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    Jefferson Adams

    Jefferson Adams is Celiac.com's senior writer and Digital Content Director. He earned his B.A. and M.F.A. at Arizona State University. His articles, essays, poems, stories and book reviews have appeared in numerous magazines, journals, and websites, including North American Project, Antioch Review, Caliban, Mississippi Review, Slate, and more. He is the author of more than 2,500 articles on celiac disease. His university coursework includes studies in science, scientific methodology, biology, anatomy, physiology, medicine, logic, and advanced research. He previously devised health and medical content for Colgate, Dove, Pfizer, Sharecare, Walgreens, and more. Jefferson has spoken about celiac disease to the media, including an appearance on the KQED radio show Forum, and is the editor of numerous books, including "Cereal Killers" by Scott Adams and Ron Hoggan, Ed.D.



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  • Related Articles

    Jefferson Adams
    Celiac.com 01/25/2013 - Faced with calls to accommodate rising numbers of gluten-free parishioners, more Christian churches and are increasingly offering a gluten-free option for those rising numbers of gluten-free members who seek to take communion.
    A number of churches in the US and the UK have already taken measures to accommodate gluten-free members with gluten-free and low-gluten offerings.
    And while there is still a bit of wrangling in the Catholic church in the US about the acceptable gluten-content of communion wafers, it looks like more traditional Catholic and Anglican churches in Australia are now joining ranks in offering a gluten-free communion option for their parishioners.
    According to Mike Grieger, whose Australian Church Resources organization sells gluten-free...

    Jefferson Adams
    Catholic Church Votes to Address Gluten-free Communion Issues
    Celiac.com 11/26/2014 - Catholics with celiac disease received some hopeful news recently, when the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops voted overwhelmingly in favor of drafting of a revision to the Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities. The vote was 207 bishops in favor and one against, with one abstention.
    The bishops voted to change the guideline to accommodate people with celiac disease and others who cannot consume wheat, and have been unable to take full communion.
    Because churches are required to serve communion wafers that contain wheat, numerous people have been unable to consume the wafers, and have thereby been missing out on what many deem to be a crucial part of communion.
    Some Catholic churches have tried to accommodate...

    Jefferson Adams
    No, A Pastor Was Not Just Defrocked for Failing to Serve Gluten-Free Communion
    Celiac.com 04/12/2016 - A mainline Protestant pastor has not been found guilty of failing to serve gluten-free bread during communion and has not been defrocked for said indiscretion.
    An article credited to one Ligonberry Fields, described as a "Buzzvine Contributor," recently appeared on the Christianpost and stated that one Frankie Shaver was relieved of her duties as senior pastor of Cheap Grace United Methodist Church on Wednesday, after being found guilty by a tribunal headed by members of the Kansas-Alabama Board of Ordained Ministry (KA BOOM).
    The article included what appear to be numerous attempts at humor, many lost or muddled due to questionable syntax.
    Consider this description of "one UMCer, who requested anonymity and gender inclusive language when speaking to the...

    Jefferson Adams
    Vatican Bans Gluten-Free Bread for Holy Communion
    Celiac.com 07/31/2017 - For a time, it looked like gluten-free Catholics might be able to take full communion with special gluten-free wafers.
    But, gluten-free Catholics hoping to enjoy both the wine and the bread of a full communion had their hopes dashed this week, when the Church put the kibosh on gluten-free communion wafers.
    The decision was announced in a letter to bishops by Cardinal Robert Sarah, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, and read, in part:

    "The bread used in the celebration of the Most Holy Eucharistic Sacrifice must be unleavened, purely of wheat, and recently made so that there is no danger of decomposition...It follows therefore that bread made from another substance, even if it is grain, or if it is mixed with another substance...

  • Recent Activity

    1. - Scott Adams replied to amandavc's topic in Post Diagnosis, Recovery & Treatment of Celiac Disease

      Change in Symptoms

    2. - Scott Adams replied to glucel's topic in Post Diagnosis, Recovery & Treatment of Celiac Disease

      folic acid vs folate

    3. - Wheatwacked replied to Jane07's topic in Gluten-Free Foods, Products, Shopping & Medications

      What everyone favorite Gluten Free Bread?

    4. - Scott Adams replied to MCS's topic in Gluten-Free Foods, Products, Shopping & Medications

      Gluten and lactose free ice cream?

    5. - Scott Adams replied to Jane07's topic in Gluten-Free Foods, Products, Shopping & Medications

      What everyone favorite Gluten Free Bread?

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