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I Will Give Up Gluten, I Could Do That, But I Do Not Want To Do A Rotational Diet.



One day I was feeling perky and having quite an animated discussion with my doctor. I had previously not wanted to consider cutting gluten from my diet.. Desperate as I was, it could not be that helpful. I always thought that my homemade breads were so good for me. Then, I drew a new line and I could avoid gluten if I could just feel better consistently.

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I needed to feel like I didn't have to give everything up, so I said, that I wasn't ready to do a rotational diet. I thought I might be intolerant to many things I was eating. We hoped that gluten free would be the answer to any and all of my food tolerance problems. Six months later I finally went in for testing.


My test was incredible. I discovered that I had a low level of antibodies for 52 foods which I have eaten. I even had problems with vegetables! Two foods I had a higher number of antibodies. One of these buckwheat, I have it frequently for breakfast. The other, crab, maybe it is in my supplements or on the seaweed I eat. Eleven foods that I have been eating were good, I had no antibodies for them. I was so glad that eggs was in this category. I have had soft poached eggs every day for breakfast for the last 5 years.


The high number of foods that I had antibodies for seemed to be saying to me that I had a leaky gut. My body was having to fight off food that was out of place. Now, I got a rotational diet plan with my results and am working on trying to put it into action. The first several days I ate different fish for lunch. Now, I am back to my having the same dish for supper and lunch, but at that time I begin the next day plan. So day one runs from supper one day to lunch the next. I think I can do it this way. I am trying not to repeat a food beyond 24 hours, until atleast 4 days after eating it.


I am now about a week into trying to follow the rotational diet. I had been exaperiencing major fatigue. I think my buckwheat may have been cross contaminated. Two days ago, after lunch my fog cleared and I was not fatigued. By supper I was back to dragging. The next morning I was still dragging. Later that afternoon my mind cleared again. This time, I was in for a treat. My energy came up and the day seemed bright. Is it the new diet plan? Is it just wishful thinking? I have told myself not to get giddy this time. I don't want to emotionally crash when this too isn't the answer to all of my problems. I seem to do that with each new health attempt, so this time I am trying, trying, trying, not to get all of my hopes up.


I need to decide where to draw my next line. What will I hold back from trying next? That I guess will be the next line which I might one day be willing to cross when this one doesn't do it all.


Meanwhile, perhaps I can look for buckwheat which is not cross contaminated.


On I go after 30 years of untreated celiac, hoping, praying, and expecting the energy to do my job fully one day.


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What testing did you have that shows these "antibodies to 52 foods"?
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Genova Lab Food intolerance. I guess with celiac and leaky gut to develope these antibodies.
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I know that leaky gut seems to be a 'popular' thing these days, but journal articles I've read done by scientists trying to figure out celiac and gluten intolerance, have found that pretty much all celiacs have leaky guts when they eat gluten, but gluten intolerant and controls (random healthy people) don't, and I believe celiacs shouldn't either if they're not ingesting gluten. But give a healthy, healed celiac some gluten and the intestinal barrier becomes super permeable again. So maybe it's all just the unsafe buckwheat.
I know I have a very hard time finding gluten-free buckwheat myself, the standard grocery stores don't have it and I couldn't find one for certain at the organic/healthy food store, although there's plenty of CC buckwheat around.
My mom, through the grapevine (she's so good about this!) found a fairly local person who only grinds buckwheat though. I don't have the name at all though. not yet.
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I think the buckwheat is a factor for me. I also think I am working on healing as I have 30 years of damage. I began last April, I believe. I was hoping I wouldn't have to call companies and ask about other things processed, but that is pretty much where I am now.

I have used my own mill in the past, but I set it aside when I went gluten free. I can't clean out the grinding mechanism or wash it. Now, I ordered a K-Tec Elite from Amazon and buckwheat from Azure Standard. I will look to be sure the buckwheat is pure. That is much easier to do before it is flour. I have never had a K-tec Elite, but a friend had one and it worked well for her.
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Yeah, it turns out I shouldn't be eating buckwheat at all.

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A rotational diet helped me to find out that buckwheat, even pure, is a problem for me. Chalk one up for the rotational diet, when you only eat something every 4 days, it is easier to notice.

I am better now!

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I like my rotational diet so well that I felt disappointed when I heard that it would not have to be forever! I have an eating plan and never have to think about what to make. I just make it.

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Okay, I'm pretty new at this. I thought buckwheat was okay to eat. I make buckwheat pancakes for my granddaughter who has a problem with gluten. I am now being tested for celiac disease myself and have been thinking that I can at least eat buckwheat. Someone, please get me up to speed on this...

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I wouldn't worry about it, unless you get a reaction to it. Buckwheat is not related to wheat.

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