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First Day Of Blogging



So I've never been good at diaries, journals, blogs, etc. I'm going to do my best here to keep you posted on the daily FML moments of my life. If anyone actually reads this bad boy please do post a reply or let me know it's not out lost in cyber space somewhere.

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I'm getting ready for school and today I have a cold and a stomache ache again. Not a gluten one but a normal stomach ache from my medicine not working. Waiting for it to subside made me too late to have a workout at the gym. So I'm sitting here hoping my meds will work before I leave to teach and then take classes. I get quite frustrated at times but at least my ailments are FAR less since going gluten free a little over a year ago. Probably should have slept in like my boyfriend told me to. I believe the quote was "I get it that you want to go to the gym...but I believe sick people should rest". So he wins this time. Got up early for nadddda....FML #1 for the day!


I say FML #1 because my life tends to be one hilarious FML moment strung to the next. It keeps things interesting and thank god I was given a good sense of humor or it could get ugly. I love to repeat my stories but I'm not sure blogging will be able to express them quite the same as gestures and voice.


Today we are teaching the undergrads about manual muscle testings and resisted ranges of motion! Excited, which is why I'm nursing myself back to health. This is my first solo class so I need to be on my "A game". Then it's off to a touchy feely psycho-soc class and then working high school basketball! So today should be a fun day and hopefully I'll make it to the gym later. I'm starting to train for a 1/2 marathon (hence gym coming up like 5 times already). Ran a full marathon last year and then life got in the way and didn't run for about 5 months....now the 2 month deadline is looming and it's not looking good....meh we shall see what happens but at least race weekend will be a fun one in NYC (the greatest place for gluten-free yum yums)!


Ok, that's it for now. Was less difficult than I thought. I just find it hard to believe anyone will actually want to read about my daily dribbles.


Ta ta for now!


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