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Do I Hide It Well, Or What? 30 Years Of Untreated Celiac: Piece Of Cake?



Yesterday, my family went to a prayer meeting for a friend with vasculitis, an Auto Immune disease. He has had very obvious problems and was hospitalized twice and once it was for a very long time. The prayer meeting was patterned after James 5. (Bible)

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After arriving home, my husband talked with the children if they thought a prayer meeting like that is a good thing. They affirmed that it was a good thing. Then he asked if we should have one. They could not imagine who in the family would need it.


This is some of what they have seen:


Mom gets really tired.

Mom gets irriatible. (Maybe by now they just think I am a jerk)

Mom takes many supplements

Mom has a special diet and can't eat anywhere else.

Mom experienced 12+ years of infertility.

They received a letter from my doctor telling of my having an illness severe enough to cause my death.


How can children between 8 to 20's not see?


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I am in the same boat as you. I went almost 33 years before being diagnosed with Celiac Disease and we have a lot in common (I have 4 kids too). I put a few of my blog posts from my "real" blog on here (The Patient Celiac) if you'd like to connect. I very recently wrote about both the after effects of having a delay in diagnosis as well as infertility related to Celiac Disease on my actual web page.

The more of us who can be open and honest about all of this, the better.

All the best to you!


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Thanks, Jess,

I will check it out. I


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