I have a few questions concering bloating and weight gain.
I was dignosed wit celiac disease at the end of April and have been gluten free since the beginning of February.
Right when I think things are getting better and my stomach starts to get back to a some-what normal size I get glutened by traces...I usually am only sick for 2 days, sometimes 3 depending on the amount I accidentally consumed.. however my puffy pregnant looking stomach seems to stay around for a few weeks. Not only
I was wondering if anyone knew of a good bread recipe? I haven't had any luck finding a nice one yet...
the flours I have right now are:
White rice
Arrow root
Corn flour
But I can buy some more if I need to.
I also cant have eggs..which I made a replacement but It doesn't work for egg whites..
I had my first set of test done today, however I haven't eaten gluten for 2 months now. My doctor said it would be okay, considering I am still mildly sick. Would it still come up on the test? They said if it came back negative that I would have to eat gluten and then get the biopsy..but I know if I eat gluten I will be sick for awhile afterwards, which usually ends up equaling me missing work and school. I guess I'm just stressing out about it and was hoping for some clarity. What do you guys t
Okay so...
The doctors said I have like a 90% chance of having celiac disease, but I haven't eaten any gluten for awhile to show up on the test, I don't think..and I am super scared of needles so I don't want to get tested for it. I keep on getting really sick, to the point that I cant sleep or do my school work...And I don't even know when I had gluten..other then maybe a few crumbs by accident. Its starting to get on my nerves and my stomach is swollen to the point that I cant stand up straig