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A two for four incubation



Last week I set four small jars going, and today I gave them a look. Two of the jars were completely devoid of larvae. The other two were "B-" results, enough for inoculation but would require a fair amount of work collecting the larvae as the observed quantity was low. Think maybe 5% of best jars I've seen so far.

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I'm becoming convinced this is truly all about the quantity of eggs in the stool. If the colony is having an off day and not releasing many eggs, resulting incubations will always fare poorly, simple as that. That means incubating will forever be something of a crap shoot, requiring multiple jars and allowances being made for complete failure. However, turn around time being only a week, there should always be enough time for additional incubation attempts before experiencing a hookworm gut die off.

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For those curious, the ongoing cost of doing an incubation is less than a dollar. That's for the consumables such as bleach, paper towels and the coffee filters. The jars, pipettes, and Petri dishes are reusable. The biggest cost involved in incubation is of course the microscope, but with care that item should last a lifetime.

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