I heard back from my bishop. here's a link to the blog I posted about when I first talked to him.
He said he did talk to his DIL, she says she takes the smallest peice of bread on the plate. Apparently she supposedly can also manage one oreo once in a while... she is trying to figure out her tolernace level (I'm not even going to ocmment on that!)
He also asked at the bisop's meeting. one of the Bis
You know how the grocery stores/ bakeries donate any unsold bakery items to charity??
(trust me, years ago, I benefitted from this a few times).
My neighbor (who doesn't know I have a gluten/ dairy intolerance... I haven't told very many people).
Anywho, i guess she was at a church today, and they had some of these items. (why she was doing something that could probably wait is beyond me...it snowed 7 inches overnight...)
anywho, she picked up this cake & came by & gave it