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    Lindsay Cochrane

    Lindsay Cochrane is an ESL teacher currently re-residing in Toronto after a 1.2 year hiatus in Asia as a teacher at ECY Kid’s Land Foreign Language School, in Anyang City, Kyeonggi do, South Korea. She enjoys teaching, reading, writing, keeping abreast of current events, studying French, volunteering, spending time with family and friends, dancing (badly), singing karaoke (even worse), and putting on her pajamas as early as possible.

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    Is the Canadian Celiac Association Spreading Fear and Misinformation About Gluten Free Cheerios?
    Celiac.com 12/19/2017 - The Canadian Celiac Association (CCA) finds itself facing questions of rumor-mongering and inaccuracy in the face of its ongoing comments about General Mills and Gluten Free Cheerios.
    The CCA recently retracted a controversial October 20 press release in the face of questions about the accuracy and validity of its statements. The retraction reads as follows: "The CCA retracts its statement of October 20, 2017 and replaces it with this statement due to errors in the original statement." They retracted every claim made in the first press release. 
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    Are Enzymes Effective Against Gluten Contamination?
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    Jean Duane PhD
    Gluten-Centric Culture: The Commensality Conundrum - Chapter 1 - Are You Kidding?
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    At the emergency room, I was confronted with seven different doctors, one at a time, who ask me if I have taken illicit or pharmaceutical drugs, or been exposed to fertilizer or dioxin. They told me that I was having a systemic chemical reaction. They prescribed steroids and antihistamines. They said the rash exposes my body to bacteria and instructed me to buy a thick sweat suit to wear on...

    Jean Duane PhD
    Gluten-Centric Culture: The Commensality Conundrum - Chapter 2 - Ideologies In Our Gluten-Centric Society
    Celiac.com 06/25/2021 - Chapters of Gluten-Centric Culture – The Commensality Conundrum are being published quarterly in the Journal of Gluten Sensitivity. Dr. Duane will be holding small discussion workshops starting July, 2021 for those interested in diving into the material in the book (please see below for details). Ideologies as explained in chapter one can be summarized as taken for granted truths. These "truths" govern how we interact with each other. Dr. Duane conducted a nation-wide study of over 600 people who live with food sensitivities while earning her PhD. This work is the result of that study. Throughout the document, study participants are quoted. Names have been changed to protect the identity of study participants.
    Ideologies evolve and change depending on cultural n...

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    1. - Hopeful1950 posted a topic in Gluten-Free Foods, Products, Shopping & Medications

      Metabolic Meals delivery service

    2. - Wheatwacked replied to hilly's topic in Post Diagnosis, Recovery & Treatment of Celiac Disease

      Extreme bloating even gluten-free

    3. - MaximilianKohler replied to Dave-C's topic in Related Issues & Disorders

      Seeking Advice about Fecal Transplant to Treat Celiac Disease

    4. - cristiana replied to hilly's topic in Post Diagnosis, Recovery & Treatment of Celiac Disease

      Extreme bloating even gluten-free

    5. - cristiana replied to Ginger38's topic in Celiac Disease Pre-Diagnosis, Testing & Symptoms

      Shaking/Tremors and Off Balance

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