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Sunday Morning Ramblings



Here comes my regular schedule in the morning: get up, check email and whatever websites I'm a member of, take care of chickens, eat breakfast, and go back to bed to read and listen to music before having to go do dishes.

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Late nights tend to upset the balance. I wake up late/r, 6:45 -7:00 a.m., have breakfast and then take care of the chickens, doing the dishes immediately afterwards so I won't be late to start my schoolwork.


Then Sundays -which I've grown used to since they're regular -are different from either of those. Usually it's a late night -so it's the whole waking up thing. Only Sunday doesn't have scheduled dishes -enter volunteers (who are sometimes militarily chosen) who load up the dishwasher. Church is at ten -we leave at 9:30. Usually we have visitors, so no quiet afternoon watching football (GO GIANTS!), eating dinner, sending little kids to bed and then staying up late watching a movie. No, they stay up late talking and I do my bedtime ritual: Use the bathroom, go to my bed, make myself comfortable, turn on lamp while listening to Third Day (not loud so as not to disturb the five other people who share the room), play two games of solitary Dutch Blitz, read and write for who knows how long (Dad said 'bed', not 'sleep':), read my Bible, pray, then try to get comfortable (which is hard for me) and go to sleep.


It's a bit of my life as the fourth kid in a family that has ten!


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