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Various Wanderings



I have woken up with a headache -not a really bad one, but one that stays with you as a dull ache throughout the day. Add to that the fact that I stayed up late three nights in a row so I'm tired as well with a fatigue that sometimes defeats my will.

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We decorated our four-foot, fake tree last night. Dad is allergic to tree pollen -as am I. Allergies run in the family. The only one without allergies in the first four kids has diabetes. The rest of us share an allergy to cats and asthma progressing from barely noticeable to very noticeable. We're all undiagnosed. Then there are the other allergies -Dad, my older brother, and myself have an allergy to flower pollen. Then Dad and I have the tree pollen thing, as well as an allergy to yellow gold. Dad's one of the one's with pretty bad asthma as well, and he has an allergy to dogs too.


As I already said, my older sister has diabetes. She's also the only one in the top six people without eye problems. Funny, that's what diabetes is supposed to cause. Six people in the house wear glasses -my five-year-old brother wears bifocals.


I finished another chapter in my story. I'm almost at a brick wall unless I suddenly come up with great ideas. Usually I'll take a random one and transfer it into something I can use. Either that or God just pops something into my head and then there's no stopping me from writing. That and poems.




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