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Still Not Symptom Free - Any Advice?

bluff wallace


I have just been diagnosed with celiac disease. Positive blood test and Positive biopsy. Lucky me only minimal damage. I have been gluten free for 3 weeks now and have not had any changes in symptoms. My symptom is severe abdominal bloating 24 hrs a day and it is not any better. Does it take a long time for symptoms to go away.... Any advice????


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It takes some people longer to reap the benefits of the the gluten-free diet. I was better immediately as was my brother....I mean, like two days. Some people suffer longer.

My guess is that you are getting gluten from a hidden source. Check your food carefully. Do you know what to look for? What kinds of foods do you eat - prepackaged stuff, fresh meats and veggies?

I had a lot of surprises when I started on the gluten-free diet. Even now I miss something here and there. E.g. My fav fish place batters all of their fried seafood in cornmeal and hushpuppies are made of cornmeal - nothing has wheat flour in it. So I was eating there frequently, but feeling queasy afterwards sometimes. We happened to arrive one evening just as they were making their hushpuppy batter and my husband saw them pouring beer into it. I had no idea that people put beer in hushpuppies! That was it - I was getting glutened by the beer (barley malt).

Another thought - about 50% of people with celiac disease also are lactose intolerant. It's possible that you could be, too. The good news is that the lactose intolerance often goes away eventually. I discovered that my son was lactose intolerant at about age 2. Then when he was 14, we discovered he has celiac disease. He's on a gluten-free diet and his lactose intolerance is completely gone.
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I have been on a gluten free diet for 10 months, and still have some problems. I had to check with the manufacturer about a lip gloss I have used for years. (Bonny Bell is NOT gluten free). Also the Dr. at the Mayo Clinic that I am seeing told me it can take anywhere from 6 months to a year for your intestines to heal. I have been very cautious about what I eat, I even cary an ingredients label of things I can't have with me everywhere I go. A great book to get to help you understand everything is called "Celiac Disease, A Hidden Epidemic". Hope this helps you out some!!
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