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Save ThePaleoMom.com Website

Scott Adams


Dr. Sarah needs our help! The Paleo Mom website has been caught up in a ransomware attack on someone else. Until the target of this cyber attack resolves the situation, Dr. Sarah's site can not be restored. It is a situation completely out of Dr. Sarah's control, and she now has to face the daunting task of rebuilding her site from the ground up. So many of you, as have I, know and appreciate her important work in our community. The only way The Paleo Mom site can exist again is if we come together as a community to save it. 

You can find all the details about this incident, including ways you can help by donating or buying a nerdtastic T-shirt, on her temporary landing page: https://www.thepaleomom.com 

Celiac.com Sponsor (A13):

What happened

Basically, my website is being held hostage in a ransomware attack that is not targeted against me. Yeah, sounds convoluted. Here's what I know:

My website service provider, BizBudding, develops and hosts websites for hundreds of bloggers, businesses, and creators. Part of BizBudding's infrastructure uses a cloud service provider called 365 Data Centers.

On Saturday May 14th, there was a ransomware attack targeting a third party whose data is stored in a dedicated environment on 365 Data Centers' cloud platform; but the cyber-attacker broadened the attack so it ended up affecting all of 365 Data Centers' northeast data centers. This unprecedented outage is continuing to affect both our primary and backup systems. Thousands of websites went offline as a result of this cyber attack, from hospitals to fortune 500 companies, including 365 Data Center's own website (which is also hosted by BizBudding).

Unfortunately, the third-party circumstances have not yet been resolved, which is preventing 365 Data Centers from moving ahead in the recovery process. 365 Data Centers can not initiate restoration of my website (or anyone else's who is affected) until the ransomware attack is resolved on all fronts.

While 365 Data Centers is still unable to retrieve our data, they have confirmed that, aside from the targeted third party, no data was taken from the 365 Data Centers cloud environment and there are no on-going threats in the environment. Independent cyber experts, brought in by 365 Data Centers, have confirmed that no customer data has been accessed, and have repeatedly provided assurance that my website data is intact, protected, secure, and encrypted.

To be clear: my site has not been ransomed nor has my data been affected, but it is still being held hostage in a situation that is 100% out of my control. I do not know who the third party who has been attacked with ransomware is, nor why they have not yet resolved the situation. Nor do I know who the hacker is. I also do not understand why 360 Data Centers has been unable to provide BizBudding with our backups.

What my option is now...

Bizbudding has been absolutely amazing and responsive through this incredibly stressful situation. They are working diligently on a plan to rebuild my site from the ground up, using old locally-stored backups, web archives, and files stored on my and my team's computers. The way I write is in word docs and I keep everything, so all of my content exists in some form or other. There is a path for all of the valuable resources that you have come to rely on to exist online again. However, the process of rebuilding my site is going to be costly and time intensive, which is why I need your help.

Visit my site to find out more about how to help get it back online:


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knitty kitty

I bought Dr. Sarah coffee!  

Dr. Sarah's Autoimmune Protocol Diet changed my life! 

Let's donate to help save her website!

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