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Tracking Down the Food Culprit



So after my UC flare issues, I started having allergy issues (assumed a really bad seasonal case) and some random vomiting. Now the vomiting I thought at first was rebound from my constant D issues that resolved with the new RX for the UC. But it is very particular and patterned with food intake, looking at my food diary I am now assuming a new food sensitivity or allergy related. The vomiting always seems to have a bunch of floating mucus/slime and was seemingly random around food intake. Seems to also have a delayed gastric emptying/gastroparesis like feature.  Now looking back there are some common foods in my food diary and I am now doing a elimination diet to track it down. Suspected Culprits in order
Erythritol (commonly derived from corn which I am allergic to but in the past it was seemingly processed without the offending proteins)
Guar Gum, being a emulsifier it could be contributing to various issues with digestion and the floating masses
Inulin/Chicroy, Found in some new bars I have been snacking on between meals
Garcenia Cambodia, Oddly in a green tea I drink often but I have a theory its effects on blood sugar could be similar to a form of diabetic gastroparesis.
Almonds, Daily staple but might be a bit rough on digestion and a temporary issues.
Avocados, I often cook with the oil, eat them plain, and eat mayo and dressing with it
Digestive Enzymes, can be corn derived and may be irritating my overly sensitive GI tract, Changing to Bromelain only and ordering the old Porcine (Pig) Pancreas ones.

Now amusingly some processed and safe foods have cleared some suspects like the Julian Bakery Cookie Dough Egg White protein Bars I can keep down after vomiting cleared sunbutter, chocolate, and egg whites.
I had suspected them but the egg whites and chocolate could be half guilty in other cases in my diary as histamine liberators.

New effort include taking 4 antihistamines, and a diamine oxidase (Open Original Shared Link) enzymes from porcine to break down histamines in the body in case of a histamine overload. I am also going full on savory in my diet.


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Awol cast iron stomach

Good luck Ennis. Sorry to hear something is tripping you up.  Hope you find the culprit and are on the road to symptom free soon.


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Ugg this seems to have thrown me back years with some exceptions.
I can not eat tough meats anymore (again) I tried brisket for my birthday, trimmed lean 7 Hours Smoked, 6 hours wrapped and low temp baked in some extra water to keep it moist...still pieces not digested and coming up 7 hours later. I then tried taking it and pressure cooking it wrapped in foil for 2 hours. MUCH more tender...still coming up but almost digested lol.
The FLOAT rule is back in play...if it floats on water and is tough/irritating or a emulsifier that will form a floating mass of oils/fats...it will come back up. (diary free yogurts, condiments, most nut milks, anything with "gum" something)
Chicken, has to be boiled and left to soak in the broth...no more rotisserie, baked, etc I was enjoying.
Whole nuts/chewed float and irriate but nut butters are fine, just skim any oil off the top and get the dense stuff.
Eggs, cooked on low stir constantly with a bit of water to keep them fluffy and moist no hard edges and fine for breakfast, lunch...they have to be raw or soft boiled
Pork rinds...baked are fine for breakfast not lunch, the old fried ones I loved...they are too greasy now and come back up.
Veggies, off limits for the most part unless boiled to mush and first thing in the morning, but I can boil with meat to season now
Soft Chicken Sausages are fine boiled...oddly the Great Value ones with apple
Bacon still on for breakfast....has to be the precooked extra thin microwave ones and I have to pull all the fat off but the "Meat" part practically dissolves in my mouth chewing when made crispy.....I am wondering if I can "crisp" other meats so the dissolve when I chew them?
Peanut Butter, only once every few weeks...seems I have a stacking penality lol, but I can eat it for the first time in almost half a decade

Tuna, Swai, Salmon, Ground Turkey, Ham, and Avocado are on my test list next week.

I am now off Nexium to boost my acid strength....months of weaning off and I finally got off it during the UC flare.
I am trying a homeopathic remedy for Gastropasis and IBS seeing if that helps...can't tell
I have tried upping vitamin D x5, b-vitamins x2, and digestive enzymes x6 in dose to no difference...still not dumping well to my small intestines
I am trying the ACV trick the next few days and considering acupuncture.

To the allergy issues, I got off Erythritol for awhile and it cleared up -_- I tried it again and it did not come back..seems my body just needed a break?

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Maybe you should try the AIP diet.  I know you cook as a profession, but for yourself. Consider the diet.  It contains only real food and it can be just a temporary measure. You seem to eat lots of processed foods that mimic the old foods you used to love.  Like those artificial sweeteners, flavorings, gums, etc.  

The AIP diet did achieve a 78% reduction in IBD lab biomarkers in that small Scripps study.  It can help identify foods that maybe bothering you.  It might calm down the autoimmune response.  Costs little compared to drugs and doctor visits.  

