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Too Busy

We've been working on our farm and trying to get the house ready to move into. The remodel took longer than expected, mostly because we found termite damage when we took down the thirty year old paneling and had to rebuild some walls.   We hope to move out there permanently within the month and are really looking forward to it. Driving back and forth between our houses is very tiresome...not to mention, expensive!   I write about farm life on my other blog. If you're interested, you can



What's Going On?

What's up with this new blog format? I don't like it at all.   We have a restaurant near us called the Fish City Grill. I had eaten there a few times when they first opened up a couple of years ago, but they had very little gluten-free items on the menu. My daughter went there yesterday and found that they now have a gluten-free menu. She spoke with one of the "higher ups" in management that was visiting from Chicago who has celiac disease herself and she said they are trying to add more a



Me And The Farm

I've been super busy and haven't had time to make any new entries lately, but hey, I feel compelled to go for 10,000 hits since I'm so close.   My husband and I have been renovating the house that we bought (on the 36 acres). We've bought our first goat. He's a character - like a pet dog. We also bought a couple of guard donkeys that don't seem to know they are supposed to be guarding. They are both pregnant and due to foal any time. I'm looking forward to the fuzzy little babies.   I



Feelin' Groovy

Haven't much to say these days. I've been feeling exceptionally well, so I must be doing something right.   We bought 36 acres and are remodeling the house that is on it. We plan to move out there when the major renovation is done and the barn is built. We've decided on a tractor and will be buying it soon. We're going to try to be self-sufficient. The property has a deep water well that supplies the house and all the property with water. We plan to plant a garden as soon as we get the t



Excellent Recipe

I made this recipe a couple of nights ago and it was wonderful! It's a salmon topped with crab-cake. I got the salmon part of the recipe from the Dallas Morning News. It called for store-bought crab cakes, which of course, have bread in them, so I looked on www.allrecipes.com for a crab cake recipe that I could make myself and tweak to make it gluten-free. It was super easy to make. The recipe said to serve it with a tartar or roumalade sauce and I usually do have to have some kind of sauce



I Can See Clearly Now...

the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way...   I got contact lenses.   This has been a difficult couple of years for me, vision-wise. I've always had great vision and didn't have to wear glasses or contacts up until I was about 40 or so. I had to get some reading glasses. Since then, my vision has gotten worse and I've need some correction for my distance vision. At first I tried the no-line bifocals, but I couldn't use those at all. They were horrible! Then I tried the



Holiday Menu

I'm not having many people for the holidays, so I'm just going to keep it simple and easy. There will be ten of us, so I just bought two turkey breasts rather than a whole turkey. I'll also make mashed potatoes and cornbread dressing. Mom is bringing sweet potatoes. I can't decide whether to just have a tossed salad or make some other green vegetable. For another vegetable dish, I bought the ingredients to make a new recipe called Yellow Velvet. It has kernel corn and yellow squash in a cr



Hawaii Bound

My first child has flown the nest. She is moving to Hawaii. I drove with her to California so that she could ship her car from there. Then I flew home by myself. I can't go in her room yet. I know it was past time for her to go, but it still hurts.



Freak Cold

I'm home from my California T-giving holiday. I survived.   I'm really bummed, though. I haven't had a cold/sinus infection/flu or anything like that since going on the gluten-free diet almost four years ago. I don't know if it's a coincidence or if it actually has something to do with gluten. Anyway, I was beginning to think I was immune and was never going to have another cold again, which was a thrilling thought. I was feeling somewhat invincible and smug.   So, no cold for alm



Bad, Mad, Sad Thanksgiving

Well, Thanksgiving is almost upon us and for the first time in my life I'm dreading it. It's my favorite holiday, one in which I've almost always spent with my parents, brothers and sisters, and their children. For the last 15 +/- years they've all come to my house for the holiday. Our numbers have dwindled somewhat because of children growing up, going to college, getting married and my oldest brother moved to FL so they haven't been able to make the trip the last two years.   My husband's



Sandwiches At Last

Well, I am happy to report that all of the food I bought at the gluten-free store is good. The Glutino crackers are excellent. They're a cross between a saltine and a Ritz. The bread, made from amaranth flour is pretty decent, too. Not like wheat bread, mind you, but good enough to enjoy. And the Glutino cereal tasted sort of like a mix between Honey Comb and Captain Crunch.   So, I can't remember the name of the bread mix that I saw on-line that prompted me to go to the store, but I need



All Gluten Free

While browsing the on-line gluten-free store, I came across a site that gave the name and address of a local store that sells a certain bread mix. As an aside, it said that the store has freshly baked gluten-free bread. So today I decided to check it out. The place is called Delicious & Fit (stupid name if you ask me). Anyway, I was a little confused when I walked in because the store front was actually a small restaurant. When I enquired about the products, they directed me to the back



24 Hours

No problems with my Starbucks frappuccino. Yeah! Now the question is...what was it that was causing my digestive upset?



