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The Chronic Prostatitis and Celiac Disease Connection

Wendy Cohan, RN


I'm writing a book about the bladder, and one of the points I came across in my research, perhaps not too surprisingly, is a link between gluten intolerance and/or celiac disease and chronic prostatitis in men. I've also run across a comment posted regarding this link on the Open Original Shared Link on this site, but I really want to learn more about this link to document it for the book. So, what I'm wondering, and asking, is if anyone would be willing to share their story with me? My guess is that chronic prostatitis often exists concurrently with other symptoms more typical of gluten reactions, and that going on a gluten free diet helps those symptoms, with the added, although unexpected, benefit on the prostate. Can anyone help me out? All confidentiality will be protected.


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Guest Philip


I have just picked up your website, I think we all need to be a bit cautious, my father had celiac condition and then in his late eighties had a prostate problem. I was diagnosed with the condition celiac when I was forty, but am sure I had it all my life before. After the diagnosis I was very much better. I am now 58 years old (still hate the gluten free bread ) but have prostate cancer. The PSA was 150. I am not sure if you can safely say gluten free will reduce any risk of prostate problems. Blame your father if you get it. But good luck anyway.

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Guest Sam

I'd love to help you. In my personal experience there is a 100% link between my prostatitis and eating any kind of gluten. it never fails, the tiniest bit of gluten and symptoms come straight back but all my symptoms are much less severe than before I realized the connection between gluten and prostatitis.


I first identified the symptoms of prostatitis when I was about 17 but it was very confusing, it took me a while to really understand what was going on. I had stomach cramps since childhood and difficulty sleeping with that but when I turned 17 and up things got gradually worse and worse. I went to a doctor one night after I couldn't sleep, I couldn't stop going to the toilet, my stomach was cramping, I was vomiting red stuff and I couldn't stay still out of the discomfort. It felt like I was constantly constipated but a doctor classifies constipation as not going to the toilet for a few days. This was like feeling constipated whether I had eliminated or not. I was trying to do push ups, yoga and other exercise to get rid of the pain until I went to the hospital. They gave me a check up, gave me some pills for gastroentilitis and pain killers codeine, told me to eat "healthy" and that was that. Later I started taking antibiotics for acne and I noticed while I was on antibiotics that symptoms went away. After going off and on antibiotics a couple of times the symptoms would always come back. At the beginning of 2014 things were getting really bad and where I used to get pain once or twice a week it was now every single day. Finally a doctor advised that I take gluten out of my diet and it worked. Now I have no problems unless I have even the smallest amount of gluten. I wish there were greater awareness about this link because it would have saved me many many years of pain and by taking my diet into my own hands I live a far better life. But it doesn't give me back the many years of pain and confusion.

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Guest Matt

This is Matt, 8 months later. I am literally 95% better and plan to be 100% in the next month or so as my body continues to heal.


I'm simply allergic to wheat and and sensitive to dairy. A friend said the dairy sensitivity is because the dairy animals est wheat...


After nearly 25 years, I figured this out. Odd, that no doctor was ever able to help me. I have visited every type of doctor from the west to the east coast.

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Guest Felix

Celiac disease has connection with vitamin B12 insufficiency and here is the link between neurological symptoms like premature ejaculation and this disease. Gluten-free lifestyle is not enough to secure you against neurological symptoms you must to take B vitamins( injektions)after a certain shedule

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Guest max



I've been dealing with prostatitis for 4 months now. It all started with white discharge, urge to pee and pain in my abdomen. Doctor did the urine test and found couple of bacteria. They gave me 10 days of cipro. Which helped but didn't clear the symptoms. Then I tried 2 months of amoxicillin and now on two months of doxycycline. Now I only have painful urination during bowel movement. Please tell me if there is really a connection between prostatitis and gluten. I'll try going gluten free - see how it works out.

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Guest gene

Hi, I have a question about taking ED meds and IBS. I take an off-brand of Canadian Viagra that my doctor prescribed for my prostate. However, I also have IBS. I've been taking the generic viagra for about five months and so far it's been fine. However, I've just recently began to have some trouble with my IBS. Could it be possible that the meds are effecting it? I have been taking them for a while but I know it can take time for meds to build up in your system, etc.


I'm 48 years old and besides the prostate problems and IBS I'm an otherwise healthy male. I also recently just switched to vapor cigarettes and quit smoking real ones. Any help with this would be appreciated as I can't afford to go see my doctor until the beginning of the year.

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Guest matt

I have the exact same symptoms.

