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Febuary 2020



So life has been crazy and busy, I got a new truck, a retired ambulance to be honest and have been working on modifications to work as a RV and a work truck. Ran into a bunch of issues the previous owner forgot to mention about the engine...Bad A/C Compressor, Fuel filters way past change time, fuel leak (leaking on top of engine...yes I am driving it with this), misfires on 2 cylinders and low fuel flow (this is built on a diesel 2011 Ford F350- base) The generator has me concerned also, it works fine but at over 107,000 hours is near the ends of its life if they have not rebuilt it (that is a $5K generator). I have honestly burned through most of my savings trying to get this thing and fix it so I can travel again. >.< I need money or some philanthropist to just offer to pay for repairs proper and at a shop and give me a new generator. 

Stomach issues, I tracked down some new issues, Nutritional Yeast is a new intolerance...only tolerated in small amounts...so like garlic, onions, and spices only tolerated in tiny amounts before vomiting.
I still have issues with textures...so buttered nuts/seed into a smooth spread I am fine...chew them or have any pieces in a rough flour/meal will trigger vomiting...picky stomach with texture issues and easy irritation?
So my diet has been consisting of mostly egg dishes..I can blend steak, bacon, ground turkey sausage or meet balls into with a nutribullet then scramble and I am fine....oddly the same foods not blended cause vomiting...I am very hopeful and confident these issues will go away in time. I got to admit I have a odd new stable, 4505 pork rinds lightly crushed and scrambled with eggs, like my mothers migas in texture..if soaked first they have a soft potato texture then I just season with salt, pepper, and some Miyokos Mozz and I can digest fine.
My GI track is still a issue with BMs and regulating them....Lower my magnesium and constipation with vomiting, raise it just a gram or two and liquid 12+ times a day.....I am going to see about doing a more carnivore diet and remove my nut/seed butters and greens and do more bone broth/collagen shots for gut health. Should be able to lower magnesium if there is nothing to cause a back up.

My landlord will probably sell my building soon with my house and kitchen in it -_-. I am being offered enough money to MAYBE build out a new place but it is going to be very close. To make it sustainable with my life I will need my commercial kitchen to do catering, and my living area, inside the city and built to code..I have plans but this looks really hard to do under the price I am given...and no there is no place that will work already built and I would not trust a used gluten kitchen. This has been stressing me out like crazy.

Have a new menu item down that got great reviews and is super simple, make ground turkey breast patties, grill them and chop, serve over my house salad blend with crisped bacon pieces, a seasoning blend of my own making and Primal Kitchen Caesar Dressing.  Thinking $7 on these and my rounded up cost is a bit under $5 for a full takeout clamshell.
Also working on a walking taco using 1oz bags of 4505 Pork Rinds...pricing is a issue when you start loading these...not cheap using real whole beef, salsa, guacamole, and cashew queso.



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Awol cast iron stomach

On goodness Ennis the building being sold  is tough at this stage when you are trying to get you catering truck up and running. I do hope that this all works out in your favor. 

Losing nutritional yeast that's also a hardship as I think you often used it in your regime. The things many of us do to keep the body happy.

On my end I have begun to react badly to fragrances, and freshners more than ever before. I know it sounds odd to most.  I passed by someone shortly after they sprayed some Axe body spray aersol. The migraine/vestibular migraine symptoms hit before I actually smelled it was a fragrance, I have been trigger sensitive since. I asked what they had sprayed so I could avoid it in the future. I then reacted to my Dentists office air freshener and had to step outside although my symptoms took off and didn't cease despite it being removed.

I hope things improve for you home and work wise, and both of us find some new found health stabilization for the spring.

Best wishes on healing up.

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knitty kitty

Hi, Ennis! 

I hope your ambulance works out for you.  There's a technical school nearby that rebuilt a man's truck when it was stolen and trashed.  I wonder if a technical school near you would be interested in helping to refit your truck. 

Are you supplementing calcium?  Calcium and magnesium need a balance.  I remember you don't do dairy, and I wondered if you were getting enough calcium from your diet. 

I noticed your diet has lots of high sulfur foods (eggs, bacon, sausage, nuts and seeds, bones broth, garlic, onions, and nutritional yeast). 

Awol mentioned her sensitivity to perfumes. This happened to me, too.  Oh, the migraines were so bad!  Perfumes contain LOTS of Sulfites.  I have a hypersensitivity to sulfur, sulfites, sulfates.  If it's airborne, I get migraines and my head stuffs up immediately, and asthma attacks.  If it's in medicine, my DH flares, I get very sick to my stomach, and, oh, horrible stuff happens.  One of these articles below says that taking a sublingual B12 at onset of symptoms helps. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm hopeful.  

I found improvement by removing foods high in sulfur from my diet.  And I supplemented with molybdenum, calcium, magnesium, B12, and B6. The molybdenum really helps! 

Open Original Shared Link

And managing sulfite sensitivity.....

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And what a high sulfur environment does to our gut bacteria....(really surprising!).....

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And molybdenum...

Open Original Shared Link

I hope this helps!  




Edited by knitty kitty
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