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    John B. Symes, D.V.M.

    John B. Symes, AKA “DogtorJ”, DVM is a veterinarian who has been practicing veterinary medicine for over twenty-five years.  He graduated with honors from Auburn University in 1979 and followed that with an internship at the prestigious Angell Memorial Animal Hospital in Boston. 

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    John B. Symes, D.V.M.
    Food Intolerance—Man and Animals versus Gluten, Casein, Soy, and Corn
    Celiac.com 05/16/2020 - Yes, I’m “just a vet,” but I have realized something very important.  If MDs studied veterinary medicine like I have studied human medicine, we would be a lot further down the road toward solving many medical puzzles.
    For instance, dogs get multiple sclerosis (MS).  We call it degenerative myelopathy.  It occurs primarily in large breed dogs, with German Shepherds being the number one victim.  In fact, the condition in the dog is so similar to that in people that it was once thought that humans may have contracted it from dogs.  (As canine distemper virus is a paramyxovirus, and with measles and mumps being paramyxoviruses, such transmission may be possible, especially when we see that many viruses that afflict humans are harbored in animals).  If the dist...

    Laura Wesson
    Other Food Intolerances
    Celiac.com 04/30/2021 - According to Dangerous Grains by Dr. Ron Hoggan and James Braly, M.D., intolerances to foods other than gluten are the most common reason that people continue to have health problems after they've gone on a gluten-free diet.  Yet, from the hundreds of emails I've gotten from people on the celiac email list, and from online forums, I've found that many people don't investigate other food intolerances, even though they suffer from health problems that likely could be cured by eliminating problem foods.
    I was sick for five months solid in the summer of 2004, after I'd adopted a gluten-free diet.  I would get up in the morning feeling half well; I'd get my shopping done first thing in the morning. Then I'd go home and lapse into a semi-stuporous state.  I woul...

    John B. Symes, D.V.M.
    Lectins Explain So Much
    Celiac.com 05/28/2021 - In my search for medical answers, the study of lectins did explain so much.  (e.g. The “Lectin Report. Once we see that these harmful glycoproteins, especially those from gluten, dairy, soy and corn, can cause tissue damage/inflammation all by themselves, without an immune response, things really start making sense. The immune response is secondary to that damage, which helps to explain why we see such variation in the measurable response by different individuals. Some will respond with an outpouring of antibodies yielding positive tests while others will not, thus helping to explain the negative tests in individuals who end up responding quite well to the elimination diet when employ it despite those negative tests. 
    These dietary glycoproteins are also a b...

    John B. Symes, D.V.M.
    Lectins Meet Livers at the Fat Chance Saloon
    Celiac.com 08/11/2021 - It takes a well-trained CIA operative to decipher some of this stuff.  If the consumption of fat is thought to contribute to fatty liver (which it doesn’t), then why is it found in the context of starvation?  Why is alcoholism the leading cause of fatty liver disease in people?  And why does gastric bypass surgery, which involves a dramatic reduction in calories, trigger fatty liver disease?  This same surgery is also associated with the precipitous development of iron deficiency anemia, bone density issues (osteoporosis) and immune failure in many cases.  The morbidity rate following this harmful surgical invention is staggeringly high, and totally explainable.  They’re making acute surgical celiacs out of these people.  The symptoms they show could be the direct ...

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    1. - cristiana replied to sadiec123's topic in Post Diagnosis, Recovery & Treatment of Celiac Disease

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    3. - Wheatwacked replied to sadiec123's topic in Post Diagnosis, Recovery & Treatment of Celiac Disease

      mental health struggles

    4. - trents replied to sadiec123's topic in Post Diagnosis, Recovery & Treatment of Celiac Disease

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    5. - Wheatwacked replied to Layu's topic in Celiac Disease Pre-Diagnosis, Testing & Symptoms

      Help plz with results. celiac?

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