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Intermittent Fasting,



Well, I had a positive health turn around with something new. I was doing some reading on intermittent fasting, Various benefits, for staying in keto, allowing your body to focus on building muscle and healing instead of digestion, detoxing, burning fat effectively etc.  I was honestly scared I would waste away but that was not the case.
I started last week with 16-hour fasting, I adapted the times to my life and this is what has happened in 7 days.
1. I have been having vomiting issues since mid last year ever night IT STOPPED
2. I have been having trouble gaining muscle weight and trimming out this one area on my belly, I am up 2lbs, more muscle tone and definition.
3. I feel more motivated to do stuff. I do not get tired as much, more energy into the evenings.
4. Lower resting heart rate, this is a sign of good health.
5. More time, I no longer spend as much time with my own meal prep, I am no longer eating every 4 hours.
6. I no longer get the binge eats, I feel satisfied, I am craving savory for meals then sweets.
7 Saving money, I am not spending as much money on food, and digestive enzymes for each meal.

I am thinking of increasing it to 18 hour fast for april.
I am getting up 3:50am taking my meds, stationary bike while reading email for 30-40mins, working out HITT for 30mins or Yoga for 20. Then doing meal prep for the day, baking for others, and eating my own huge 8 egg omelet or quiche around 5-6am clean up, and weights for 20mins, Then back to computer work for the day on a stationary bike, and various daily activities, deliveries, errands, cooking. HITT and weights again, Then lunch around 12pm  tons of enzymes, normally having been cooking for others, and meal deliveries. I then after 1pm will not eat any more calories but have unsweet green tea and black coffee and maybe some millies sipping broth along with more weights and working out in the evenings instead of eating and cooking, then I am spending my spare and unbloated time getting out and doing stuff. 

I did my research reading stuff by ketogenic girl and
thomas delauer, about IF and diet macros, the importance of greens with fats, what to eat and not eat, biohacking to better stabilize your life, heal your body, and find what works for you is a bit fun. 


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Wow!  Congratulations, Ennis!  

I am so happy that the vomiting stopped. 

I have been researching intermittent fasting.  Right now, I am doing just 12 hour fasts.  I would like to do it a little longer, but my down fall is drinking coffee in the morning with cream.  Some days I try for just plain tea and can go 14 to 16 hours. 

I do not plan to do any longer periods of fasting because my research indicates that it helps men, but not sure about how this diet impacts older woman.  I have read about a diabetic woman who did well fasting (like 2 days a week) for a few years, but then messed up her metabolism.  So, I am just taking the old-fashioned approach of not eating after dinner.  Those late snacks were not helping my diabetes and my weight.  I have gained weight (healed celiac) and now am at the top of my BMI.  The gain is not muscle!  I have been doing this for about three months and have fallen off the wagon several times. No change in weight, but then I have found that I am hypothyroid again.  Hopefully, I should see improvement in a few weeks with my medication adjustment.  

This fasting diet may very well help those with diabetes who do not have access to a low carb, high fat or keto-type diet.  I have followed Dr. Jason Fung and others who are experimenting with diet to help control blood sugar.  Of course there are no huge studies.  (Who wants to fund food?). But like the carb connection to diabetes, I think scientists and the medical field will come around (like the American Diabetes Association finally recognizing that a low carb diet can help diabetes - thanks to that large study done by the University of Alabama).  

I think fasting is just another approach to weight loss or improved health.  It has been around for centuries for religious reasons.  However, everyone must find their own way as we are all unique.  Like Dr. Fung, my own mother did not allow constant snacking.  We had to wait until dinner.  If we were hungry before bed, we were told that we should have eaten more dinner.  No one ever snacked at recess.  If the package of Jello stated six 1/2 cups servings, my mother managed to get six 1/2 servings.  Everything was in moderation.  Guess what?  Looking back at family photos and school pictures, I can see very few fat people.  Now, it is the norm (even dogs are fat).  

So, keep us posted about your fasting.  I think daily fasts are safe as our ancestors did not eat all day long!    It might be good to give our digestive tract a break from working 24/7.  

Edited by cyclinglady
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7 hours ago, cyclinglady said:

Wow!  Congratulations, Ennis!  

I am so happy that the vomiting stopped. 

I have been researching intermittent fasting.  Right now, I am doing just 12 hour fasts.  I would like to do it a little longer, but my down fall is drinking coffee in the morning with cream.  Some days I try for just plain tea and can go 14 to 16 hours. 

I do not plan to do any longer periods of fasting because my research indicates that it helps men, but not sure about how this diet impacts older woman.  I have read about a diabetic woman who did well fasting (like 2 days a week) for a few years, but then messed up her metabolism.  So, I am just taking the old-fashioned approach of not eating after dinner.  Those late snacks were not helping my diabetes and my weight.  I have gained weight (healed celiac) and now am at the top of my BMI.  The gain is not muscle!  I have been doing this for about three months and have fallen off the wagon several times. No change in weight, but then I have found that I am hypothyroid again.  Hopefully, I should see improvement in a few weeks with my medication adjustment.  

This fasting diet may very well help those with diabetes who do not have access to a low carb, high fat or keto-type diet.  I have followed Dr. Jason Fung and others who are experimenting with diet to help control blood sugar.  Of course there are no huge studies.  (Who wants to fund food?). But like the carb connection to diabetes, I think scientists and the medical field will come around (like the American Diabetes Association finally recognizing that a low carb diet can help diabetes - thanks to that large study done by the University of Alabama).  

