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    Jefferson Adams

    Man Claims Hookworm Treatment Led to Remission of Celiac Disease

    Reviewed and edited by a celiac disease expert.

    Can hookworms really trigger remission of celiac disease? Yes, according to a man who says he's living symptom-free since receiving hookworm treatment for his celiac disease. 

    Man Claims Hookworm Treatment Led to Remission of Celiac Disease - Hookworm. Image: CC BY 2.0--Michael Wunderli
    Caption: Hookworm. Image: CC BY 2.0--Michael Wunderli

    Celiac.com 12/16/2022 - Recently, an interesting discussion thread popped onto our celiac disease and gluten-free forum. A member of the forum, going by the handle @dixonpete, claims his celiac disease went into remission after treatment with hookworms.

    Moreover, he claims that he is essentially cured, and able to eat gluten with no side effects, and has had at least one recent negative follow up tTG antibody test to back this up.

    History of Hookworm Infection to Treat Celiac Disease

    Celiac.com Sponsor (A12):
    We've done more than a few articles on the potential to use hookworms to treat celiac disease. We've done a number of articles on hookworms as the potential future of celiac disease treatment, including: 

    Previously, we'd only reported data from various studies, some of which looked promising. Until recently we had never heard directly from anyone claiming to have gone through hookworm treatment firsthand.

    Because he is the first person we've heard from who claims direct experience with hookworm treatment for celiac disease, the information furnished by @dixonpete to the thread might be of interest to anyone who might be interested in the possibility of receiving hookworm treatment.

    Hookworms seem to work, at least partly, by blocking the inflammatory response in the gut of the host. One of the benefits of this treatment is that the hookworms may also block the gut's immune response to gluten in people with celiac disease.

    Could Hookworm Treatment Allow Celiacs to Eat Gluten Again?

    At this time, there's no data to confirm that hookworm treatment "cures" celiac disease in the classic sense of the word. In theory, if the hookworms were eliminated, then the celiac disease could return. And the hookworms don't reproduce, so you need just the right amount in the gut, but not too much.

    The current hypothesis is that the hookworms simply block the immune inflammatory response when people with celiac disease eat gluten. But even that remains unclear, and not well-supported by data. Clearly more studies need to be done to verify whether hookworms present a viable alternative for people with celiac disease.  A single example of this possibly working in real life isn't enough data to support the claim that the treatment should work for all celiacs. In fact, @dixonpete admits himself that he was suffering from both celiac disease and other conditions that drove his decision. Still, it's a compelling story. For more information, read the full discussion thread and the related articles.

    If hookworms prove to be effective treatment for celiac disease, would you be willing to consider a hookworm infection to treat your celiac disease? Let us know in the comments below.  

    User Feedback

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    John Scott
    15 hours ago, Guest Vicky said:

    Wouldn’t it be the drugs used for the treatment of the worms that may make the differences? I don’t think anyone is suggesting getting infected with the parasite cured them!

    There are indeed people who are saying that hosting benign helminths has put their diseases into remission. There are many thousands of helminth self-treaters spread around the world who are enjoying vastly improved health as a result of replacing a few helminths. See the three studies listed at the following link.
    The rewards of re-worming

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    John Scott
    3 hours ago, trents said:

    Do you know what the average lifespan of Vikings was? I am always skeptical of people associating healing powers to this or that food or health practice of ancient peoples that usually died before the age of 40. And if the Vikings were in fact healthier than other people groups of the period, was it because of hookworms or in spite of them and actually do to other factors?

    The Vikings weren't unique in hosting helminths. Everyone in the world had at least one type of helminth at some point during their lives up until their population became industrialised. Every archaeological dig finds helminth-rich coprolites - if they bother to look for them, of course. Ötzi, "the Iceman" had human whipworms (Trichuris trichiura) in his gut, and King Richard III of England had the roundworm, Ascaris lumbricoides. 

    History is actually very revealing about how our loss of helminths to industrialisation screwed up our health, and how replacing a few mutualistic worms can improve our health.
    The history of helminthic therapy

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    18 minutes ago, John Scott said:

    The Vikings weren't unique in hosting helminths. Everyone in the world had at least one type of helminth at some point during their lives up until their population became industrialised. Every archaeological dig finds helminth-rich coprolites - if they bother to look for them, of course. Ötzi, "the Iceman" had human whipworms (Trichuris trichiura) in his gut, and King Richard III of England had the roundworm, Ascaris lumbricoides. 

    History is actually very revealing about how our loss of helminths to industrialisation screwed up our health, and how replacing a few mutualistic worms can improve our health.
    The history of helminthic therapy

    If the Vikings weren't unique in this, then how is it that health benefits have been ascribed to helminth infestation? And although there are many reasons for this, it is still true that lifespans have increased dramatically since industrialization.

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    Scott Adams

    Yes, in fact the average human lifespan has more than doubled in the last 120 years, which can be attributed to better medicine, vaccines, fertilizer, pesticides, access to clean water, better nutrition, increased crop yields, etc.

    Still, if hookworms can provide what might be the first true cure for celiac disease and allow, at least some of them, to eat gluten again without issues, it's definitely worth more study and research. My thought here is that it is important to discover the source of exactly how the infection regulates an overactive immune system, and perhaps that could lead to a drug or vaccine that would provide the same effect, without the need to host a parasite.

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    18 minutes ago, Scott Adams said:

    Yes, in fact the average human lifespan has more than doubled in the last 120 years, which can be attributed to better medicine, vaccines, fertilizer, pesticides, access to clean water, better nutrition, increased crop yields, etc.

