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Day Fourteen



I didn't eat gluten all day until dinner time. I didn't want to because all day I had stomach cramps. The cramps have begun...

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I ate a peanut butter sandwich for dinner and within 30 minutes I was wincing from the pain. So not good.


And sorry boys, skip this part as this may be a bit TMI, but I started midcycle spotting again. I always thought it was grain related (I noticed I spotted after eating corn products) but I'm only day 10 into my cycle and I've started to spot. I keep really good track of this as I do the Natural Family Planning method, so I'm not due to ovulate yet. I suppose that could be the 'fertility issues' celiac can cause. Of course, we're not sure if I am celiac or not, that's why I'm doing this challenge so I can go get tested.


Ok, enough of that stuff. My throat is still sore and I'm feeling somewhat groggy from this cold I'm fighting. Nothing else has changed other than stomach cramps and cycle issues. I'm 2 weeks into this challenge and unless something new pops up, I'll only update then.

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GF Lover

The soreness under your arms and chest could be from the lymph nodes swelling there, starting the sore throat, etc. It sounds like your auto-immune system is really getting mad. And obviously your hormones are revolting on you too. I to would double over in pain after eating (pre gluten free). Hang in there if you can but also keep your Doc informed of issues that are escalating.


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