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A couple of weeks ago or so I started noticing GI issues. Occasional bouts of loose stool, stirrings of colitis, incontinence - all completely at odds with my usual experience. It had been more than 6 months since my last hookworm inoculation so I knew it was time to re-up.

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Things have changed since I started with Helminthic Therapy. I got hooked up with the Helminthic Therapy Support Group on Facebook and a contact there suggested I try another provider, one that used courier tracking and was considerably faster and cheaper to boot. It's been only 9 days since ordering but the envelope arrived today.

Application took all of two minutes and I felt the tingling start almost immediately. That sensation was the larvae detecting my body heat, finding and then borrowing through my skin looking for a blood supply. It's been a couple of hours now and I assume nearly all the larvae are in my circulation now.

It takes time for them to mature and start working. To be on the safe side I intend on going gluten-free for the next 3–4 weeks until the hookworms have matured and get to work regulating my immune system. Next time I'll order sooner.





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