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Yup... I Have Microscopic Colitis



I just got the message from my doctor that I have microscopic colitis. I had a colonoscopy last month with biopsies. The colonoscopy prep was not nearly as bad as what people have told me it would be. Honestly the best part of my experience was the prep. The scope was not so great - I woke up several times during the procedure - I was only sedated with midazolam, fentanyl and phenagren - and it lasted over an hour whereas it should have been only 20 minutes. Nothing is every EASY or uncomplicated for me. But I digress... Biopsies were taken and the results are in (kinda).

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I need to call the office to schedule the meet up with the GI doc. The earliest they could give me when I was in for my procedure was in January. THe message from my doc said get in sooner - this month. He said to call the office and make sure it happened and have the staff talk to him if they gave me the run around. So obviously we have a lot to discuss. He did not classify the type of MC I have (collagenous of lymphocytic) through the message nor did he mention therapeutics. I am reluctant to try medications if they are to be long-term but struggle with restricting my diet even further.


I am obviously gluten free, but also dairy free (again.. took it back out 2 months ago due to ongoing struggles with diarrhea) and egg free. I know it's possible to go INSERT FOOD NAME(S) HERE free, as many of us have to do... but I just get so disenchanted with it all. I fear food more than I enjoy it these days.


Hoping I'll feel better soon....


Recommended Comments

Oh...I'm so sorry. What a struggle! I want to send you (((hugs))) and positive thoughts. Do try to get in to see the Dr sooner...you deserve to feel good. I also understand the fearing food part. I used to be such a foodie and now I fear it. Kind of sad.
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Bummer..... But at least you know what your problem is and can work on it. Bug that doctor's office to get in sooner.

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Thankfully my doctor double-booked my appointment into his schedule and will see me tomorrow!

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Sorry to hear about your struggles. But I am happy that you got a diagnosis! It can only get better from here!

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GF Lover

How did the appointment go. How are you feeling?

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How did the appointment go. How are you feeling?

I started budesonide treatment today. I wrote another blog post if you are curious! ;) Thanks for asking!

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