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Days Twelve And Thirteen



So exactly 24 hours later, just like clockwork, on day 12, a migraine sets in. I'm assuming the pizza because that's what I pigged out on 24 hours earlier. I was also very sore under my armpits and chest, like I was either coming down with the flu or had done push ups the previous day (which I had not).

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Today, day 13, I went to the chiropractor as my back was acting up again. And now, I'm getting a cold. My first cold in about 2 years. No, I'm not even joking. I rarely get sick thankfully. It could be a coincidence as I was hanging out with a semi-sick two year old on Sat, but at the same time, it could be that gluten lowered my immune system just enough to let me get sick.



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Ugh Sorry to hear about your cold. Not fun! It probably is the gluten. It effs with everything.

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