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Week 7



Constant aches and pains. I always have a stomach ache, my knees hurt, I want to go to bed by 8pm and I'm taking ibuprofens a few times a week to help my headaches. On top of that, at week 5, I started to develop this facial rash that is intensely itchy on my jaw bone and is red and blotchy on my whole cheek area. It almost looks like psoriasis. Can DH appear on the face too? My eczema on my legs are NOT itchy, but are gross looking, similar to that of ringworm.

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I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday and finally got to take my blood work. Hopefully in 2 weeks, I will have an answer to all my plaguing symptoms.


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Hi again, I think DH mainly appears around the neck and scull area in the upper body, but I have seen photos of a lady in the celiac.com photo bank who had it in the face I think.... Especially during the second part of the challenge ( w 5- 9) I also constantly had herpes-like ulcers in and around my mouth.. Charming!! But I get something like DH on my upper back legs ... For years I though I was getting chicken pocks constantly...
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Best of luck... i hope you get some answers soon and that symptoms improve on this diet..

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