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I Just Feel So Successful Right Now!:)



So I am back from my vacation and I feel great! I feel so good that I've finally realized that all the food I wish I could have, but can't, really isn't worth it at all. I know everyone on here has been telling me this, but as a newbie it was very hard to come to terms with. This site has done a ton of good for me:)

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I stayed away from gluten entirely, ate my fruits and veggies, and showed my family that I can do this (and it's really not as hard as it looks).

My digestive track is working beautifully, which I am extremely excited about. No more planning my day around the bathroom! And I also just feel good overall. Perfect timing too with school starting up soon!

I did get a massive headache last night (much like my gluten headaches) but I don't think I got contaminated. It might have been from the 8 1/2 drive home and I was just tired and possibly dehydrated. Or it could've been from me accidentally stabbing my eye with mascara that morning (I have a very sensitive right eye). I slept the headache off though and didn't notice any tummy troubles.

I'm just so happy:) and proud of myself for planning ahead and researching good places to eat! Yay!

Thanks for everyone's help and support!


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Great! Glad you are feeling good! At my house, its become the standard answer to " I have a headache" " a pain" etc to drink more water. But it often helps. Apple, orange or grape juice are good choices if you might be a bit dehydrated and they also have potassium.

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So glad to see you are feeling better and staying off the gluten!

Good for you, hon!!

Yes, headaches are often caused by dehydration, Drink more water, if you can.

Take care and keep up the great work!!! :)

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*high five*!

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wooohooo!! :)

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