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It's Turning Into A Long Day

We had a fire station field trip today with four and a half other families from church. It took 45 minutes, then they all went to our house (which was a minute of driving away) for a bag lunch. We had a 'fire drill' and most of the people ran outside. I hadn't heard and went into the house only to find it "burning". One of my little sisters, who was outside, did a classic then. "I need to go potty." Perfect.   Most of the families are gone, with only the "half" family remaining. Since they're



Some Easy Recipes

I know a bunch of the people here can't have a lot of things. Providing that you can have corn (and even if you can't), there's a flexible throw-together I've come up with, since my meals often gets forgotten by the rest of my family.   Corn chips Canned chicken Vegetable/s   I like using bell pepper, caramelized onion when available, and/or cabbage, but the vegetables are entirely up to you, as well as cooking them is. If you can't have corn, I also use millet or quinoa as a carb base, bo



What To Write Today?

I'm here again...and I'm bound to go off on random thoughts if I don't get an idea now.   Ah yes, why not. The fine points of writing.   Why not? Because I wouldn't have any tips.   Then why not some of the things I've been writing?   That sounds much better because you have something for it.   Sorry...I was having a conversation with myself. Still, I think Nox came out with a rather good idea. What I've been working on in my story is a traitor. A traitor in the sense that he appears



Various Wanderings

I have woken up with a headache -not a really bad one, but one that stays with you as a dull ache throughout the day. Add to that the fact that I stayed up late three nights in a row so I'm tired as well with a fatigue that sometimes defeats my will.   We decorated our four-foot, fake tree last night. Dad is allergic to tree pollen -as am I. Allergies run in the family. The only one without allergies in the first four kids has diabetes. The rest of us share an allergy to cats and asthma progre



Highly Recommended

This is not an advertisement, but some things I highly recommend:   Books by Ted Dekker. Boy, is he a great author! He writes books that are great for the action and for the meaning -the first I have ever been able to find! I stayed up late last night reading one of his books. Oh, wow, it was gripping and I couldn't put it down even though several times I wanted to and knew that I should. I finished it. These are books that I recommend to anybody over age fourteen. Yes, I'm thirteen, but I've



Some Thoughts On Christmas

Christmas. I'm thinking about Christmas because I went Christmas shopping today. It was crazy. People were rushing about everywhere, the lines at the checkouts were insanely long, everyone were buying so much stuff. Why?   I admit, I was buying a bunch of stuff as well. But I have an excuse. I have presents for everybody in my family every Christmas. (Eleven people.) As well as some of my friends. And I was buying the cheapest things I could find.   Why does everybody think that they need so



Today's Thoughts

Today I woke up as usual. I really wasn't all that productive today. In school, that is. Partly because I didn't have that much schoolwork to do. Partly because we had visitors. Partly because I was completely bored with my work and was busy with my story. (I got a chapter done in Sapphire Necklace.) Partly because I was tired. A lot of the time I was staring into nowhere -more precisely, my own world. One of them. AlneaOmeca.   I'm a pretty weird person. Don't worry about using the term on m



To Continue...

...that story faded off. Then we moved from PA to NC. Pennsylvania to North Carolina. New friends, house, church. Then we got a writing club started. Enter fantasy.   I've actually sort of been doing "fantasy" my whole life, basically in a world somehow remarkably like Earth but also my own (so I could mess around with it). Now I actually start creating things, my whole new world, names, animals, places, geography. So far I've been calling it Chicati.   I've been working on that story for my



Calling All Fantasy Writers

How many of you out there like writing fantasy? I love it, and I do pretty well at it -especially when I can focus on one of my many stories. The accountability I have in our writing group is also great. Plus, it helps me get more done on two stories at once. I fill up my quota on one story for the writing group, and then I work as much as I want to on another series that I'm creating.   You might ask how long I've been writing. That's actually a somewhat tricky question. I've always been doin



The Joys Of Being Homeschooled

1. Flexibility! We can make room for a whole lot of things (like dentist appointments and spontaneous trips to the museum) and are not restricted by a public school schedule.   2. Lax schedule! (Sort of. ) No strict schedule (really). "Get this done by the time I get home." "Have this finished by next Friday." Our schedule: start at nine (a.m.), do schoolwork, lunch, schoolwork, snack from three to four (while doing schoolwork), schoolwork to five, then chores -which should be done in half



Sunday Morning Ramblings

Here comes my regular schedule in the morning: get up, check email and whatever websites I'm a member of, take care of chickens, eat breakfast, and go back to bed to read and listen to music before having to go do dishes.   Late nights tend to upset the balance. I wake up late/r, 6:45 -7:00 a.m., have breakfast and then take care of the chickens, doing the dishes immediately afterwards so I won't be late to start my schoolwork.   Then Sundays -which I've grown used to since they're regular



I've Been Glutened! Aaah...

I'm not sure how this happened...   But all of you who are the 'only one's in your family who are gluten free can relate.   I think it was the chicken dish my Mom made yesterday. There were plenty of leftovers (enough to fill a large sour cream container), and I'm think that some gluten stuffed-stuffing got mixed in. Today was leftovers (or srevotfel, shre-vot-full) day, and the only thing I could have was -you guessed it -the chicken dish. It was 'safe' originally, but the thing that clued



Thanksgiving Blues

We had two people over for the actual Thanksgiving meal...of which some parts had been tailored to suit my diet. The gravy was made with potato starch and coconut milk -providing a stark contrast to wheat flour and regular milk. The stuffing (which has so many fans that it couldn't be cut out) couldn't be cooked inside the turkey, like a lot of people like it. I had to have my own little bowls of mashed potatoes and broccoli because there was butter and/or milk in the bigger dishes. There was cr




I'm less sick with the cold (just a few sniffles here and there) but I think something went wrong last night and I think I ate something I wasn't supposed to -I have no clue at all what it would be. (I had chicken, quinoa with red peppers and peas, and broccoli, with gluten-free cookies for dessert.) I woke up twice last night to use the bathroom and had to do so again about twice earlier this morning. Meanwhile my stomach had felt really weird and I had bad cramps. Now I feel fine. I'm think




I feel a cold coming on ...and I've been having some trouble with some things that seem like they would spout from cross-contamination, but I don't know how...anyway, I'm still very tired, and even more so since Wednesday morning I woke up at 4:30 A.M. and couldn't go back to sleep after I heard that Obama had been elected. It strikes me funny the irony of it all -something I won't say in case it might offend Obama supporters




This has been a long weekend, with Friday first processing chickens then going over to a friend's house for worship and fellowship and staying up until, what was it, eleven-thirty? Somewhere around there. Anyway, on Saturday we had two families over for dinner and they stayed until around nine-thirty, and I got to bed around ten-thirty after watching some of The Curse of the Black Pearl. Then yesterday we had another family over...they stayed until about nine-forty-five, and then we watched some



Some Remedies?...

Has anyone found that green tea or chickweed helps them with their symptoms? Because they have been working for me..



New Member

Well, I'm a new member who joined yesterday...I'm gluten- and casein-sensitive. I don't know what the difference is between being "sensitive" and "intolerant". I was diagnosed a few months ago, and I'm still not sure about everything I can eat. I'm looking for a friend maybe gluten-sensitive, and around my age (13) who is a Christian.



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