I think fasting is just another approach to weight loss or improved health.  It has been around for centuries for religious reasons.  However, everyone must find their own way as we are all unique.  Like Dr. Fung, my own mother did not allow constant snacking.  We had to wait until dinner.  If we were hungry before bed, we were told that we should have eaten more dinner.  No one ever snacked at recess.  If the package of Jello stated six 1/2 cups servings, my mother managed to get six 1/2 servings.  Everything was in moderation.  Guess what?  Looking back at family photos and school pictures, I can see very few fat people.  Now, it is the norm (even dogs are fat).  

So, keep us posted about your fasting.  I think daily fasts are safe as our ancestors did not eat all day long!    It might be good to give our digestive tract a break from working 24/7.  

Well, I tried meats for my lunch today, while fine for breakfast I think I should still keep them out for that late lunch. I was vomiting 7 hours after eating and it was pretty rancid. But a week without shows this is still the right route. 

Yeah, I started the 12 hours thing in January, I gave up my nighttime snack and started 5-5 eating and not eating patterns. I just recently cut it back..messed up part was it was more to just save money by not wasting it on food I would vomit up later. But worked out pretty good. 

Ketogenic Girl has done some podcast and research on fasting. From female perspective research, this might be something to look into for you. Maria Emmerich is also a HUGE keto diet person with several cookbooks.

Yeah the no snacking after a certain time, and CLEAN the plate you're not leaving til you eat it and you get nothing else later.....THAT is what these new kids need. A BIG personal peeve of mine seeing people throw away food, and even worse with kids that do that just to ask for candy/cookies/snacks later. I will admit I have some traumas from grandma yelling at me and not letting me leave the table or swatting my hand with a wooden spoon when I tried to snack. But it is what you need. Eat when you are supposed to or go hungry. 

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Ennis this is so nice to hear. I am really happy for you!

Another cool thing about intermittent fasting is that spontaneity comes back into your life and it is so much less stressful when you find yourself in a situation without food. 

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Ennis_Tx and Cycylinglady,

There is a pilot study on this approach to help Type II diabetics.

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Ennis_tx you need to extend your fast length to truly get the benefit you seek.

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Celiac.com featured an article about it published in the IJCD last fall.

Until the autophagy kicks in ... your not regeneration your sick cells into healthy ones.

It explains it well!  I hope this is helpful but it is not medical advice.  And according to Dr. Fung if you taking BCAA's for muscle building you might want to fast from them too for best results.  see his point about Leucine.

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I have tried IF myself but find I can only do .... a IF once a month then I loose my self control.... there is good evidence to indicate if you can fast 4 to 5 days straight (once  a month)  for at least 4 or 5 months straight you can "starve" out diabetes.

After a short week (4 or 5 day fast) I find my blood sugars are better for a couple months at least.

Ennis_Tx I am glad to here you are feeling better.



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12 hours ago, Posterboy said:

Ennis_Tx and Cycylinglady,

There is a pilot study on this approach to help Type II diabetics.

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Ennis_tx you need to extend your fast length to truly get the benefit you seek.

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Celiac.com featured an article about it published in the IJCD last fall.

Until the autophagy kicks in ... your not regeneration your sick cells into healthy ones.

It explains it well!  I hope this is helpful but it is not medical advice.  And according to Dr. Fung if you taking BCAA's for muscle building you might want to fast from them too for best results.  see his point about Leucine.

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I have tried IF myself but find I can only do .... a IF once a month then I loose my self control.... there is good evidence to indicate if you can fast 4 to 5 days straight (once  a month)  for at least 4 or 5 months straight you can "starve" out diabetes.

After a short week (4 or 5 day fast) I find my blood sugars are better for a couple months at least.

Ennis_Tx I am glad to here you are feeling better.




I was reading and watching stuff from Thomas Delauer, Ketogenicgirl, and a few other things. I do not take BCAA any more but moved to protein powders, it was covered as something that can spike insulin but protein is more themogenic. I also moved my meds closer together and dropped some I no longer need. Fun fact did you know fluorine can spike insulin? The diet is weird but with my body and lean ratios with extreme walks, workouts, and cardio I am seeing results with high fiber and protein mixed in, and a smaller fasting window. 
I am looking at increasing it to 18 hours fast starting next Monday, I am also adjusting some other things, finding some hidden carbs in a few foods I eat, and adjusting meds. 

>.< I am only like 8-12% body fat I have no intention on fasting for 20+ hours til I get some more weight. I think 4 days would result in my body eating itself. MAYBE a bone broth fast with MCT added in for a day or 2.... I would probably go back to liquid BM. lol One of my big issues now, is I still have that BM issues but I stopped the D by adding psyllium husk and coconut flour to every meal to give bulk and hold it together. 


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Bit of a health infographic, yesterday I was super stressed and broke a few records but this is just slightly above my average day. -_- Extended fasting is dangerous with this kind of activity.

Screenshot_2019-04-03 Fitbit Dashboard.png

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If you keep to your one meal a day (OMAD) routine you might find you lose weight despite the number of calories you are eating.

see this person's experience ...again I couldn't keep it up like they did....

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doing HITT training before eating can cause you to increase fat lose by 20 percent ... according to at least one study.

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Your blood sugar numbers won't drop for at least 16 hours because our body stores enough glucose in our liver for 16 hours (unless you are taking diabetes medicine) ...my Blood sugar numbers when I did a medical fast for 3 days didn't start to drop for 48 hours.

I hope this is helpful but it is not medical advice.


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