Celiac.com 05/20/2010 - The weather is getting warm and it's almost that time again-time to go camping! Camping is supposed to be relaxing and fun. Most people camp to escape the monotony of the daily rut, and to get back to the basics. Eating gluten-free while camping is really easy, once you know what to bring and what to avoid.
Camping trips usually consist of the same easy to prepare foods. Chili, pasta, canned soups, hot chocolate, sandwiches, hot cereal, trail mix and s'mores are the high-lights of most camping meals. All of those things can easily be prepared gluten-free. In fact, many gluten-free already prepared foods can be used for camping trips. Anything canned or boxed that you normally enjoy at home, can typically be converted to camping food.
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It is important to eat the perishable foods first. A camping trip lasting for more than one night can render perishable foods inedible. That's why it's important to eat refrigerated food on the first day or two, and save the shelf-stable food for the remainder of the trip. Store perishables in a cooler with plenty of ice and/or cold packs. To grill gluten-free food, avoid gluten contamination by using a grill from home. Using the grill provided at the camping site is possible, but using aluminum foil or a pan as a buffer will keep food away from gluten contamination. There are even special racks with ridges that can be placed on the the grill and will keep food from touching the grill.
Two Day Sample Meal Plan (everything should be gluten-free):
Day 1-- Breakfast-Open Original Shared Link with fresh berries and real maple syrup
- Snack- Open Original Shared Link
- Lunch- Sandwiches with Open Original Shared Link
- Snack- Carrots & celery sticks
- Dinner- Instant mashed potatoes, instant gravy, grilled meat and/or veggies.
- Dessert- S'mores (see recipe below)
- Breakfast- Open Original Shared Link with fresh berries or raisins
- Open Original Shared Link
- Lunch- Sandwiches
- Snack- Open Original Shared Link
- Dinner-Open Original Shared Link,Open Original Shared Link, Open Original Shared Link, canned vegetables
- Dessert- Open Original Shared Link
Gluten-Free S'mores Recipe

- Open Original Shared Link
- Open Original Shared Link
Open Original Shared Link
1. Put your marshmallow on a fire safe skewer. Heat the marshmallow over an open flame until it begins to brown and melt.
2. Break the graham cracker in half. Sandwich the chocolate between the cracker and the hot marshmallow. Allow the chocolate to melt and the marshmallow to cool a moment before eating.
3. Add strawberries or other gluten-free favorites.
Happy Trails!
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