Testing Starbucks

I'm a big fan of Starbuck's mocha drinks. My favs are toffee nut mocha frappuccino and when it's cold, I like to drink a cafe mocha from time to time. Hmmm, the last two times I had one, I noticed that I got really bad diarrhea within 12 hours of drinking them. I was beginning to wonder if they had gluten...or something that was making me sick...maybe too much lactose? Anyway, I decided to test it. I went for a week without any. All is well. So I had one a few hours ago and am fine so



Patio Repairs

I finally, finally got around to repairing my patio. I think I've got pics on this blog of the concrete patio that I painted a couple of years ago. This spring we had to have foundation repairs and the company that did it had to chop four holes in the patio. It was extremely annoying, but even more so because I asked them to be especially careful not to toss their tools around and chip the patio any more than they had to. Well, they totally ignored that plea. They chipped the paint and conc



Kidney Stone!

OUCH!   I had a kidney stone attack on Monday. I don't think I've ever felt such pain...maybe childbirth, but this was different. It was a sick pain with no end in sight. At least when you birth a child you know it will end and something good will come of it.   The pain started at about 10:30 in the morning. It was a sharp pain like a muscle spasm from my bladder down my urethra. I thought it might be an extra bad bladder infection, so after a while I took some aspirin and an AZO.



New York Times Article On gluten-free Restaurant

Here's a good article on a restaurant owner in NY who has taken gluten-free to heart:   Open Original Shared Link   JOSEPH PACE



The Celiac Family

My nephew got married this past weekend. All of my bros. and my sister, and all but two of my mother's siblings attended. The wedding was in Longview, so my out-of-town relatives came here for a couple of days, then we all drove to Longview for a weekend of parties.   My brother and his wife, parents of the groom, paid for our hotel rooms for the weekend. They also invited us all to the rehearsal dinner. My sister-in-law was very careful about the menu and quizzed the chef thoroughly about



Gray And Black?

Is it just me, or is the board gray and black now? I don't like it.



Supreme Court Updata

PETITION DENIED. That's what the notice said. That's what we expected. Now the question is, do we file a petition for reconsideration, or do we go back to the civil courts?



Pot Luck Gluten

Our friends at church had a pot luck supper/graduation celebration for my son after church, at a park, tonight. When I got in line to get something to eat, I helped myself to some tortilla chips that I brought, then I stood there looking at a sea of sandwiches.   Seriously, sandwiches as far as the eye could see.   So, as I inched forward in the line looking for the food that I brought that I knew I could eat, I spied one lone deviled egg and snared that one for myself. So I ended up



Sickness Du Jour

I was just thinking the other night, as I was laying in bed with horrible stomach pains, 'Is it the celiac disease or is it something else?"   So that makes me wonder if other celiacs always blame gluten when they are sick or do they consider that it might be something else. I know for a fact that I did not have any gluten that day. I ate at home all day and there is no gluten in my house. Well, except that recently my daughter bought my husband some pretzels for his B-day. He loves pret




There seems to be some question amongst celiac sufferers as to whether Lawry's Seasoned Salt has gluten in it. I use the product often and, personally, have suffered no reaction from it.   Lawry's is a Unilever product and here's what they have to say:   "Some of the people in my family have food intolerances and food allergies, can you tell me which food allergens are in your products? Our product formulations and ingredients change from time to time; therefore we do not have a list which



Eieio Update

Well, we were working out a deal on the property that I told about in my EIEIO blog entry. We told them we needed to get a survey done. Then the owner's attorney e-mailed us and told us that they want a $38,000.00 non-refundable deposit that they get to keep if we don't close the deal in 45 days.   Uh, NO.   So they wrote back and said they are done negotiating.   The deal is off unless they change their mind and contact us again. Maybe it's for the best. I don't know.



Pancake Balls

One of our favorite restaurants is the local Indian Restaurant. We've been going there for many years and for most of those years I've been eating their "pancake balls". Well, that's not really what they're called. I don't know the real indian name, but they are like balls of pancake with a honey syrup, served warm. They aren't wonderful...mostly because they aren't chocolate , but it's nice to end the meal with a little sweet.   When I was diagnosed with celiac disease, I gave up the w



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