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Celiac Rage



If there was such as thing as Celiac Rage-- I've got it today.

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I am still healing my bowel from diagnosis last year. I thought I was making progress when I had a normal stool this morning. But then I had BM after BM after BM. And each one got progressively worse. Can I not be a human cesspool of Poop all the GD time? I just want one normal BM. I want it to be large in diameter, firm but not dry, and not some stupid pinky sized piece of poo pretending to be a normal poo. I know you're not the normal poo I used to have!!! When will I have normal stool?


Frustrated and just angry. Not really at my poo ... just angry in general. Trying not to be negative and I have mostly good days but today is just a nasty day!


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I don't know if it's a thing or not, but last night I took it out on my husband. I was angry that I'm not feeling any better and really I just want my old life back where I felt good and ate what I wanted. Sending you a big (hug).
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thanks. It can be frustrating, right? I think the anger, anxiety, emotional issues are totally 'normal' for our condition. Also very normal for the grieving process too. But it can get overwhelming.. just dealing with the fallout of irrational anger. I'm sorry. Big (hug) right back!

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Never mind hugging you, maybe I should hug my (normal-ish) poop?! Ew, no. No no. No.

Doesn't one normal one count as progress? (Or were the subsequent ones so bad as to cancel it out?!)

I'm sure you've gone over it already but could any of your supplements be causing/contributing to it? Just because I was beating myself up about still having C, then realised (after forgetting my iron tablets for a few days) that they were the culprit and actually it was relatively normal without the iron.

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Yeah.... maybe not hug the poo. LMAO. That got a chuckle.

The one was progress until the flood happened. It was out of control. 'Nuff said.

I also thought about the supplements I am taking and I cut out the zinc I had started after just a couple doses because it certainly was NOT helping the situation. But it has been over a week since I have had that in my system. I also stopped taking the fish oil a month ago. I currently just take digestive enzymes, multi, vitamin D (prescribed) - only on Mondays, Calcium, biotin. Do you think any of those would be a culprit?

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I don't know enough about anything other than iron unfortunately :( It just occurred to me because it's another factor that changed around the time you went GF so it is probably, in some way, responsible for how you feel now. Maybe worth creating a forum post about it for those more informed than I am to think about?

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Moosemalibu, I'm angry right there with ya! I'm only 4 months in, but either I want to feel better RIGHT NOW, or go back to eating the way I used to so I can just order a friggin pizza and not have to cook anymore! And I hate those sneaky little poos that make you think you'll be feeling much better in a minute, only to realize it's about the size of an M&M and that's it. Thanks for playing. Argh! I have more C than before going GF, and I'm angry about that too. I'm trying Magnesium and B6 at night, along with a good-sized glass of cherry juice. I take a probiotic, and still have the painful gas, full feeling in my intestines and general uncomfortableness. Why can't we be like some of the people here who felt immediately 1,000% better?

(And don't you love being able to talk about poo in such descriptive terms and no one thinks it's weird? LOL) Virtual non-poo hugs to you!

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Dear moosemalibu, did you not mention in some post you also have some kind of colitis? This will give you D... And you are still healing... But my sentiments are with you, always this wretched D!! BIG HUGS!
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Dear moosemalibu, did you not mention in some post you also have some kind of colitis? This will give you D... And you are still healing... But my sentiments are with you, always this wretched D!! BIG HUGS!

Yes--- I mentioned that my specialist said I may have microscopic colitis. It was something we are to investigate further if my symptoms do not resolve with just the 6 months of gluten free. He planned on a colonoscopy/biopsy for that. But then my insurance changed with Obamacare so I have to find a new specialist from the ground up. I have a new GP appointment this month to get a referral.

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Moosemalibu, I'm angry right there with ya! I'm only 4 months in, but either I want to feel better RIGHT NOW, or go back to eating the way I used to so I can just order a friggin pizza and not have to cook anymore! And I hate those sneaky little poos that make you think you'll be feeling much better in a minute, only to realize it's about the size of an M&M and that's it. Thanks for playing. Argh! I have more C than before going gluten-free, and I'm angry about that too. I'm trying Magnesium and B6 at night, along with a good-sized glass of cherry juice. I take a probiotic, and still have the painful gas, full feeling in my intestines and general uncomfortableness. Why can't we be like some of the people here who felt immediately 1,000% better?

(And don't you love being able to talk about poo in such descriptive terms and no one thinks it's weird? LOL) Virtual non-poo hugs to you!

I really miss the convenience of fast food some days. The planning in advance for every moment can definitely ruin the spontaneity of life. And the needing of a toilet too. Jeez!

And I have only been constipated a few times in my life. The experience was not fun. I was on medication post-op for my knee surgeries. I don't think I would prefer that over the D. I just wish for normal stool. LOL I broke the wish bone for the thanksgiving turkey and that was my wish!! I won but it didn't happen.. ;)

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Oh it's absolutely infuriating sometimes, It's friggin hard dealing with all this at 23, all my friends are out living it up and I'm trapped by this friggin auto immune BS >:(

I think the hardest part is having no enemy to fight, normally when you are sick, you know what it is, how to deal with it and when you can expect results, so your will to fight is strong.

This however, they all say is for life, can only cope with it. Doctors don't really help and after a few years it's just.. ugh so tired in general and tired of dealing with it, I miss smoothies and mac n cheese :"o

Hopefully someday someone will find SOMEthing that will fix auto immune disease in general lol .. one can hope >_>

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Yep... this disease can certainly take most of the fight out of you at times. It is draining some days. Most days are good... but the bad days... are really bad. Hang in there! At least figuring it out young can hopefully prevent all the negative side-effects and other associated disorders from not being diagnosed in time...

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