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Vertigo spells lately

Cindy Neshe



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I recently had two Vertigo episodes. I am wondering if the s’mores with marshmallows is the culprit? Has anyone experienced Vertigo from hidden gluten? I am really sensitive to gluten and Casein. I was diagnosed in May 2017 and had an endoscopy in March, small intestine was found to be normal. Diagnosis “May have Celiac”. I do carry one gene. Both Neice and my other nieces daughter are gluten sensitive. Both parents are deceased so I don’t know the history. I hope to hear from you.


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This is a blog section.  Usually this section doesn't get many comments.  You might want to post in the forum.  But to answer your question - S'mores are made with graham crackers.  Regular graham crackers contain gluten.  It isn't hidden - it is listed in the ingredients.

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Cindy Neshe

The graham crackers were gluten and dairy Casein free. I am questioning the marshmallows. I used dark chocolate as well.

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Never seen a marshmallow with gluten

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Cindy Neshe

I did read both Krafts and Dumark are the makers and guarantee no cross contamination and deemed safe for gluten free. I used a Lindt dark chocolate bar with sea salt and now believe that’s the culprit since the company does not guarantee cross contamination or gluten free.

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Sometimes we blame everything in celiac disease.  If vertigo is a new symptom, perhaps you have developed another issue.  

Personally, I do not use Lindt chocolate.  Cross contamination on shared manufacturing lines seems to be a possibility.  

I hope you figure it out.  Vertigo must be awful!  

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Cindy Neshe

Me too! I am not trying to “blame” Celiac. I am asking if anyone else has possibly had vertigo symptoms from eating gluten or even Casein. I’m trying to see if I should avoid certain foods. The govt allows 20 ppm in all foods. It’s a trace but since being diagnosed it could be a problem for me or maybe others. I’m reaching out, that’s all.

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I am sorry, I obviously did not communicate well.  

Last year, I was glutened.  My antibodies were off the charts and that included thyroid antibodies as well.  Not only did I have GI issues, but I developed hives for six months.  I went almost a year from my initial exposure (source unknown) and was still having GI issues.  Finally, after a few months of the Fasano diet (I insisted) my GI convinced me to get another endoscopy (at the time my antibodies for celiac disease were still elevated and not coming down).  Biopsies and a good visual showed a completely healed small intestine.  However, I was diagnosed with Chronic Autoimmune Gastritis (stomach biopsies).  

For almost a year, I kept thinking I was getting exposed to gluten and that I was not doing a good job of adhering to the diet (at least I thought my doctor was thinking that).  

I knew that celiac disease can be triggered by gluten.  I did not know that it can trigger or worsen other autoimmune/hypersensitivity issues as well.  

So, that is why I stated that sometimes not all symptoms are due to celiac disease.  

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I suggest reviewing some of the threads in this search link.  I think you'll agree the answer is "Yes, people can have vertigo as a celiac symptom".  It sure doens't sound like any fun to me.

Edited by GFinDC
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Scott Adams

Vertigo was one of my symptoms, so I do think it some people with celiac disease present with this as a symptom. I am curious just how common it is, as I've not seen any studies done on it. The good news is that, at least in my case, it was one of the first symptoms to go away after I began a gluten-free diet.

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Cindy Neshe

I had Vertigo off and on last month for about three weeks. I just stated getting it again. It’s off and on. One day I’m fine, I wake up in the middle of the night with it. I have it now. It’s less severe but I can’t stand up for too long very weak and start getting the dizziness. I have a cold for about three weeks now. That could be the issue with inner ear.

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On 10/10/2018 at 12:26 PM, Cindy Neshe said:

I had Vertigo off and on last month for about three weeks. I just stated getting it again. It’s off and on. One day I’m fine, I wake up in the middle of the night with it. I have it now. It’s less severe but I can’t stand up for too long very weak and start getting the dizziness. I have a cold for about three weeks now. That could be the issue with inner ear.


I do not have Vertigo but I had friends with Vertigo and/or Meneieres  and have researched it for theem.

You can do something called the Epley Manueveres for Vertigo.

Here is a Webmd article about it.

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Also have your Vitamin D levels checked according to the Vitamin D council it should help your Vertigo.

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Also Milk has been shown to have a delayed autoimmune effect in Meneires patients.  It is possible you were exposed to (Milk/casein) in your chocolate. 

Here is the research on the MIlk and Meneieres connecton it is very new so don't expect doctor's to be aware of it.

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It can take 10 or 15 years before new research becomes common (knowledge) or accepted practice in a clinical setting.

Soy is  also a common allergen people also react too that is hard to eliminate in ones diet.  It shows up as soy lecithin often as an emulsifier.

Here is a good overview of emulsifiers and why soy is most common in products that use/neeed emulsifiers (which is a lot of stuff). Almost anything that has fat (oil) in it.

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I hope this is helpful but it is not medical advice.

2 Timothy 2: 7   “Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things” this included.

Posterboy by the grace of God,

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On 10/10/2018 at 12:00 PM, Scott Adams said:

Vertigo was one of my symptoms, so I do think it some people with celiac disease present with this as a symptom. I am curious just how common it is, as I've not seen any studies done on it. The good news is that, at least in my case, it was one of the first symptoms to go away after I began a gluten-free diet.


Here is a study on Meneries in Gluten Sensitivity.

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They say more than 50% might have NCGS symptom's in those who have Menieres which Vertigo is usually (a common) sign of Meniere's which often thankfully 80% of the time Vertigo goes away on it's own.

Quoting the Vitamin D council on  Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).

"BPPV is the most common cause of vertigo. Although this condition may result secondary to head trauma, migraines, prolonged bed rest and otologic surgery, 80% of all cases occur as an isolated event with an unknown etiology (idiopathic)."  but certainly gluten should be considered as cause/trigger of more than 50% of Meniere's patient react negatively to gliadin/gluten when challenged by it.

I hope this is helpful but it is not medical advice.

 As always “Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things” this included.

2 Timothy 2: 7 

Posterboy by the grace of God,

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Cindy Neshe

Thank you for reaching out. My Vertigo has finally given me relief. The spinning is less frequent. I started Flonase two days ago and believe it is helping me. I am able to get back to work and not have the fear of Vertigo. I’m still unsteady but manageable. I want to thank everyone for their support, it really means a lot to me!


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Gland you are feeling better. I don't know if this is relevant or not but an abnormal immune response and allergies are listed as a cause of Meniere's disease on the mayoclinic website. 

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Cindy Neshe

Thank you so much for the Mayo study. I was diagnosed with Mineres over 30 years ago. I had two very frightening episodes of vertigo where I fell straight to the floor. I didn’t believe I had it because it never happened again for years. Never had anything close to vertigo until now. I was complaining for 10 years (2009) that something was wrong with my stomach. Describing attacks and excruciating pain, unlike anything I have ever experienced. Drs dismisses it as my stomach gets full or early satiety. I finally switched drs and my new dr suspected Celiac and did a simple blood test. I tested 100% on all tests including Casein as well. It was like a switch overnight. I started all the gluten free foods but forgot about my sodium problem and now I think the Mineres has reared it’s ugly head in a much milder form if you can believe it. I had several bloood tests done and the dr wants me to do Vestibular testing (spinning).  I’m waiting for the blood tests and want to see the sodium result. I’ve been eating a lot of natural veggies and fruit lately tying to get the sodium out of my system.

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