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So I saw a chiropractor today after noticing some nerve issues, neck pain and a spasm in my back. I talked them down on cost to a $35 xray and examination, and a $50 adjustment down from $257 and $65. So what I learned, I have a S shaped curvature to my spine that needs to be alignged, and I have osteoporosis in my neck . SO that is the issue with my neck pains.  I can not afford to get the proper adjustments that I need. I opted instead to do them on a monthly basis which I can afford and see if that fixes it, As for the neck...well any treatment options are outside my price range,  Going to increase my Vitmain D suppmentation to be more regular and make sure I am driking more calcium fortiifed nut milks see if I can help stop the osteoporosis.


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Weight bearing exercise - which you seem to do already - is supposed to help as well.

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Yikes.  I have Osteoporosis and have already experienced vertebrae fractures.  My hubby has used a chiropractor for a shoulder injury (recommended by our medical doctor), but I would not feel comfortable having anyone manipulate my back.  My fractures occurred while I was doing NOTHING.  I also had rib and hip pain while lying down.  All that resolved in a healthy gluten-free diet.  My bone scan is holding,but then I am post menopausal and my bone building days are either over or take a LOT of time.  I exercise too.  No medications.  

I hope your UC can stay in remission or at least is improving!  


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I am just now seeing your blog post.

Look into Vitamin K and Boron both are important for Calcium levels.

Vitamin D gets all the press but bone density has shown to improve with Vitamin K levels.

Here is a quick google search about born from the Livestrong site.

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Be careful to find a K2 or MK-4 or MK-7 form.

K2 are fat soluble (usually from dairy or meat sources) and the MK's are the kind that stays/stored in the body.

See this webmd article about why the form matters.

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Just like Magnesium.   The for you take it in matters.

With you having trouble digesting meat it makes sense you would be low in Vitamin K though eggs are considered a fairly good alternative source of Vitamin K.

I don't know whether it (K) is in the whites or the yolks though.  You will have to do more research on that Ennis_tx.

Here a good overview of the foods sources of the different kinds of Vitamin K and where (what type of food) determines what kind of Vitamin K you get in your diet.

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**** this is not medical advice but I hope this is helpful.


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4 hours ago, Posterboy said:


I am just now seeing your blog post.

Look into Vitamin K and Boron both are important for Calcium levels.

Vitamin D gets all the press but bone density has shown to improve with Vitamin K levels.

Here is a quick google search about born from the Livestrong site.

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Be careful to find a K2 or MK-4 or MK-7 form.

K2 are fat soluble (usually from dairy or meat sources) and the MK's are the kind that stays/stored in the body.

See this webmd article about why the form matters.

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Just like Magnesium.   The for you take it in matters.

With you having trouble digesting meat it makes sense you would be low in Vitamin K though eggs are considered a fairly good alternative source of Vitamin K.

I don't know whether it (K) is in the whites or the yolks though.  You will have to do more research on that Ennis_tx.

Here a good overview of the foods sources of the different kinds of Vitamin K and where (what type of food) determines what kind of Vitamin K you get in your diet.

Open Original Shared Link

**** this is not medical advice but I hope this is helpful.


Yes Vitamin K is a big thing in my diet, not for the calcium issue for for helping stop bleeding. Due to the UC I make sure I eat something like kale, spinach, butter leaf each meal ALWAYs, paranoid about sorta funny. But I hope a constant supply helps my blood clot faster and perhaps lessen the anemia from bleeding internally.

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