complications a couple weeks ago. It's sad and it brings to mind how seriously we have to take our treatment, which is our gluten free diet. Today I read the thread here about Joe C, the rapper who died of celiac. It makes me so somber. I wish celiac was diagnosed quicker and more accurately, before it reaps so much damage. I agree with other post-ers, that it would be great if celiac had a relatable famous spokesperson. At least Elisa



"silly Ass" Disease

Last night Travel Dude came over for our indulgence night of American Idol, chili dogs (we pour Wendy's chili over Hebrew National lowfat hot dogs he bakes in the oven and I use Kinnickick gluten-free bun), and romancin. He also brought over Ruffles and (gluten-free) brownies from the pickup window at Outback Steakhouse, but I was too stuffed to eat mine! My student teacher and I are getting more used to one another. I like her. I just wish she were a harder worker. She's 28, a mom, and



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