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Endoscopy - R/o Esophagitis, Check Up On celiac disease



Well... yesterday I had my second endoscopy performed. My GI doctor wanted to check up on my small intestine to see how its healing, as well as check my esophagus to rule out eosinophilic esophagitis. He took multiple biopsies and said my SI looked atrophied but otherwise I looked good.
The combination of versed and demerol is powerful and I did not remember much of the discharge except for the fact that I Don't think I was ready to be discharged I was so out of it. But I slept it off and now I'm fine. The lidocaine prep that i had to gargle was absolutely disgusting! I do not remember having to do that the first go around... blegh!
Today I got a phone call from the scheduling nurse saying my doctor ordered a hydrogen breath test. I do not recall that being discussed at discharge (no surprise I was so out of it) but neither does my husband. So anyways, based on our discussion I guess he is looking for SIBO.
Everything I have read thus far says antiobiotics, probiotics, low FODMAP or SCD diet to manage this.
I am guarded about this whole thing. On one hand maybe this will finally solve my ongoing symptoms but on the other hand seriously?! another thing!!?

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Really really really really tired of being sick and tired. Did I mention I turn 30 next month? I feel like I should be in retirement.


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When was the last time you had a celiac blood panel? And what were the results? I assume that you are being dietary compliant? That is not an insult! I know you are well informed and diligent about the GF diet. My recently anitbodies tests were positive. I knew I was glutened five weeks ago and then most likely glutened again (was on vacation). I was and am so careful, but I still can not say what actually glutend me. Lots of theories.....but no concrete evidence. SIBO was one diagnosis that my GI suggested. I asked for the blood panel and it looks like my initial guess that I was glutened was correct. Once again, my TTG was negative, but the DPG IGA was positive. It can be so important to get a complete celiac panel especially if your TTG is negative. Five weeks is a long time to be sick after an accidental glutening. Geez Louise, I did not even get the pleasure of knowing I conumed glutened (though it would NOT have been worth it!). I understand your frustration. I was floored when I was diagnosed with diabetes a year after my CD diagnosis. Gave up all those yummy GF desserts and have been maintaining a LCHF diet. This recent glutening made me lactose intolerant. Ugh! I think I am on my way to recovering. I hope the same for you! Half the battle is knowing what you are fighting! Best wishes!
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I hear you! I do. It can absolutely feel like it's one thing after another. I have felt the same and still feel extremely guarded about anything health related. I hope you get something figured out soon and feel better...you are so young! ((((Hugs)))) and congratulations on your marriage!
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When was the last time you had a celiac blood panel? And what were the results? I assume that you are being dietary compliant? That is not an insult! I know you are well informed and diligent about the gluten-free diet. My recently anitbodies tests were positive. I knew I was glutened five weeks ago and then most likely glutened again (was on vacation). I was and am so careful, but I still can not say what actually glutend me. Lots of theories.....but no concrete evidence. SIBO was one diagnosis that my GI suggested. I asked for the blood panel and it looks like my initial guess that I was glutened was correct. Once again, my TTG was negative, but the DPG IGA was positive. It can be so important to get a complete celiac panel especially if your TTG is negative. Five weeks is a long time to be sick after an accidental glutening. Geez Louise, I did not even get the pleasure of knowing I conumed glutened (though it would NOT have been worth it!). I understand your frustration. I was floored when I was diagnosed with diabetes a year after my celiac disease diagnosis. Gave up all those yummy gluten-free desserts and have been maintaining a LCHF diet. This recent glutening made me lactose intolerant. Ugh! I think I am on my way to recovering. I hope the same for you! Half the battle is knowing what you are fighting! Best wishes!

OMG - I don't know why I don't get notifications on comments. To answer your question - I am extremely dietery compliant and my celiac panel ran in April was totally great, all low low low. I make all my own food and I don't eat out in restaurants. Too risky for me. I have been having chronic isues that I have considered an ongoing microscopic colitits flare. I know some of my trigger foods and avoid them like gluten (legumes, anything spicy) but in all honesty my GI has never been right. Not even when I was on entocort for my colitis. This chronic diarrhea and cramps even eating a colitis diet and gluten free diet still won't go away. That's why my doctor wanted to do the endoscopy, as well as check into my dyspagia and recheck my SI since its been a couple years? has it? seems like forever... Anyway... if I have SIBO... I'll manage. Maybe its the answer I have been waiting for... Sucks you didn't even know you got glutened or even enjoyed it. That is the worst!!

I hear you! I do. It can absolutely feel like it's one thing after another. I have felt the same and still feel extremely guarded about anything health related. I hope you get something figured out soon and feel better...you are so young! ((((Hugs)))) and congratulations on your marriage!

Thanks Hon! I am beyond happy to be moving forward with a great man by my side. I hope we will push past this health crap together and I'll feel good soon ((Hugs)))

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How long have you been on the trek now Mossemalibu?

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