If the diet is not an option, talk to your GI.  Maybe you can try a biologic.  Something that suppresses your immune system.  I do not know much about it, so do some research.  

You could have pancreatic insufficiency.  That can be checked by your GI.  There are better drugs for this instead of OTC enzymes.  

I hope you figure it out.  Like the brisket.  Did you season it?  Maybe just use only salt. How did you smoke it?  


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I have considered the AIP diet but I can not eat carbs or most veggies. Most of my calories come from seed butters/nut butters, protein powders,m and eggs, and the meats they allow all make me vomit even unseasoned -_- Well not tried fish, turkey, or a few other foods. Hell might try it in January, my original plan to do a carnivore keto diet got kicked off the cliff with the meat vomiting coming back

We know my pancreas does not work right came with the ataxia damage on the T7...and yeah the pig pancreas enzymes are much more effective then the standard OTC ones...I wonder what they have under RX?

The brisket...was salt and black pepper only and smoked over straight hickory wood..no flavorings, charcoal, etc. IT was the purest thing I wanted nothing to ruin my birthday brisket and I spent all day cooking it.......Hell I gave most of it to my parents and vacume sealed some and put in the freezer hoping I can enjoy it later in the year.

OH and I found a temp way to enjoy a meal...with repercussions. 20g of Magnesium Citrate (1625mg of Magnesium) split a hour before and during the meal flushes the food down my stomach and through the small intestines....also induces Diarrhea.

Edited by Ennis_TX
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Corinne D.

Ennis, since you cannot keep down meat, I was wondering if maybe you could tolerate meat stock? The fat would be easier to skim too once it cools down and you could get some real nutrition plus all the other benefits I'm sure you are aware of. For the anti-inflammatory effects and to regulate stomach acid production, maybe you could try bone broth too? That's a more sensitive issue though - I myself do not tolerate it, as it gives me diarrhea, but I'm fine with meat stock.

I'm not sure flushing your food down with magnesium is such a good idea nutrition-wise. If that food spends very little time in your gut, you will not absorb many nutrients from it. It's an interesting concept, but I don't know if I would prefer diarrhea to vomiting if I had a choice :)

Another idea: can you tolerate ginger? The tea made with fresh ginger root is a natural anti-emetic and can also help with stomach acid and inflammation.

From my experience with food intolerances, usually the culprit is a staple food, something eaten every day and actually relied on for nutrition, and of course quite a blow when you realize it's it. As such, if I were you, I would suspect those nut butters and protein powders...

You did mention at some point you were taking some UC meds. Are you still on them? If yes, have they stopped working? Maybe another visit with your doctor would be in order?

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3 hours ago, Corinne D. said:

Ennis, since you cannot keep down meat, I was wondering if maybe you could tolerate meat stock? The fat would be easier to skim too once it cools down and you could get some real nutrition plus all the other benefits I'm sure you are aware of. For the anti-inflammatory effects and to regulate stomach acid production, maybe you could try bone broth too? That's a more sensitive issue though - I myself do not tolerate it, as it gives me diarrhea, but I'm fine with meat stock.

I'm not sure flushing your food down with magnesium is such a good idea nutrition-wise. If that food spends very little time in your gut, you will not absorb many nutrients from it. It's an interesting concept, but I don't know if I would prefer diarrhea to vomiting if I had a choice :)

Another idea: can you tolerate ginger? The tea made with fresh ginger root is a natural anti-emetic and can also help with stomach acid and inflammation.

From my experience with food intolerances, usually the culprit is a staple food, something eaten every day and actually relied on for nutrition, and of course quite a blow when you realize it's it. As such, if I were you, I would suspect those nut butters and protein powders...

You did mention at some point you were taking some UC meds. Are you still on them? If yes, have they stopped working? Maybe another visit with your doctor would be in order?

Stock, Bone Broth, Bone Broth Powder, Collagen Powder, and Beef Protein Isolate (grass fed) no issues at all. EVER

The Magnesium is working 16-20g twice a day and no vomiting. Really runny stools, but nothing like when my UC was flaring a few months ago....yeah I know the UC meds are working UC is painful...like you do not leave the bathroom floor except to have painful BMs and spend half the day in there. And you have bloody stools.

Ginger...I have been making some light ginger drinks, the past few days to help. I find I really have to water it down so it does not have the burn/bite.
The issue with the vomiting...is hte food does not break down. 3,6, up to 12 hours later undigested solids would just come back up. I found that food just stopped moving through my stomach/small intestines and the pipes just seemed to back up.. the effect would last all day once it started.
Amusingly this issue started back up again as soon as I got on the UC meds before I had nut butters and protein powders back in the diet...as soon as the constant D from UC resolved the back up started happening. Nut butters seem to sink and go through fine, the issues are solid nuts, solid meats (yes I found I can eat a blended steak shake..and the brisket was fine as a shake I did test this....no it did not taste that great....needed sauce) and anything that floated on water would float on my stomach acid and trigger vomiting a few hours later.

