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For those of you who don't know, I'm a fantasy fiction author. I love to write. I can't communicate all that well by talking, but writing suits me perfectly. Poems, songs, books, even papers -you name it. I love to write.

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Well, with a combination of starting a story around Feb/March, writing (this is all by hand) 181 pages in April, and writing 150 pages last month and several misc. pages in between, I've finished my first book. Funny. It's also the last book in the series. It's not getting published anytime soon, partly due to editing but mostly due to not having the 7 other books finished. Well, I've started another one (the second book of the eight -I hate having to go in order, if you couldn't tell) and have plenty of ideas for others. The books aren't immensely long (or planned out -I find out the beginning and the end and go from there) but they'll all probably be around 200 pages long. And I'm planning on writing 50k words in November -now that I've got a place to actually get it done. I'm a homeschooler in a rather large family. Everything's hand-me-down. Including laptops. Technically it's still Dad's ...but the kids use it more than he does and my sister and I get to use it next. So maybe then I'll have enough time to count the words I write.

Technically April I was supposed to write 35k -or around there. I didn't have enough time on the computer to count that out. So I estimated how many pages I'd need to make 35k. Spetember I was supposed to do 40k. 150 pages. I probably got it. In fact, in April I probably got around 50k. I'm not sure, but by my estimates -2 written pages to a typed page -5 pages covers it.

Sorry if I completely bored you with this ramble. I think it interesting ...but you might not.

Anyway, something our family found out in early-ish May -Kid #11's coming in January! Oh yeah! All the kids are excited. We've been praying for another kid (it's been 3 years since the last) and this is a great answer to prayer! Thank you God for this new life!


As before and always be,


1 Comment

Recommended Comments

Mary Blackburn

Congratulations on finishing your first book. Good luck with the next 7. I am writing my first book, a celiac/gluten free cookbook. I'm hoping to have it finished by the end of the month.

It's okay to write your stuff by hand, I write all my blog posts by hand.

By the way congratulations on your new sibling that is on the way. My youngest granddaughter is 2 years old, my oldest is 5, and I'm looking forward to when the next one is on the way.

Keep working at your books, you'll get there. ;)

Mary Blackburn

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