    Still, if hookworms can provide what might be the first true cure for celiac disease and allow, at least some of them, to eat gluten again without issues, it's definitely worth more study and research. My thought here is that it is important to discover the source of exactly how the infection regulates an overactive immune system, and perhaps that could lead to a drug or vaccine that would provide the same effect, without the need to host a parasite.

    Totally agree. And for all the faults of "big pharma", it is also true that big pharma has given us many valuable health and wellness tools. Same with "big tech". Same with capitalism in general. Progress nearly always contains a mixture of negative and positive dimensions, evil and good.

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    17 minutes ago, Scott Adams said:

    My thought here is that it is important to discover the source of exactly how the infection regulates an overactive immune system, and perhaps that could lead to a drug or vaccine that would provide the same effect, without the need to host a parasite.

    Hosting isn't as bad as it sounds. For me, it's a biennial event that takes probably 10 minutes of my time from ordering to application. The rash from the entry wound is unsightly but heals up and disappears. Most of the problem have with hookworms is fear.

    There are things to learn. The right number and frequency, how not to injure the hookworms by eating the wrong thing or taking the wrong drug. The Wiki has all that in spades, and the Helminthic Therapy Support Group on Facebook can answer any questions.

    Research into making drugs based on helminths has been going on for years. It'll get there. In the meantime I have my solution. The cost is manageable and there are no side effects, besides that painless, temporary rash.



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    7 minutes ago, dixonpete said:

    Hosting isn't as bad as it sounds. For me, it's a biennial event that takes probably 10 minutes of my time from ordering to application. The rash from the entry wound is unsightly but heals up and disappears. Most of the problem have with hookworms is fear.

    There are things to learn. The right number and frequency, how not to injure the hookworms by eating the wrong thing or taking the wrong drug. The Wiki has all that in spades, and the Helminthic Therapy Support Group on Facebook can answer any questions.

    Research into making drugs based on helminths has been going on for years. It'll get there. In the meantime I have my solution. The cost is manageable and there are no side effects, besides that painless, temporary rash.



    Well said, fair and balanced!

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    18 minutes ago, dixonpete said:

    Hosting isn't as bad as it sounds. For me, it's a biennial event that takes probably 10 minutes of my time from ordering to application. The rash from the entry wound is unsightly but heals up and disappears. Most of the problem have with hookworms is fear.

    There are things to learn. The right number and frequency, how not to injure the hookworms by eating the wrong thing or taking the wrong drug. The Wiki has all that in spades, and the Helminthic Therapy Support Group on Facebook can answer any questions.

    Research into making drugs based on helminths has been going on for years. It'll get there. In the meantime I have my solution. The cost is manageable and there are no side effects, besides that painless, temporary rash.



    On the other hand, it could be the case that the way helminth therapy works (at least for some) is not based on a particular biochemical compound or compounds they secrete but the dynamic way these parasites interact with the human immune system. This would be the essence of them being immune system "modulators". If this is the case, it may not be effective to simply identify the biochemical or chemicals involved and isolate them in medication form.

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    1 minute ago, trents said:

    On the other hand, it could be the case that the way helminth therapy works (at least for some) is not based on a particular biochemical compound or compounds they secrete but the dynamic way these parasites interact with the human immune system. This would be the essence of them being immune system "modulators". If this is the case, it may not be effective to simply identify the biochemical or chemicals involved and isolate them in medication form.

    I hear that refrain a lot in the group. Meds will never be able to replace helminths that have evolved for millions of years to work with the mammalian immune system, and with Necator adapted specifically to human hosts.

    Maybe it'll be possible, maybe not, but researchers certainly have their work cut out for them. And the cost of such drugs when they do arrive? Possibly stratospheric.

    We have a subgroup of 1000 members or so who incubate eggs from their own stool. Microscopes and such. For them the cost is set up (microscope), and supplies (charcoal, bleach, etc). Me I'd rather work the extra hours and pay rather than mess with all that.

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    In this trial hookworms were ineffective as a treatment or Celiac disease for over 2>gram a day of gluten but helpful for lower amounts.


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    2 minutes ago, Blue-Sky said:

    In this trial hookworms were ineffective as a treatment or Celiac disease.


    My fridge..


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    John Scott
    2 hours ago, trents said:

    If the Vikings weren't unique in this, then how is it that health benefits have been ascribed to helminth infestation? And although there are many reasons for this, it is still true that lifespans have increased dramatically since industrialization.

    Yes, indeed, lifespans have of course increased dramatically since industrialisation, but, in removing our helminths, industrialisation has also robbed us of the essential immune modulation that worms provide.

    Restoring helminths to the gut of a helminth-deficient Westerner completes the machinery that was developed over millennia as a result of our coevolution with worms, and allows the immune system to function as it should.

    The bottom line is that humans need helminths for optimum health.


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    Jefferson Adams

    Jefferson Adams is Celiac.com's senior writer and Digital Content Director. He earned his B.A. and M.F.A. at Arizona State University. His articles, essays, poems, stories and book reviews have appeared in numerous magazines, journals, and websites, including North American Project, Antioch Review, Caliban, Mississippi Review, Slate, and more. He is the author of more than 2,500 articles on celiac disease. His university coursework includes studies in science, scientific methodology, biology, anatomy, physiology, medicine, logic, and advanced research. He previously devised health and medical content for Colgate, Dove, Pfizer, Sharecare, Walgreens, and more. Jefferson has spoken about celiac disease to the media, including an appearance on the KQED radio show Forum, and is the editor of numerous books, including "Cereal Killers" by Scott Adams and Ron Hoggan, Ed.D.



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