In the end I am going to bring this up with my GI doc, I am only going to use the magnesium method to get me through the holidays so I am not vomiting everything and can enjoy them. January 2nd I am starting a bone broth fast to jump into it and the AIP diet.


Edited by Ennis_TX
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Hi ennis_tx,

Have you tried betaine HCL with your meals?  Betaine HCL turns into stomach acid when we take it.  It can help digest meats and other foods.  Another thing to try is some lemon juice or vinegar in foods.  Lemon juice and vinegar help us to absorb iron from the foods we eat.

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1 hour ago, GFinDC said:

Hi ennis_tx,

Have you tried betaine HCL with your meals?  Betaine HCL turns into stomach acid when we take it.  It can help digest meats and other foods.  Another thing to try is some lemon juice or vinegar in foods.  Lemon juice and vinegar help us to absorb iron from the foods we eat.

I tried the betaine but it just made the vomiting really burn, I might try again. The lemon and lime are iffy, but I do drink them to break up my congestion from allergies...>.< But after meals might be fun...take with the electrolyte powder orange flavor and I bet it can taste like a margarita.
I am just now trying ACV, it seems to really improve digestion, started that on Tuesday so it sorta consides with the last ditch Magnesium route lol.

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13 hours ago, Ennis_TX said:

I tried the betaine but it just made the vomiting really burn, I might try again. The lemon and lime are iffy, but I do drink them to break up my congestion from allergies...>.< But after meals might be fun...take with the electrolyte powder orange flavor and I bet it can taste like a margarita.
I am just now trying ACV, it seems to really improve digestion, started that on Tuesday so it sorta coincides with the last ditch Magnesium route lol.

Glad to hear the ACV is helping Ennis_TX.  My sister makes a pitcher of water with lemon juice every morning with some stevia to sweeten it.  She then sips it throughout the day.  Might maybe help you some?  Are you still on PPI's?  Those are a bad thing for a person's digestion.  They block stomach acid which means you can't digest food properly.  I am trying to use more ACV or lemon juice in my food lately.  I don't think it can hurt in moderation.

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Yep moderation like a tsp or two to a glass then drink with a straw so it does not erode enamel.
 I slowly been weaning off PPIs and I got off them middle of my UC flare.

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Corinne D.
On 12/20/2019 at 1:50 AM, Ennis_TX said:

Stock, Bone Broth, Bone Broth Powder, Collagen Powder, and Beef Protein Isolate (grass fed) no issues at all. EVER

The Magnesium is working 16-20g twice a day and no vomiting. Really runny stools, but nothing like when my UC was flaring a few months ago....yeah I know the UC meds are working UC is painful...like you do not leave the bathroom floor except to have painful BMs and spend half the day in there. And you have bloody stools.

Ginger...I have been making some light ginger drinks, the past few days to help. I find I really have to water it down so it does not have the burn/bite.
The issue with the vomiting...is hte food does not break down. 3,6, up to 12 hours later undigested solids would just come back up. I found that food just stopped moving through my stomach/small intestines and the pipes just seemed to back up.. the effect would last all day once it started.
Amusingly this issue started back up again as soon as I got on the UC meds before I had nut butters and protein powders back in the diet...as soon as the constant D from UC resolved the back up started happening. Nut butters seem to sink and go through fine, the issues are solid nuts, solid meats (yes I found I can eat a blended steak shake..and the brisket was fine as a shake I did test this....no it did not taste that great....needed sauce) and anything that floated on water would float on my stomach acid and trigger vomiting a few hours later.

In the end I am going to bring this up with my GI doc, I am only going to use the magnesium method to get me through the holidays so I am not vomiting everything and can enjoy them. January 2nd I am starting a bone broth fast to jump into it and the AIP diet.


A bone broth fast sounds like a good idea! Just be careful when you decide to reintroduce solids, to try each food in isolation and monitor reactions.

Have you tried veal instead of beef? The meat is both leaner and more tender, so maybe you would digest it easier. Another idea would be to try to make some liver pâté - chicken, veal or pork would work well - to boost your nutrients a little. With your culinary inventivity, I'm sure you can find a recipe to make it palatable ;-) (in case you have a problem with liver.) Heart is also lean and nutrient-dense, I cannot recommend it enough. Because, speaking of AIP, I think it's important that you get as much quality nutrients as possible to help you through the disease.

Hang in there and have a lovely Xmas with your family!

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