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Doctor Visit



(I'm a little behind in posting, so this has been backdated.)

Celiac.com Sponsor (A13):

So I saw a doctor today. He seemed really receptive to the things that I was telling him, but he said to me "well if you think it's gluten related then stop eating it for a while and see what happens."

I asked him about the possibility of that affecting test results and he says "Oh they can still run the tests." :blink:

So obviously he doesn't know much about Celiac Disease testing, or the disease in general.

We did no testing of any kind.


He referred me to a GI and handed me a script for SYMAX, which I can't take. It's got sulfates in it, and I am deathly allergic to those.

The funny part of that? We'd discussed that RIGHT before he wrote me the script.

Needless to say, I'm not filling that or taking it.


Let's hope the GI works out better. I have an appointment set for the 7/16.


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