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    Little Northern Bakehouse: Back-to-School Sandwiches. Gluten-free AND Allergy-friendly.

    Reviewed and edited by a celiac disease expert.

    Helping you take the stress out of back-to-school lunch for you and your kids doesn’t end with our gluten-free, allergy-friendly White Wide Slice bread.

    Little Northern Bakehouse: Back-to-School Sandwiches. Gluten-free AND Allergy-friendly. - Image: Little Northern Bakehouse
    Caption: Image: Little Northern Bakehouse

    Celiac.com 06/26/2023 - Take some of the stress out of back-to-school lunch for your gluten-free kids. When you pack a sandwich on Little Northern Bakehouse White Wide Slice bread, you’re giving them a lunch with all the joy of the real thing—gluten-free AND allergy-friendly. 

    With its fluffy, kid-friendly texture and sizeable slices made with sandwich-making in mind, White Wide Slice proves going without gluten doesn’t mean giving up great taste or settling for a smaller slice.

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    But don’t let that softness fool you. Where the dust-dry breads in the not-so-distant gluten-free history books crumbled like chalk under pressure and failed to support the simplest fillings, Little Northern Bakehouse White Wide Slice loaf aces every school lunch test.

    These tender slices have the strength to stand up to serious sandwich stacking—or a vigorous bounce around the playground inside your kid’s backpack before the morning bell! (And the substance to satisfy triple-decker teenage appetites, too). 

    On top of being deliciously gluten-free, our White Wide Slice bread is plant-based, Non-GMO Project Verified, and allergy-friendly. With no peanuts, tree-nuts, milk, eggs, wheat, soy, coconut, or sesame, these school-safe slices are perfect for building packable lunches that appeal to kids, picky preteens, and grown-ups alike.

    School can be tough for gluten-free kids and kids with food allergies—and their parents, too. When you pack a nut-free butter and jam sandwich made with Wide White Slice, you’re giving your kids a lunch that looks (and tastes) just like their friends’ and classmates’ lunches. 

    And that means they can enjoy a moment of freedom to just be a regular kid with a non-weird lunch. And you can send a lunch box love note they can read no matter what grade they’re in.

    Helping you take the stress out of back-to-school lunch for you and your kids doesn’t end with our gluten-free, allergy-friendly White Wide Slice bread. LittleNorthernBakehouse.com has a library full of recipes, sandwich-packing tips, lunchbox inspiration—and ideas for breakfast, after-school snacks, weeknight dinners, and dessert, too! 

    So, whether you’re packing the first lunch of the school year, or you’re serving strawberry jam on spotlessly white bread for a teddy bear picnic playdate, Little Northern Bakehouse has you covered.

    Find Little Northern Bakehouse near you.




    User Feedback

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    We tried this bread and it is awesome! I am about to go back to our local market and purchase more.  Thank you!

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    Guest Fantastic Bread!


    I recently went to a restaurant and had a reuben on this bread and it was awesome! Even though the sauerkraut and Russian dressing add moisture to a reuben, the bread stayed together and was delicious! I asked our server if she could find out what kind of bread they used, and she happily told me and said many people had asked about it. 

    I will definitely check my local WalMart to see if they carry it! 

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    Guest Deb

    Their products may be gluten free but they are not corn free for those who must avoid corn.  So it's a no-go for me.

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    This bread line is my family’s new favorite.  Best of all, no Xanthan gum which means I can eat it too!  I had a delicious grill cheese sandwich with sliced tomatoes (fresh from my garden) for lunch today.  

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