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Trying To Gain Weight



I was recently diagnosed with "undiagnosable" Celiac Disease/Gluten Intolerance. My primary doctor had started me on a G/free diet prior to the testing so they were unable to get a positive with the blood work or the biopsy. Because I had reponded so well to the G/free diet they are confident with the diagnosis.

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For years I had been from doctor to doctor, speacialist to specialist. They all said it was IBS-C - Eat more Fiber - Exercise - I tried everything - I basically was ready to throw my hands up - I knew it was more than "IBS" - I was in pain, always tired, thirsty, depressed, I would ravish food almost on the verge of binge eating - I was never satisfied - I was always hungry. I didn't understand.- and then I had lost so much weight - I had always been small but I lost 11 pounds in a month and a half - so I knew there was something wrong and that there had to be an answer out there and so as a last resort I switched primary doctors. She did the routine physical and blood tests - My vitamin D levels were really low - but it wasn't my kidneys, wasn't diabetes, and then she asked if I has ever been tested for Celiac Sprue? I was like what is that? So she explained t ome what is was and she has a GI doctor that works in the same office and scheduled an appointment for me. In the meantime she said to try eating a g/free diet - well I FINALLY felt like myself for the first time in years. I had energy, I was moving my bowels more frequently -


When I went to the GI doctor she said that a lot of times doctors will not test patients for Celiac when the main symptom is constipation - and this leads to a lot of mis-diagnosed patients - Then she continued to tell me that she probably couldn't get a positive on me because I hadn't been eating Gluten but she still wanted to do the blood test, and the endoscopy. But regardless if she could get the positive she was sure that we were on to something - I was in tears in her office! For the first time I had answers! It was a blessing - All these years I would have done anything to feel better - And to think all that I had to do was change my diet -


I have not lost anymore weight since starting the g/free diet and my diagnosis - I am 27, 5'0 and 80 pounds - It is frustrating to not see the scale move - I fight for that 1 pound - I gain a pound - I lose a pound - the doctor tells me not to obsess over the scale that the weight will come - BUT - I am so unhappy with how I look - I don't fit into my clothes and that is frustrating!


I try to stay as positive as possible - The doctors say I should see the scale start to move in the next few months as my body heals and starts absorbing nutrients again -


I just wanted to share my story - if there is one person going through what I am going through - I just want to let them know I understand - It is frustrating, and there is so much information out there that it can be overwhelming - But feeling better and healing is worth all of it -


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What is your BMI and what weight do you want to achieve? I'm not sure, but 80 pounds really dosn't sound over weight. My diagnosis came with bad DH but I was also quite constipated and having been on more steriods then they would give a horse I had hit 220 lbs at 5 foot 6 inches. Since then I have dropped to 144 pounds and am well within the weight charts for being good and not over weight. There are free web sites for checking your BMI and I would first advise that. If you are indeed over weight or obese I would recommend eating fewer startches, especially gluten-free startches since they tend to contain more fat and calories along with less nutrients then the gluten counter parts do. Eat whole foods like fruits and vegits, nuts and lean meat such as chicken breast and fish. This tends to re-set your matabolism and you will loose weight. If you indeed are not over weight or only by a pound or 2 you will have a harder time loosing. Also increasing exercise, such as walking 3 miles a day will help.
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Thank you for your reply - I am not over-weight - I have been trying to gain the weight that I lost back - I am 100% restricted from going to the gym and exercising until I get back to a healthy weight -
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Just wanted to share with you that I was dx'd late last August, and it's just been in the last month and a half have I seen any real weight gain.

For YEARS, I could eat anything and everything and not go above 105lbs (5'1"). Mostly, I hovered right around 100lbs (may have gone lower, but dreaded getting on the scale as I was scared to see anything lower than that). I looked like one of those Ethiopian children you see in the commercials.......you could count my ribs and see detail in my sternum, but had the bloated belly.

And suddenly, in the last month and a half, there's extra pudge around my middle section! It's time to get back to a workout routine so I can control it!

It's frustrating, for sure. Just know the weight gain will come. Hang in there!
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I am going through the same thing at this very moment. I am 5'9 and i weight now about 125. i did go down to about 118 and at 5'9 that is really low! but what i found works the best is eating all day but very small and healthy portions. i do a lot of fruit, yogurt (fat free), peanut butter, Cheese and calcium fortified OJ. i try to keep something in my belly at all times, Which seems to make me feel better also. probioctics might help too. i understand your frustration of getting on the scale and not seeing what you want. its very scary to me as i lost about 30 lbs in 2 months. I went from a size 8 to a 2! Scary!

Hang in there, it will take some time. Maybe meet with a nutritionist? not sure where you live but my nutritionist in NJ had Celiac herself and she is great!

Good luck!
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