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Making Up For Lost Time



So I've been MIA lately! Sorry!! Last week was a busy week of working for school, teaching, and doing per diem. Didn't even have enough time to workout. Then this weekend was Scotty and my "Stay-cation" here in Boston. We got a priceline hotel for Saturday night and made the rule of "no car for the weekend".

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Ate at a lot of great places and was amazingly surprised by Legal Sea Food's gluten free menu. Finally tried out Nebo which was FABULOUS and at the Chart House on Sunday night they actually had a gluten free menu. This was our 3rd time there in the past year and last night was the first time they had an actual menu for me!


So Friday we went to see Valentine's Day but they were sold out for about 3hours. We ventured to a nearby brew house I have always wanted to try - Rockbottom but never made it there before starting the GFD. They had a gluten free menu available which was an amazing find! They are not mentioned anywhere as being gluten free and granted I only had chips and gaucamole but hey I felt just fine!


Then Sat we made breakfast and headed to check into the hotel. We then finally got to go to the NE Aquarium!! I can't believe I haven't been there since elementary school and it's right down the street.


We had lunch at the bar in Legal Sea Foods where I had a gift cert to help defer costs. They had gluten-free steamers!!! I haven't had steamers in years and Scott with the palate of a 2 year old actually really liked them. Legals has delicious gluten-free muffins available too! I had no idea but Scott asked for regular bread and they asked (while I was at the restroom) if I would like some too so I wouldn't feel left out. He of course like a good boyfriend said YES!


After a nap at the hotel we got ready to head over to Nebo, which I had a "LivingSocial" deal gift card to. So we split more gluten free deliciousness. They had this amazing dish for an app of eggplant and mozz which was soooo good. Then we ordered one gluten-free pizza and one pasta dish. It was great!


Sunday we slept late since the sun wasn't shining in my face starting at 6am as usual. All of a sudden it was 1030 and we needed to get going. So Scotty went to go get some coffee etc at the nearby store and we had some yum yums. Then we headed over to the verizon wireless store on Boylston because after returning my work blackberry I have been having serious withdrawals. I got the new ERIS and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it.


Then headed over to the Prudential Skywalk to go see 360views of Boston. I can't believe I haven't been up there before and I've lived here for 5.5years. It was the most amazing thing ever. The city looked so beautiful and peaceful from 50stories up. Had to stop in a goofy little photo booth for some pictures and of course use one of those magnifying eye glass thingys. Mostly just had a close up of the bald guy on his phone standing directly in front of the machine.


We tried to follow up our adventure with a drink at Top of the Hub but it was packed being Valentine's Day and all. Great news is that they can make anything gluten free!!! Another fab find! So we are definitely going to check it out during Restaurant Week in March so it's affordable.


After splitting a gluten free lunch we decided not to go ice skating since time was short before our V-day/1 year anny dinner reservations. Instead we went back to Faneuil Hall to pick up our bags from the hotel. On our way back to my house we passed this cute ice sculpture in Quincy Market. They had a bench and vases carved out of ice. We took a few pictures and then decided to build a bear!!! Scott built me the cutest brown puppy and we named him "Grover". I pretty much love him already. We even got him a leash and made him a birth certificate.


The running joke all week has been that Scott wasn't getting me flowers since we were spending the weekend together. He said he'd have no chance yadda yadda yadda. I partially didn't believe him and played a strong hand of not believing him at all. I kept telling him "where there's a will there's a way". But by 5pm in Quincy Market I was starting to think ummmm is he serious? Then we built Grover and he made a cute little message in the "build a sound" so I thought he was my flowers.


Went home and got ready for a great seafood din at Chart House. Weirdly enough we ended up at the exact same table we ate at last year on Vday when Scott asked me out. I told him we weren't official until he made it so! I'm old fashioned I can't help it.


So still no flowers on our way into the restaurant and I've decided no biggy I mean we did so much this weekend. And then we go up the stairs and there's an embarrassing display of 12 red roses in a vase on our table! I couldn't believe it. He was so red it was adorable. I was so amazed by his planning. Supposedly when you make dinner reservations online it was an option so he had taken care of it a while ago and was just tormenting me all weekend because he could! What a jerk!!


So we finished our delicious dinner and the waiter laughed at me bringing my own silverware and c%$#$tail sauce. He had a kick out of the fact that Scott asked for 2 bread baskets and said "Dude she's going to break out in hives kissing you later" I told the waiter not to fear because "he wont be getting any kisses later". We had a great evening and of course the vase split water all over me and my bag in the cab on the way home.


And then I passed out at 10pm to the calling of my sister and Scott in the living room naming me "Grandma". I woke up when he came in to bed with me propped up. "Why are you sleeping like that"

My response "to be honest we've eaten so much this weekend I feel a little like a beached whale and can't lie flat"

Scott- "hmmmm attractive"

....that's all I remember


Great weekend!


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