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I Just Came To Say Hello



blog-0199068001376950358.jpgSo very recently I found out I have a gluten allergy and I'm already being mocked for it.

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I'm being mocked for something my body has done of which I have no control over. In what world should that be right?


Anyway I don't feel like I should start venting yet but finding people on here a similar age to me (I'm 18) who can help me as a newcomer to the goodbyegluten club would be brilliant.


Do you want to know about me? If you don't I'd stop reading now.


So my name is Jordan

I'm 18

I'm female

I have just completed my a-levels but I am not going to university

I love to perform - singing, dancing, acting and playing my guitar.

I read a lot. I love Harry Potter. I love Lord of the Rings.

When it comes to listening to music I love all of the old stuff

The Who The Verve Johnny Cash The Cure David Bowie :wub: etc


That's a bit about me so if anyone would like a random chat feel free to contact me :D


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I love your taste in music! The oldies are goodies :-)

P.S. Don't listen to the haters - keep being you!

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Thank you I like the cheesy 80s stuff too Blondie Wham Fleetwood Mac Human League...

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Mocked for being Celiac? I certainly hope it is not your friends or family. All my friends and family have been supporting me 100% I have not run into 1 friend that has not supported me! Maby it is your age group? I hope it gets better for you. I am not 18, I am 53 I am here for support :) I also like your taste in Music!! I love your lil saying! Keep being you!!

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