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Latest Labs



And my last copy of lab results from 7/31/17 .....ugg numbers make so little sense to me. THEY just got them to me and my medicaid is out...so the doctor will not explain them to me.

Celiac.com Sponsor (A13):
SEDIMENTATION RATE-WESTERGREN     5     0-15     MM/HR         Final     01
FERRITIN, SERUM     6     30-400     NG/ML     Below Low Normal     Final     01
FOLATE (FOLIC ACID), SERUM     >20.0     >3.0     NG/ML         Final     01

Iron and TIBC
IRON BIND.CAP.(TIBC)     436     250-450     UG/DL         Final     01
UIBC     412     111-343     UG/DL     Above High Normal     Final     01
IRON, SERUM     24     38-169     UG/DL     Below Low Normal     Final     01
IRON SATURATION     6     15-55     %     Alert Low     Final     01

Comp Metabolic Panel
GLUCOSE, SERUM     91     65-99     MG/DL         Final     01
BUN     26     6-20     MG/DL     Above High Normal     Final     01
CREATININE, SERUM     0.65     0.76-1.27     MG/DL     Below Low Normal     Final     01
EGFR IF NONAFRICN AM     133     >59     ML/MIN/1.73         Final     01
EGFR IF AFRICN AM     154     >59     ML/MIN/1.73         Final     01
BUN/CREATININE RATIO     40     9-20         Above High Normal     Final     01
SODIUM, SERUM     139     134-144     MMOL/L         Final     01
POTASSIUM, SERUM     4.3     3.5-5.2     MMOL/L         Final     01
CHLORIDE, SERUM     98     96-106     MMOL/L         Final     01
CARBON DIOXIDE, TOTAL     22     18-29     MMOL/L         Final     01
CALCIUM, SERUM     9.6     8.7-10.2     MG/DL         Final     01
PROTEIN, TOTAL, SERUM     6.9     6.0-8.5     G/DL         Final     01
ALBUMIN, SERUM     4.8     3.5-5.5     G/DL         Final     01
GLOBULIN, TOTAL     2.1     1.5-4.5     G/DL         Final     01
A/G RATIO     2.3     1.2-2.2         Above High Normal     Final     01
BILIRUBIN, TOTAL     <0.2     0.0-1.2     MG/DL         Final     01
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE, S     64     39-117     IU/L         Final     01
AST (SGOT)     38     0-40     IU/L         Final     01
ALT (SGPT)     33     0-44     IU/L         Final     01

CBC with Differential/Platelet
WBC     4.5     3.4-10.8     X10E3/UL         Final     01
RBC     3.68     4.14-5.80     X10E6/UL     Below Low Normal     Final     01
HEMOGLOBIN     10.1     12.6-17.7     G/DL     Below Low Normal     Final     01
HEMATOCRIT     32.4     37.5-51.0     %     Below Low Normal     Final     01
MCV     88     79-97     FL         Final     01
MCH     27.4     26.6-33.0     PG         Final     01
MCHC     31.2     31.5-35.7     G/DL     Below Low Normal     Final     01
RDW     13.8     12.3-15.4     %         Final     01
PLATELETS     215     150-379     X10E3/UL         Final     01
NEUTROPHILS     58         %         Final     01
LYMPHS     33         %         Final     01
MONOCYTES     7         %         Final     01
EOS     1         %         Final     01
BASOS     1         %         Final     01
IMMATURE CELLS     NP                 Cancelled     01
NEUTROPHILS (ABSOLUTE)     2.6     1.4-7.0     X10E3/UL         Final     01
LYMPHS (ABSOLUTE)     1.5     0.7-3.1     X10E3/UL         Final     01
MONOCYTES(ABSOLUTE)     0.3     0.1-0.9     X10E3/UL         Final     01
EOS (ABSOLUTE)     0.0     0.0-0.4     X10E3/UL         Final     01
BASO (ABSOLUTE)     0.1     0.0-0.2     X10E3/UL         Final     01
IMMATURE GRANULOCYTES     0         %         Final     01
IMMATURE GRANS (ABS)     0.0     0.0-0.1     X10E3/UL         Final     01


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Ennis, I have a question. How many vials did they take? Just to get an idea.. I’d really like to get a test like this - the problem is I’m only 106 lbs now and would pass out if they took a lot of blood. 3 vials would be ok.. maybe 4. Thanks a lot

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I am not a doctor, but I have had iron-deficiency anemia due to celiac disease.  Do you think this is due to celiac disease or UC flare?    Are you taking iron?  It might help until you start absorbing it again properly.  If it is celiac disease related, you should recover soon that much I know!  

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55 minutes ago, Gluten_free_01 said:

Ennis, I have a question. How many vials did they take? Just to get an idea.. I’d really like to get a test like this - the problem is I’m only 106 lbs now and would pass out if they took a lot of blood. 3 vials would be ok.. maybe 4. Thanks a lot

3-4 vials, I distract myself with small talk and look away when they do it.

12 minutes ago, cyclinglady said:


I am not a doctor, but I have had iron-deficiency anemia due to celiac disease.  Do you think this is due to celiac disease or UC flare?    Are you taking iron?  It might help until you start absorbing it again properly.  If it is celiac disease related, you should recover soon that much I know!  

Yeah I take iron and I consume a TON of pea protein (i take 3-4 servings a day each contains 15% RDI) I consume cocoa nibs, nuts also high in iron. and I take 1500-2000mg vitamin C a day to help.....no clue as to the cause. Doc wants me to get iron IV.....

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2 minutes ago, Ennis_TX said:

3-4 vials, I distract myself with small talk and look away when they do it.

Ok, thank you.

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The iron IV might certainly help you feel better.  If I were in your shoes, I would seriously consider it.  The anemia should resolve with healing if it is celiac disease related.  I recall you might have been exposed to gluten at the convention you attended.  I am not familiar with UC, but I know that it can also cause anemia too.  

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7 minutes ago, cyclinglady said:

The iron IV might certainly help you feel better.  If I were in your shoes, I would seriously consider it.  The anemia should resolve with healing if it is celiac disease related.  I recall you might have been exposed to gluten at the convention you attended.  I am not familiar with UC, but I know that it can also cause anemia too.  

In my case UC causes my intestines to swell with blood and was causing bleeding, that is why I used to have issues with blood streaked stools and sometimes clots of blood in stools. Seems fine as long as I stay off of carbs, sugars, in addition to dairy, soy, and gluten. Those are my flare triggers......also when off the proscriptions spices, garlic, onion, tomatoes, peppers cause it....and I run out of that Wednesday and can not afford to pay for them and medicaid is gone....lol I am actually asking around trying to find a philanthropist to go into CVS with me and pay for them......going to have to go to a VERY bland diet next week.  Yeah my numbers used to be like 1 maybe 2 on ferratin

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Why is your Medicaid gone? Can you get the aca insurance? It's not bad if you don't make a lot and don't get the fanciest plan. You can sign up now because you've had what they call a Life Change (losing Medicaid). Let me know if you need more help. My kids qualified for Medicaid but my stupid state didn't expand Medicaid so they couldn't get it. Got them on the aca and it wasn't bad for us. Now with this new job it's a big bowl of crap dealing with the state insurance which is awful and super expensive for my family.

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