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Guest Jon

Wow there's so much on this page I can relate to! Thanks! For as long as I can remember I've had IBS and unknowingly till recently (I'm 24) maybe prostatitis or interstitial cystitis, as I have no real diagnosis yet. For my whole life I have suffered intolerable pains and diarrhea randomly (mostly in the mornings) I would be in class or on a buss or out and it would strike me, this nasty sour pain in my lower gut making me run to the nearest bathroom if I had the opportunity. In my teen years when I learned about masturbation, I found that sometimes if I ejaculated and then went to the bathroom #2 and, then #1, I would have a very intense flare up giving me a painful burning from my anus through to my urethra. I would need to lay down or sit in a stiff position for a little while before it would go away, usually 10 minutes, and then I was okay until the next flare up. Sometimes a few times a year I'd say. As I got older it only really bothered me when I had diarrhea and then would pee after, and only then would I get another intense flare up. Only a few times have I had the flare up happen when I ejaculate then pee, and usually only in the morning (99% of the time). This last year I have been having the increasingly difficult problem of having really bad gas every morning waking me up, very uncomfortable, and then I would have to go to the bathroom which would normally be diarrhea yet I would still be constipated and gassy. I started taking Metamucil to try to regulate my self, which was probably the worst mistake of my life. after a month of taking this felt like my entire body was in intense discomfort. My torso felt like it was replaced by just pain. A quick side note, I also was always adjusting my crotch when I was sitting down (almost always) cause it never felt like it was in a comfortable position, it always hurt after sitting for a bit, especially with tight briefs on. I honestly just thought this was because I have large testicles and sitting was restricting them but this may also have been an early sign of prostatitis. I stopped taking it and got a lot better, but never really recovered. I kept having to spend hours a day on the toilet constipated, having gassy diarrhea, I was always bloated, never feeling completely empty after my movements and just generally feeling uncomfortable in my bowels almost all the time, unless I didn't eat. Ha! I win! Okay but seriously, at first I noticed after I ate that I would get these random shooting subtle pains like I was peeing a bit but like I was peeing just air (painful air) for a split second then it was gone. There wasn't actually anything there, no discharge, I was confused. I also started to develop what felt like a really bad bladder infection. I almost went to a clinic one night cause it was so bad , I was up to pee every 20 mins, but ended up not doing so cause I was sure it was linked to my bowel problems. My bowels and bladder eventually got so bad and uncomfortable I went to see a doctor who ordered me a colonoscopy. They found nothing and suggested I might be celiac which I'm currently waiting results for. Since that suggestion (a few days now) I've been gluten free. Now, the first day off of gluten I felt PHENOMENAL! I didn't have to pee all day, I think I peed twice or 3 times all day without even thinking about it, I had a few bowel movements that weren't uncomfortable, I felt like a new person. However, the next day even after being very sure not to consume gluten I was still felling my old symptoms back, more specifically bladder problems and a new pelvic pain yesterday as well as my penis /penis head feeling cold (perhaps poor circulation from enlarged prostate?). Today the peeing is better but I still have uncomfortable and odd shooting pains randomly through my urethra (usually just when I'm walking around) and my anus or rather the spot between my testicles and anus feels sore, and I'm experiencing some minor groin discomfort. It seems I am improving a very little bit every day and I hope it keeps up, I'll start taking my prostatitis meds too and see if that helps, it must right? The side effects don't sound fun though. Hope this helps someone, thanks for your time.

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Bernardo Bento

Hello, brothers in arms.

I come from the future with the SOLUTION to share with all of you. (hopefully you'll still receive the notification 6 years later and check this answer lol)

I have been suffering from severe CPPS/ chronic prostatitis for about 2 years now.

This means crazy pain at all times, waking up twice a night to pee, and never feeling completely empty. Horrible.

I have gone to 8 different doctors, only to be told that I have nothing and it's all mental...

I am 22 years old, and as you can imagine this was terrible at such an age.

I had to stop working out with weights, going out and doing a lot of other stuff that made me enjoy my life.

I have found the solution.

For me it works wonders, and from reading all these answers I am sure it is the solution for all of us.


I don't know if I'm celiac, but gluten is definitely the trigger for me.

As soon as I have a gluten bite, all these nightmares come back to haunt my days.


There's something that allows me to eat gluten and still feel healthy.


That's right.

You MUST buy Curcumin in capsules. This is the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory in existence.

Not only that, but it is said to also prevent cancer, heal our gut and is a big friend of our prostate.

It is truly a gift from the gods.

Brothers, you MUST go buy Curcumin in capsules, and take it everyday.

Really, I can eat gluten with Curcumin without the side effects, but I prefer to only do so in when strictly necessary.

I want to know your feedback and I want to know that this message helped you.

I'll be waiting.


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Scott Adams

It may reduce inflammation, but curcumin will not protect you against the side-effects of eating gluten if you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. It is not a cure by any stretch.

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On 11/7/2009 at 3:11 AM, Guest Anselma said:

Hi, just thought I would mention that I just read an article that says that Interstitial cystitis, in both men and women, is caused by having celiac disease. I have Interstitial cystitis and my mother has both celiac disease and Interstitial Cystitis, therefore I no longer consume gluten. Interstitial cystitis in men can also be confused with chronic prostatitis from what I have read.

Of course it can be confused considering IC is a generic diagnosis for inflammation. In bladder or urethra etc. All are lies there is no chronic prostatitis only underlying infection misdiagnosed. Fungal infection etc. Don't use typical labs they are a waste of time. You must start from the beginning which is your immune system. Being compromised can put you on this ledge. Gluten causes inflammation which can effect leaky gut which can also be a prime candidate for prostatitis. I have suffered for years and will help anyone. My recommendation is stay away from urologist and general doctors. They will just label you and toss you In the trash. Very sad. They are just pharmaceutical salesman


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